Chapter 41

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Damon continued texting me for the entire bus ride, flirting with me and asking if Klaus was making any moves.  Klaus sighed multiple times as I smiled from the text messages.  We exchanged secrets and funny moments in our lives... he had more because he has been around longer, obviously.  

Maya: I sometimes drool in my sleep... 😂

Damon: Probably because you dream about me ;)

Maya: Sure 😂😂

Damon: Don't doubt my attractiveness.

Maya: Never said I wasn't 😈
Damon: Honestly the best emoji ever made. 😈

Maya: Duh. 

We continued conversations until finally after hours, Klaus eventually fell asleep as I stayed up talking with Damon.  The bright light from my phone showed my face in the darkness of the night. 

Maya: Tell me a secret - of you 😏
Damon: If I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore though... ☺️️

Maya: Aw common, I told you I drooled I deserve a good secret.

Damon: Fine... I torment Stefan due to his diet.

Maya: Everyone knows this.

Damon: "Dear Diary, a chipmunk asked me what my name was today.  I told him it was Joe, that lie will haunt me forever."
Maya: Oml 😂😂😂😂

Damon: I know, I am a great brother.

Maya: You honestly are.

I looked at my clock, said 1:24 AM.

Maya: Well shit its 1 AM.

Damon: You didn't realize this?
Maya: I don't realize a lot of things 😂

Damon: I can see that.  Are you tired?  You should sleep.

Maya: Yeah... I'll talk to you in a few hours.  

Damon: Try not to drool this time ;)

Maya: I'm going to smack you next time I see you.
Damon: Good, sweet dreams.

Maya: Sure sure.  

I put my phone into my hands and snuggled into the chair into a ball.  The chair was uncomfortable but I made it work.  

A while later I felt the phone slightly move out of my hand.  I squeezed my hand lightly around the phone as the phone moved more.  I opened my eyes then I saw nothing there.  "Klaus." He pretended to wake up.  "What is it, Love?" I narrowed my eyes at him "Don't 'love' me.  Why were you trying to take my phone." He shrugged "Just wanted to know who you have been talking to for the entire ride." I crashed my teeth together in anger "That is my personal business, God, Klaus." I looked to the bus driver, then moved past Klaus and up to the driver.  "Stop the bus, please.  I'd like to get off here." The driver looked at me like I was crazy, "Any time now." I crossed my arms with my jacket from Damon in hand.  He opened the doors and I stepped down the stairs, as the bus drove past me Klaus was in the window looking down at me.  I smiled and waved.  I pulled out my phone and looked up where I was.  Tennessee.  I called Damon.  
"Damon?" I asked when the phone answered "Yes?" I groaned "I got pissed at Klaus and now I'm off the bus in Clarksvill, Tennessee." He sighed "Really?" "I wish I was kidding." I heard him get up and put on his shoes, "I'll be there in a few hours.  Continue walking until you see a home or a gas station." I sighed in relief.  "Thank you so much." I heard him smirk "You're welcome." We hung up and I began walking, I saw a building as I shivered from the cold.  I continued walking towards the light until I felt being tugged into the darkness, the strength was too strong to be a human.  "Elena?" I asked, "Wrong." She smiled a devilish smile.  "Kathryn.  Fancy meeting you here, come here often?" She smirked as she kept her forearm against my neck, Not choking me but still hurting me.  "Here take this." She handed me a drink, it was red.  "Let me guess, this is your blood?" I asked, not taking the drink.  "Just take it." I shook my head.  "Fine, be difficult." She murmured, then she opened my mouth with no problem and made me drink the blood.  "Have fun." she smirked then I felt nothing.

From Author:

PLEASE DONT BE PISSED THAT THIS CHAPTER IS A LITTLE SHORT, I JUST COULDN'T THINK OF SOMETHING TO HAPPEN MORE IN THIS CHAPTER... Sorry I was yelling X'D anyways, hOLY SHIT MAYA IS GONNA BECOME A VAMPIRE LIKE GRUJDBUO4IEHIR Yes you can see my craziness I'm tired and I've been awake since 4 AM, gimme a break.  Anyways -clears throat and goes professional mode- Thank you so much for reading Chapter 41 of The Difference Between Us!  If you enjoyed this chapter please vote on it, and tell me what your favorite part was, even if it was Maya leaving Klaus on the bus, to Damon and Mayas' cute convo to even Kathryn being back!  If you like this book please add it to your library!  Thank you once again for reading, and staying with me this entire time for reading this book.  Its not finished, don't worry ;)  Thank you Bri for the lil bit of help with this chapter!  

Lots Of Love~


Em 😂

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now