Chapter 11

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I woke up suddenly and looked around my room, I turned my head the other way when I felt a arm around my waist.  It was Klaus.  "NICKLAUS" I quietly screamed.  He woke up with a start and so did Katie.  "What is it, love?" I grabbed his arm and moved it off my waist.  "Didn't I tell you not to sleep in my bed" I growled "You allowed me to last night," He said softly.  I realized we were still close, "What?  I was sleeping," He chuckled "You kept saying for me to come to you in your sleep, Love." I glared at him, "I doubt that..." He chuckled and stretched his arms above his head. "Believe it," "No" I rolled across him and landed on my feet.  "I don't sleep talk," He chuckled "Yes you do," I opened my door and looked out, no sign of my mom to be found.  I grabbed a pillow quickly and threw it at him.  He caught it with no problem "Do you really think a pillow will hurt a vampire?" I sighed "Don't judge me, Nicklaus." I opened my door all the way and let Katie out.  I realized he wasn't following, I stuck my head inside my room "You coming or not?" He chuckled once, "I guess I am." Then he was next to me in a second, I rolled my eyes.  I heard a knock at my door and Katie went ballistic.  "Katie enough," I walked to my door "Who's there?" I asked "A friend," I recognized the voice.  Enzo.  I swung open the door quickly "What is it, Enzo?" Klaus came from behind me "Ah, Enzo.  My dear friend." Enzo rolled his eyes "Not close to a friend."  "Enzo" I glared at him trying to get his attention.  "Oh, Yes.  Sorry, Love... Stefan and Damon just had me come and make sure you were alright." I rolled my eyes, "Why?" I looked at Klaus "Did they come last night?" He shrugged "Damon came through your window.  He left as soon as he saw me," I groaned "Great," I looked at Enzo again "Mind bringing me to them?" Enzo shook his head "Not at all, love."  "Okay give me a few minutes to get ready, come in by the way." Enzo stepped in carefully "Thank you," I ran to my room and grabbed sweatpants and a shirt.  I ran to my bathroom and quickly put on my clothes and brushed through my dark brown hair.  I stopped when I heard Klaus and Enzo mention my name.  "Do you love her?" Enzo asked, "She is different, She brings the good into me." Klaus answered "Sounds like love to me," I sighed and they both stopped talking.  I set my brush back into my cabinet and ran out, "Glad to know I bring out the good in someone," I said.  "Enzo lets go." I grabbed my car keys "Yeah... I didn't come by car.  Sorry," Enzo said "Its alright," I opened the door then remembered Klaus.  I looked for Enzo and he was already in my truck, I ran up to Klaus and on my tippy-toes I kissed his cheek, then tried to run out the door but he caught my wrist and kissed me passionately.  He pulled away smiling and I ran out into the cold flustered, as I opened my truck door Enzo commented "Love is beautiful isn't it?" I glared at him "Barely even love." I saw Klaus leaning against the front doors frame in his leather jacket and black jeans... still smiling.  I started my truck and put on the heater, then drove off to Stefan and Damon's house.

