Chapter 29

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I walked downstairs after I changed to see Ava and Kol talking across the kitchen table to each other.  "Is she okay?" Ava asked "I haven't seen her, but I believe she is." Shit I shouldn't be eavesdropping... I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.  "Maya!" Ava ran over and hugged me "Thank god you're okay." I rolled my eyes "Of course I'm okay, I'm dating a hybrid and his family loves me." Kol rolled his eyes "I could disagree with that." Ava reached across the counter and smacked his arm "You could, but you don't." "Sure sure." He crossed his arms then left.  "Good riddance." She groaned, "You two are so cute." She glared at me "How about no." I smirked "How about yes." I walked over and grabbed an apple and began eating it.  "That's no breakfast." Stefan said walking in the room, I shrugged "Pretty good to me." He shook his head then walked over to one of the cabinets and grabbed a pan, "Eggs?" I shook my head "Too bad," he stated then walked to the fridge and started making eggs.  I looked at Ava and shook my head, she smiled and walked away.  "Stop." I groaned as I smelled the eggs burning.  "How the hell do you burn eggs?!" I asked with aggravation.  He shrugged "Don't really know." I shoved him away from the eggs and finished making them.  "Their burned but they'll have to do." I tried to grab a plate from the top shelf but failed at doing so.  "Stef...?" I smiled at him - asking for help.  He groaned "Now you want me around." I nodded as he grabbed the plate, "Good thing I have tall friends." He rolled his eyes "Thank the lord huh?" I nodded and laughed "Yep." then I put the eggs on a plate and left them on the table.  "Someone will eat them - or throw them away." He glared at me "I put hard work into those." I rolled my eyes "I can tell from the burnt marks." He nodded "Yep." he put his hands in his pockets.  "Do you really think Damon and Elena will end up together?" I shrugged, "Not sure... wait how do you know my dream?" He rubbed the back of his neck "Umm.. well you were talking pretty loud and I do have vampire hearing..." I smacked his arm "Douche." He shrugged "You do talk loud." Klaus walked in quickly, "You do, Love." Marcel walked in behind Klaus "Hey Hey Hey, Lets be nice to the lady." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes "For once you're being a gentleman." He smiled "I always am, you just never notice it." I crossed my arms across my chest, "Sure," Then I remembered how nice he was to me in my dream, maybe we would become friends.  "Some days." I added and Klaus smiled "You're not pissed at him?" I shrugged "Sorta, but nobody else needs to know this." Marcel looked at the eggs "Who are those for?" Stefan nodded towards me, and I shrugged "Not in the mood for burned eggs." Marcel furrowed his eyebrows laughing "You can burn eggs?" Klaus chuckled "I guess so." "Why are we talking about eggs?" I asked laughing "Marcel brought it up." Stefan said then chuckled.  "You made them," Marcel said still smiling.  Klaus grabbed my hand, "I want to show you something," I grasped his hand "Sure." I smiled "OOOoo." Marcel said laughing, Klaus shoved him.  "Don't start with me." He chuckled "Okay, Okay.  Have fun, kids." Klaus walked by my side as he guided me in the outdoors, he already had my jacket in his hands.  He handed me my jacket and I put it on quickly, it snowed and it looked beautiful with the town.  "Its so beautiful." The snow slowly fell onto his curly hair, and my jacket.  "It really is," He smiled at me through his long eyelashes, his eyes were always magnificent looking.  "I can't believe you made this town," he smiled "I can't believe the dreams you have." I smacked his arm giggling "You're still caught up on that?" He smiled "Of course, it was the best dream you've told me about." I furrowed my eyebrows "When have I told you about my dreams?" He chuckled "In your sleep, you're a sleep talker." I groaned "Let me guess, the things I say give them away?" He smiled "Yes, even though they seem very entertaining." I laughed "They really are." Klaus rolled his eyes, "Where would we live - if we decided to live together?" I shrugged "Wherever you go I'm going." He smiled "That's perfect for me, Love." He kissed my cheek, "Wow that sucked." He chuckled loudly "Needy much?" I shrugged "That's why you love me." I let go of his hand and stood in front of him with my arms around his neck.  "Are you sure about that?" He asked smiling down at me "One hundred percent... Or 97 percent but it doesn't matter." I stood up on the edge of my toes and kissed him passionately, he kissed back as he put both of his hands on both sides of my face.  He slowly put his hand down to my waist and brought me closer to him.  "Aww!" We both heard then we pulled away from the alluring kiss that was still calling me.  It was Ava "You two are so cute!" She said with a shopping bag in hand, I groaned "Why do we always do this when shes around, or someone interrupts?" He shrugged still smiling from the kiss, "It's upsetting." "Omg I'm so sorry," Ava said then rushed inside.  I giggled "That was interesting," then I saw a witch looking outside the window from her shop.  "Who's that?" I asked "Another witch of course.  Their around a lot at the worse moments, Love." I shrugged then grabbed his hand as our bodies will still against each others.  "Not always," then it hit me "Who's Davina?" I asked, Klaus looked at me in surprise "Davina is Marcels' personal witch... how did you know about her?" I stared at him wide eyed "My dream." He furrowed his eyebrows, "Interesting..." then he dragged me back inside as my cheeks became red from the cold, I didn't ask anymore questions about Davina - but I knew she was out there and was soon to be my friend.

From Author:

I hope y'all liked this chapter, if you did please add it to you library and vote on it!  Thanks so much for reading, lots of love!


xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now