Chapter 27

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*****April 28th, 2017*****

"Damon do you remember when you turned off your humanity and continued trying to threat me?" I asked laughing.  "Sure do, I'm surprised you didn't run." He answered sitting across from me and Klaus' and I's home.  Yes Klaus and I finally moved in with each other, I graduated from high school early with my "Fabulous" grades and Klaus compelling skills.  My mom agreed to let me live with Klaus, and she actually has been enjoying his company when we go over.  Damon and Stefan didn't end up killing me but Ava and Kol are Dating. Did I know it or did I know it?  Klaus and I live with Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and Finn but they are normally doing their own thing, we live in his New Orleans home.  I have to admit New Orleans is the best.  Damon and Stefan visit a lot, they still have issues with Klaus but they keep their trap shut - very good choice.  Elena and Damon are hitting it off but Stefan still loves her - and is still respecting her choice.  Klaus walked downstairs "Love, that was a horrible night." Damon laughed as he took at drink "Got that right, I got tortured for hours." I rolled my eyes "You deserved it." Klaus sat next to me on the couch, "Did you catch the game?" Damon asked and Klaus nodded "I'm not a big fan of football... but it deals with boredom." I rolled my eyes at Klaus "Am I too boring for you?" He shook his head "Not even close, Beautiful." Damon gagged, we both glared at him.  "Wow thanks." Stefan walked in with Elena, "Hey everyone!" Elena said cheerfully.  I honestly wish she didn't have to come along with Damon and Stefan but sense I am a "good person" I have to act like I am her friend so she comes over a lot... and I mean a lot...  "Hey, Elena." I said smiling "Hey Stef." "Hey Maya," He nodded towards me.  He still feels awkward that he almost killed me, I told him to let it go but he just wont... dumbass... "Anyways, Damon." I looked back at him and he had sadness in his eyes.  I walked over to him, around the coffee table and hugged him.  He pushed me off "The hell, I'm fine." He got up and ran off.  I rolled my eyes "I should go check on him." I shook my head "Let him go, he needs to be alone." Bonnie walked through the door, "Bonnie?" I asked in shock, she wasn't suppose to come!  I ran over and hugged her "Omg I haven't seen you in forever!" I said still hugging her, She looked around the living room.  "Damn you and Klaus' house is nice." I laughed "Of course, it's Klaus Mikaelson.  He needs the best of the best," He was behind me within a second after I pulled away from Bonnie "Should I take that offensively?" I shook my head "Not at all." I turned around and kissed him on his cheek quickly.  "Where is Caroline, Elijah, Marcel, Rebekah, Freya, Josh, Davina,Kol and Ava?" I asked.  "What about Hayley?" Bonnie asked back, not answering my question.  "Pht, she isn't invited." Klaus rolled his eyes "No need to be jealous of her, Love." I smacked his arm "I ain't jealous, I just hate the drama she starts." He smirked "Well she is going to be around a lot more when the child is born," I groaned "Don't remind me."  Kol and Ava walked in hand in hand "Sorry we're late!  Josh and Davina were right behind us." They rushed in with a brown paper bag in Kols' hand.  "Alright, well they better hurry." Kol rolled his eyes.  Marcel rushed in "Sorry, trouble with some witches." I groaned "of course, practicing magic again?" He nodded then picked me up in a hug and spun me around.  Him and I have gotten really close actually.  He isn't as bad as I thought - for a vampire.  He set me down in a second, "Good to see you again." I rolled my eyes "Sure, Sure." Then everyone else piled in and soon the living room was crowded.  "Love, explain to me why we have everyone here at our home?" Klaus whispered in my ear.  "Its a surprise, so just wait." He chuckled "Always full of surprises, are we?" I nodded "Of course." Then Kol yelled "Why the hell are we here?!" I laughed as everyone else got quiet, "Well... Today is the 3ed year I moved to New Orleans.  And I wanted to spend it with the people I hold closest." Damon and Stefan smiled, and so didn't everyone else.  "Aww that's so sweet!" Elena said.  "So, we can pig out today.  But no fighting," I glared at all the guys, "If you do you can take it outside." I added, Klaus laughed "Guess we better move outside, huh boys?" Marcel said loudly.  I rolled my eyes then Caroline ran over and hugged me.  "I can't believe it has been 3 years!" I nodded and smiled then hugged her back.  "Well I want you to see someone..." I furrowed my eyebrows "What?" She looked away from me "Come in!" Then Tyler was inside within a second, "Tyler!" I yelled then ran over to him and hugged him tightly.  "Maya!" He hugged be back but with 10x more strength.  "You can thank your boyfriend for allowing me to come back," I pulled back and saw Klaus looking at me.  I smiled and mouthed "Thank you," he winked at me and went back to his conversation with Elijah and Kol.  Finn stood awkwardly in the corner drinking, I waved him over.  "Yes?" he asked, Tyler and Caroline were already walking off.  "Why aren't you talking with anyone?" He shrugged "I don't find the need to." I rolled my eyes "Well you're talking to me." He took another drink "I see that." I groaned "Alrighty than." Then I walked away.  

From Author:
OMGGGG 4 months in the future???? lIKE wHERE DID I GET THIS IDEA IDEFKKKK xDD but dude I absolutely love this, and Maya and Klaus <33333 I SHIP IT SO DAMN HARD DD:< haha dirty mind.  Anyways thank you for over 200 reads <3 <3!  So happy some of y'all like this book.  Thank you for reading, Lots of love!

xxoo Em

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