*****At the Salvatore House*****

I slammed my door shut and shivered from the cold, Enzo handed me his jacket.  "Thanks," "No problem." It was a little too large but it kept me warm as we walked up the long driveway.  I opened the door and Enzo yelled "Honey I'm home!" I laughed as Bonnie walked up to him and gave him a hug, "Where is your jacket?" She asked, Enzo nodded towards me "Humans get cold too easily." I shrugged "Sorry," I smiled at Bonnie and hugged her.  Damon came from the kitchen "Bon Bon, when did you get here?" Bonnie rolled her eyes, "You need to pay more attention to your surroundings." Damon shrugged as he drank more bourbon from his glass cup.  "So how was your sleepover with Klaus, Maya?" I sighed "He wanted to stay, I didn't even know how he got into my bed." Damon stared at me wide eyed "Uhm..." I hit my head against my wrist "You came before that didn't you," "Yep." I groaned, "Well nothing happened so," "I sure bet something did happen..." Damon said as taking another drink.  Enzo glared at him "Nothing did happen, I did not hear her awaken then do anything besides argue with him.  Plus I knocked on the door and she was there in a matter of seconds, fully clothed." Caroline walked in from upstairs "Do you all mind not talking about sex in front of my kids!?" she roared, then I saw Lizzy and Josie.  "Hey girls," "Aunt Maya!" I said excitedly and hugged my legs "Who's Klus?" Lizzy asked "Its Klaus, and hes a friend of mine." I chuckled "Only thing is he doesn't get any friends." Damon said "That's not very nice, Uncle Damon." Josie lectured.  "Hey kid I'm saying the truth." I glared at him and so did Josie.  "Now you all are ganging up on me?" Damon asked, "I'm hurt." Bonnie laughed and Enzo smiled.  "So what do you need, Damon?  You sent Enzo to come 'Make sure I was okay' so, why wouldn't I be?" Damon shrugged "I still don't trust him," "Does it look like I care what you think?" Damon glared at me "I've known him a lot longer, Maya." I glared back at him "So?  Even ask Enzo- he said I make him a good person." Damon looked at Enzo, "He did say that.." Enzo said, Sticking up for me.  "He could be lying, Maya.  He always lies." I sighed "I'm going to leave before I say something I'll regret."  "Don't leave Aunt Maya," Lizzy cried, "I have to, hon." I kissed the top of her head and Josie's head.  "I'll see you soon, Girls." I gave Enzo back his jacket and left.  I thought about where I could go as I drove down the road, "Home seems like the best option." I sighed and texted Klaus that I would be home, he texted back quicker than I expected.

Klaus: I'll meet you there than xxoo

I smiled down at my phone, when I looked up I saw someone standing in my lane.  I stopped the truck as fast as I could, then I spun the wheel to the right and the car went to the right.  I was taking up the entire road.  I jumped out and ran over to where I saw the person, it was Elijah.  "Was that the brightest idea?" I asked "Possibly no, but I am searching for Nicklaus... Have you seen him?" "He said he was going to meet me at my house," I answered "Mind if I join you on the ride?" He asked "Not at all, get in.  But you're helping me get out of the entire road and back into my lane." He chuckled.  "Alright." He quickly went into the drivers side and put the truck back into its correct lane and got out, then walked to the passenger side door.  I ran over to the drivers side quickly before anyone came then drove to my house.  "Do you know where he was last night?" Elijah asked, staring out at the road and leaning against his arm that was being held up by the door.  "My house," Elijah stared at me "May I ask why?" I shrugged "He wanted to stay the night, and I thought I shouldn't argue with a hybrid." he chuckled "Possibly the best idea you've had all week." I smacked his arm as I kept my eyes on the road, "Jerk." He smiled "By the way... You shouldn't text and drive." I rolled my eyes "it was just Klaus." "Just Klaus." he said back, and I shrugged.  We pulled into my drive way and I saw Klaus sitting on my stairs in his same leather jacket and black jeans.  He narrowed his eyes when he saw Elijah, "Brother?" He asked Elijah "Its Hayley." "What is it?" Elijah took a deep breath "Shes pregnant." Klaus stared at him in disbelief "Who's Hayley?" I asked "Someone I mistakenly slept with." I stared at Klaus than Elijah.  "B-But vampires cant have children...?" I stated, "Nicklaus is a hybrid, part werewolf... Hayley is a werewolf.  Werewolfs can have children," Elijah said.  I saw Klaus' rage rise "This is impossible, you're lying to me.  Do not lie to me brother or I swear on mothers life..." "I am not lying brother.  Do you wish to see for yourself?" Elijah asked and Klaus nodded "Lets just see how wrong you are." Elijah got into the drivers side of my truck and Klaus grabbed my hand then we walked to my truck.  I did not object to Elijah driving as I normally do, knowing today was not the day to get him mad.  Elijah drove us to a grave yard in New Orleans, "Why are we at a grave yard?" I asked "Because the witches have her safe here." we got out from the truck and began walking into the grave yard carefully. 


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