Chapter 59

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"Love, you do not need to transition if you do not want to." Klaus said as he placed his hand on my arm.  "T-Tyler says it was horrible during his first transition..." Klaus smiled softly at me "Does not mean that it will be horrible for you, sweetheart." I breathed in deeply then I looked around "Where did Aqua and Kol go?" I changed the subject - I couldn't focus on that right now.  "Aqua said she was hungry so Kol took her into town." He smiled lightly, I walked over to the couch and sat on it, resting my head in my hand.  "I'm not bothered by being a werewolf and part human... but I'm just not sure about the full moon.  I mean what if after I change then I become an enemy to the moon?" Klaus frowned, serious.  He looked focused. "Hybrid?  Moon ring?  Many options." I heard a loud crash in the kitchen and I lifted my eyes to focus on Klaus,  "Klaus?" He looked at me with worry in his eyes "Stay here." He vanished within seconds and I was alone.  I stood up quickly as I walked through the living room and I stood against the wall - listening to the conversation in the kitchen.  "NOW!" I heard Stefans' voice.  I saw Damon come through the door with a stake in his hand.  I peered from the corner and Stefan had Klaus' hands behind him, Klaus had actual fear in his eyes.  Damon was in front of him in seconds with the stake rose.  I ran out from the living room "Damon!" I yelled as I pushed him.  He stumbled slightly but caught himself within seconds.  Stefan and Klaus dispersed with Damon along with them.  I growled as I ran outside in the woods, they couldn't have gone far.  "Klaus!" I yelled in fear.  I heard a yell from a distance and I ran as quickly as I could towards it.  Tears began to form in my eyes then it got replaced with rage when I saw Damon once again holding the stake high.  "Leave.  Him.  The hell.  Alone." I threat.  "What are you going to do about it?" Damon asked as Stefan looked at me.  Stefan gave me a look that showed he didn't want to do this to me, but it seemed like he had to.  I clenched my fists to my sides and locked my jaw, then I tried as hard as possible to focus on the wolf inside me.  I felt all my bones breaking - but it didn't hurt as bad as Tyler said it would.  It felt like I exploded as the wolf came out, my vision was heightened and my senses were insane, I could smell Damon from yards away.  I sensed himself fearing me.  I growled lowly as I walked towards him, I kept my head lowered.  I looked at Stefan then I realized something - If I hurt Stefan... or even chased him off... it would keep Damon distracted enough to get Klaus.  I walked towards Stefan, he looked petrified of me.  He let go of Klaus quickly and ran.  Klaus looked at me sincerely and nodded.  He looked to Damon and twisted his neck, he fell to the ground.  I focused on Stefan and running, then all the trees were rushing by me, the wind against my fur.  I caught up to Stefan easily then I tackled him.  I lowered my head towards his ear then growled - threatening him.  He nodded to me understanding if he came to Klaus and tried to kill him I could kill him myself.  I jumped off him and ran back to the house, Klaus stood in the doorway fine.  "Hello, Love." He smiled at me with a devilish grin.  "Hey" I said in my head.  "Wait, say that again." I cocked my head sideways "Hey?" He smiled "I can hear you." I gave him the best grin I could with the wolf.  "That's nice.  Wait - when can I change back?" He lifted an eyebrow in the air "Follow me to the Lockwood cellar." He vanished but I kept up with him quickly.  We were both at the Lockwood cellar in seconds, I was out of breath.  He chuckled "Looks like you need to get back into running, Love." I rolled my eyes as he went into the cellar and I followed.  He opened the door and I walked inside with him following - it was dark but also interesting.  "I'm surprised you haven't killed a vampire." "Probably because I ain't no normal werewolf, Buddy." I said sassing him.  He chuckled at myself sassing him as he opened the door that had bars on it.  "Think about being human.  The senses, the feeling of different things.  I shall be right back, I will get you some clothing." He vanished then he was back in minutes.  "Are you even trying." I rolled my eyes "I was waiting for you, Niklaus." "Well go on, then." He pushed.  I groaned in my head "Love your positivism." I thought about how I felt around Klaus when I was human, the way I loved him uncontrollably, how much I hated Stacy.  I smelled my favorite food, chicken.  I sighed as I finally felt normal as my bones got back into place.  "Hand me my clothes, will ya?" I asked towards Klaus.  He held my clothes with a devilish grin "Come get them then." He vanished and I sighed.  I stood there awkwardly with no clothes on.  I quickly found a old blanket and wrapped it around me, "Niklaus, you're going to die!" I yelled.  He was back quickly with my clothes still in hand.  He tossed them to me and I caught them easily when they normally would have fallen to the ground.  "What?" he chuckled as he looked at me, I am guessing the look on my face was so funny.  I quickly put on my bra and underwear as Klaus stared at me.  I looked at him in the eyes and narrowed my eyes "Pervert." He laughed "I am engaged to you, there is nothing I haven't already seen." I rolled my eyes as I pulled on a plaid shirt and jeggings.  "Its true, sweetheart." I stared at him then started laughing uncontrollably.  "Whats so funny?" "I... don't even... know!" I said through laughs.  "Whats... happening to me?" I continued laughing.  He was next to me within seconds, "Your senses are a little heightened, must be your body getting used to everything - the speed, the sight all the above." I laughed more "Just wonderful!" He looked at me with worried eyes, he probably was thinking "What marriage did I just get myself into." He smiled "I know what marriage I got myself into, Love.  I love you for all the crazy moments as much as the alone moments." I smiled as I pecked a kiss on his cheek.  "I can't wait for our wedding." I wrapped my arms around his neck.  "Then I can finally call you mine." I added.  He placed his hands on my waist "And I can finally call you mine." he kissed my lips softly.

From Author:

Hey guys, so yes next chapter will be the end of this book - sad to say it.  But there will be another book, I'll let you know on a name next chapter and where to find it.  Thank you so much for reading this chapter of The Difference Between Us!  If you enjoyed this chapter please let me know by voting on this book and adding it to your library!  Lots of Love, Lovelies!


xxoo Em <3

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now