Chapter 33

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I stared into Klaus' eyes "I love you, and I shall respect your choice even if I think differently."  Elijah looked at him in confusion "Brother, I think we should... We don't need her going back into shock." Klaus glared at him "Does she look like she is about to go back into shock?" "No, but she could at any moment." Rebekah stepped in "But she isn't, Elijah.  Just let it go." I stared at them arguing - "I want to be a vampire." I blurted out before I could stop it from escaping my teeth - they all looked at me.  "What did you just say?" Rebekah asked, "Nothing - I said nothing." I answered, please let them forget I said anything.  Klaus stared at me with confusion all over his face "Did you... just say you want to become... one of us?" The feeling of being scared got replaced with anger.  "Whatever, Just forget it." I got up and began walking to the stairs but Elijah was in front of me in seconds.  "It's better to not walk away from your problems." I shrugged "I don't see any problem, now get out of my way." He didn't move, "Elijah move it." He stood there with his hands in his pockets.  "Do you really?" I bit down on my tongue, "No, now move it." He still didn't move, "You heard her, move.  It is a free country." I turned around to see Stefan there.  "Alright." Elijah moved to the side and I walked past him and hit his shoulder.   "That's not very nice." I shrugged "I realize that." then continued walking up the stairs, then I reached the guest room where Ava was staying.  I opened the door, "Ava-" I stopped talking when I saw her and Kol making out on her bed.  "Jesus." I rolled my eyes, They pulled away from each other quickly.  "Never mind, told y'all you'd be together." "Wait-" I put my hand up "I don't wanna know." I walked back out and closed the door.  The only other person I could talk to was Hayley... Rather not go talk to her.  I walked to the other guest room and sat in there.  I started the fire and looked out the window.  Why are they over reacting so much?  Am I over reacting, I mean Damon was the one who got this into my head... obviously I am.  "Love?" I heard Klaus behind me, "What?" I asked not turning around.  "Are you upset with me?" I didn't respond, I looked at the fire with my arms crossed.  He still shouldn't have reacted the way he did.  "I'll take that as a yes..." he walked over slowly and sat down in the chair, I leaned over to the other side of the chair - farthest away from him.  "Love..." He put his hand on the arm of the chair, I smacked his hand but he caught my wrist.  I glared at him, "Maya." "What." He sighed "Do you really?" I shrugged "Damon brought it up and I was just thinking about it.  I wanted to see everyone's reaction and I got the one I thought I would get." He continued holding my wrist, "If that is what you want..." I shrugged "I just don't want to be 78 when you still look mid-twenties." He sighed "You won't love... You'll either get over me or you will turn into a vampire." I stared at his hand still wrapped around my wrist.  "I still just want you to be human... I enjoy protecting you." He gave me the half smile he always does that I find too attractive.  "You do?" He chuckled "Of course I do, Love.  It keeps me busy." I frowned as I looked back at the fire, "When will it get boring to you?" He slowly let go of my wrist and held my hand then locked our fingers together.  "Never." I looked down as I blushed, Dammit Maya you're suppose to be pissed.  "So then I'm never turning into a vampire?" He sighed "At some point you will..." I looked into his eyes "I want to make a deal." He tilted his head to the side, "Matters on what the deal is...?" "I want to become a vampire before I become your age... for how old you look." He furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought, after long moments of silence and only the fire crackling in the background he answered.  "Alright... but I want one thing in return." I nodded, asking what.  "You can't leave me." I narrowed my eyes in confusion.  "What?" He sighed "Even when you turn into a vampire... you can't leave me." "I wouldn't imagine leaving you." He brought my hand close to his face and kissed the top of my hand, "Its a deal." I slightly smiled, glad I got my way.  "Shall we seal this deal with a kiss?" I laughed "Wow, such a gentleman." He pulled my chair over with no problem until both of the chairs were touching and we were less than inches far from each others faces'.  He kissed me passionately as he let go of my hand to put it against my neck as a brace to hold me there, I felt him smile against the kiss.  We pulled away slightly then I said "I win." He chuckled "At what?" "Getting my way." he laughed louder, "Sure, not for long." I smiled and kissed him again.

From Author:
WEEELLL SHIT - MAYA IS GONNA TURN INTO A VAMPIRE SOON LIKE WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN D:<?! haha idek, anyways thank you so much for reading!  If you liked this chapter please vote on it and add it to your library!  Remember if you have any ideas on what to do leave them in the comments!! Thank you so much for reading chapter 33 of The Difference Between Us!  Lots of Love,


xxoo Em <3

P.s- You're welcome Briana >:3

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now