Chapter 25

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I woke up slightly with Klaus' arm still wrapped around me.  "Good morning, Love." I yawned and smiled "Mornin'" He leaned down to kiss me but I put my hand against his lips to stop him, "Nope, I have morning breath." He chuckled "I don't care," he grabbed my chin lightly and kissed me.  "Now that is a proper good morning." I laughed, I stretched then remembered my back but the thing was - I didn't feel any pain.  "Why don't I have any pain in my back?" I asked then he sighed "Rebekah came up last night and insisted on healing you - and I have to agree with her I miss the healthy you." I groaned "Why?" He smiled "I just want whats best for you." I stayed snuggled against him "You're lucky I can't stay mad at you." "Very lucky." I groaned "I don't wanna get up today." He kissed my head "We don't have to." I rolled on top of him to get off the bed even though I could have easily gotten off on my side - I decided not to.  "We kind of do." He chuckled as I got up and stretched my back and legs "Oh really?" I nodded "Why?" I groaned "Well I need to eat at some point, I need to make sure Ava is still alive, and as much as I would like to spend my day in our room just sleeping we can't - someone is bound to annoy us."  He chuckled "Not if we lock the door," "Then someone will think we used that lacy outfit." I laughed "Its a pity we didn't." I rolled my eyes "Man whore." He laughed loudly "After all my years of being alive and seeing many... man whores I highly doubt that I am." "Sure sure." I said while going to my suitcase, grabbing clothes for the day.  I grabbed skinny jeans and a sweatshirt - I didn't even realize what sweatshirt I grabbed at the house.  It was the one with my old horse and I, my favorite photo.  I haven't worn this sense I came to Mystic Falls and left him behind, he was my best friend.  I clutched the sweatshirt and grabbed my other items I needed then walked to the bathroom, I changed quickly and put my hair into a ponytail.  It felt weird not running every morning.  I walked out and saw Klaus still shirtless but with his normal black jeans on.  "Oh, sorry." I muttered, knowing he could still hear me.  I put my dirty clothes into the duffel bag and closed it.  "Its perfectly fine, Love." He put on his leather jacket over his dark grey shirt.  "You're welcome to go on a run if you would like to." I shrugged "Nah... I'd rather stay with you." He smiled at me, "Whose this?" he asked referring to my sweatshirt.  "Jack, He was uhm... My horse I guess.  I rode him a lot and was planning on buying him but we didn't have the money to own him plus we moved to Mystic Falls." Klaus looked like he was in deep thought.  "Anyways," I cleared my throat.  "I guess we have to go downstairs." He chuckled "I guess so." I walked over to him and kissed him softly.  "Lets go see how today will go." He grabbed my hand and we walked into the kitchen where everyone was.  "How was your night?" Ava asked right off. "Good, we slept." Ava wiggled her eyebrows "Like actually slept, dumbass." Klaus chuckled as he moved his hand to the small of my back then he walked over to Elijah and Kol.  Rebekah looked upset "You spent money on that outfit, why not use it?" I groaned "Just drop it." "But seriously, you need to put your money to good." Klaus growled at Rebekah "That's enough.  She said drop it." Rebekah rolled her eyes and pouted "It was just a suggestion." "Sounded more like a demand to me." Kol said laughing, "True," Elijah said chuckling.  Klaus was the only one keeping a straight face, "Where is Hayley?" I asked "Dead." Kol said laughing louder "Finally!" I laughed too - I highfived him.  Elijah began to glare at me, "Hey she is a bitch.  Just admit it." Elijah rolled his eyes "She can be sometimes but it is just the baby and the hormones." I rolled my eyes and stopped laughing while Kol was beginning to go quite.  "Okay then.  Anyways changing the subject." Klaus cracked a smile but turned it back to a straight face quickly, probably hoping Elijah wouldn't see it.  "How did y'all sleep?" I asked.  "Good," Ava replied and then Rebekah went into one of her stories.  I zoned her out but acting like I was listening, "Maya, are you listening?!" She yelled "W-what?  Oh yea." Klaus laughed loudly "Nobody likes listening to your stories, sister." She glared at him, "So rude." She said then walked out.  Klaus chuckled "Don't worry none of us listened." Ava stared wide eyed at him "I did..." Kol laughed "How did you not fall asleep?" "Because I'm respectful" Kol rolled his eyes "None of us are respectful here." I chuckled "Sure sure.  We'll go with that." Elijah looked at me "You seem better?" He asked "Yeah, Rebekah gave me her blood without my permission in the middle of the night." Elijah looked at Klaus "You didn't stop her?" Klaus shrugged "No, I like seeing Maya healthy and happy." Elijah rolled his eyes then left probably to go wake up Hayley.  It was just the four of us at the table, "Lets go on a double date" I suggested "Do you have someone in mind for me?" Kol asked and I nodded towards Ava, they both shook their head quickly.  "Hell no." They both said then glared at each other when they said it at the same time.  "Aw common, pleassee!" I begged.  They looked at each other for a long moment then nodded "Fine, just this once." Ava said.  I jumped up and down "Yay!" I said then I hugged Ava.  "No hugs for me?" Kol asked "No, you're mean - you tried to kill me." Kol rolled his eyes "Let bygones be bygones" I shook my head, "Klaus where should we take them?" He shrugged "Fancy date?" I nodded "Perfect, time to raid Rebekahs' closet." She rushed in quickly "Finally!  Lets go, Lets go hustle!" We ran up the stairs and by the time we got to Rebekahs room she was already there.  "Common!" She dragged us into her closet and we picked out the best dresses we could find.

Message from Author:

I really hope you guys liked this chapter, and I am so excited for his "double date" ;)))))))))))))))))))))) <- lots of chins bc I got a double chin and cuz I can so fite me m8.  Anyways please continue reading my book, add it to your library and get ready for more chapters to come!  Thank you so much for reading! Lots of love,


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