Chapter 56

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I woke up to an empty bed "Klaus?" I asked out loud.  "In the bathroom, love.  You're welcome to join me if you please." I heard the shower water running.  I rolled my eyes and grabbed a shirt from his drawer and a pair of his boxers.  "It's not nice to steal things!" He said still in the shower.  I laughed "I'm not stealing, I'm borrowing." I chuckled as I pulled on his clothes.  I opened the door and walked downstairs into the kitchen, then I opened the fridge door to grab eggs.  I heard a knock on the front door then heard it open and close "Just come right in without being invited!" I said breaking the egg in half.  There stood Elijah - he looked at me up and down.  "Oh, shit!" My face turned red as I ran to the closet and grabbed anything I could find - It was a robe luckily.  I wrapped it around me and tied the front.  "Heyyyyy.... Elijah...." I said as I leaned against the island as though nothing happened then I tripped over my own feet and fell.  "Maya." He said as he shook his head to help me up, "Are you aright?" I nodded "I'm fine, buddy.  What are you doing here?" I asked.  "Here to see my brother... I heard you had said yes to his proposal." Elijah smiled.  I nodded as I went back over to my eggs and put them into a pan, "Why yes, I did." He chuckled "Do your friends happen to know?" I turned around and looked at him.  "I'll take that as a no..." I rolled my eyes "We just got engaged last night, Elijah." I heard him pace slowly around the kitchen "But you had plenty of time to message Aqua and as well celebrate?" I felt his eyes stare into my back, "Well duh, just enough time to message Aqua." He rolled his eyes "Brother." Elijah said softly as Klaus came down the stairs in his normal black jeans and black shoes.  "Someone stole my shirt." He stared at me with playful eyes.  "Guilty," I smirked then raised my hand.  He was behind me in seconds with his mouth against my neck "I should punish you for being guilty... correct, brother?" He asked Elijah.  Elijah looked away and continued walking slowly, for a vampire, around the living room and kitchen.  I elbowed Klaus and got him off me then I sighed "We have company, Nik." He groaned in disappointment then turned his attention towards Elijah.  "What do you need?" Elijah smiled as he ran at vampire speed then hugged his brother.  "Congratulations.  To the both of you from Rebekah and I." I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me "How is Rebekah?  I haven't seen her since..." I didn't complete my sentence.  "She is very well, she plans on helping you plan the wedding... She'd like to know the date." I looked at Klaus and laughed "Fall?" Klaus smiled back at me "Perfect, Love.  Anything for you." I kissed his cheek then I smelled something burning.  "Flipping wonderful." I groaned as I pulled away from Klaus and unthinkingly grabbed the egg to throw away and burned my finger.  "Great." I said through my teeth as the burn seemed to rise up my arm.  Klaus quickly grabbed my hand and looked at it but it was already healing.  "W-what?" Klaus looked up at me in confusion then at Elijah.  "Elijah." Klaus said as I looked at the both of them.  Elijah nodded then quickly came back closer to me than Klaus was, he looked me in the eyes then looked at Klaus.  "This could go horribly wrong, brother." Klaus nodded then Elijah looked me in the eyes then said "Turn it off." I furrowed my eyebrows "What?" He looked at Klaus then back at me "Have you been near any killing?" I bit the inside of my cheek "Um... No I don't believe so." They both looked at each other and I could see the worry in both of their faces.  "Love, Didn't you stab Mikael with a wooden stake?" I nodded "Can we just get to the point?" I asked aggravated, "It could have killed him, but he could have came back since it was not a white oak..." Klaus said to Elijah.  "But why didn't she change on other full moons?  And our blood would have killed her." Klaus questioned.  They both stared at me then went back into their own bubble.  "Maybe she can control when she turns." Elijah answered.  "Our blood?" Elijah looked at me "Maya, what is your last name once again?" "Robertson...?" Elijah lifted his head and turned back to Klaus "Brother, how have we not realized this.  Robertson, the wolf pack Robertson." Klaus narrowed his eyes "The blood?  Why can't she turn?" "Maya what last name did you take?" I stared at them in confusion "My mothers..?" "Explains why she hates me so much... but your father - he is human." "How has she not had any children?" Klaus sighed.  I cut in on the conversation "Can someone please explain to me what is going on?!" I yelled annoyed.  Klaus looked at me "Love, I think you're part werewolf and part human."


The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now