Chapter 14

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Her dress ^^

Klaus parked on the side of a street and looked at the large building on my side of the road.  "Welcome to my home." He smiled, "Its beautiful." I said simply, worried that my shaking voice would give myself away.  "Are you alright?" He asked "Are you feeling well?" He grabbed my face on both sides to make me look at him.  "I'm fine Klaus, Just tired." "But you just slept..." I couldn't sleep thinking about how many people you killed.  I wanted to say,  "I know, I don't think I got much sleep last night." he continued to stare at my face "You don't think you did, or you didn't?" I shrugged "I didn't... I was too excited." he smiled "Good, well you'll love it here.  Plenty of room to walk around in... and nobody will bother you here." I faked a smile, hoping he believed it.  "That's awesome.  I finally get some peace." He chuckled "From Damon?" He asked I shrugged and moved my head into his right hand "A little, he wakes me up so fucking early in the morning." Klaus chuckled and cradled my face with his right hand.  Don't kiss him, Maya.  He is a killer.  Don't do it.  I smiled "Well lets go get unpacked already!" he chuckled and we both got out of his car.  We met at the back, I grabbed my bag but he beat me to it "I'll grab it, love." "Okay," He grabbed my two bags and his one bag.  My small duffel bag was under his arm with my suitcase holding it up with his bag in his left hand.  I walked through the tunnel like entrance to see a native man standing there will an army behind him.  "Marcellus."  Klaus said next to me.  "Klaus my good friend!" he chuckled.  Marcellus was over within a second with his arm over Klaus, "It's alright go back to watch the witches." Marcellus shooed off his army, "Klaus who is this?  A snack?" I rolled my eyes "Not even close." I answered.  Marcellus chuckled "A little feisty human huh?" Klaus laughed "She is a bomb, never know her moods." I glared at them both, "You're suppose to be nice,  you douche." I smacked Klaus' arm, grabbed my bag and walked up the stairs.  As I walked down the hallway I saw Elijah and another native vampire talking "You don't hurt her." The native man stood there with his hands in pocket "You don't own this town anymore, Elijah.  You can not tell us what to do," Elijah grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall "You will do as I say, I am much older than you." The native man nodded "I will do the best I can." Elijah stared at him with strained eyes "You better." he dropped the native man and then the man vanished.  Elijah looked at me, grabbed his handkerchief and sighed "Sorry you had to see that, Maya.  I have to protect Hayley." I shrugged "Gotta do what'cha gotta do." Elijah smiled "Exactly... Are you excited to meet my family?" I tilted my head to the side slightly "A little, I mean I've already met your siblings... and your father is locked away and your mother is dead..." Elijah frowned slightly "Yes, but I mean our town family." I smiled slightly "Yeah, I am.  I think I just met one of them." Elijah narrowed his eyes "Who?" "Marcellus?" I asked, "Ah yes... Marcel..." I shrugged "I guess he is kind of nice... Not a big fan of how Klaus is with him though." Elijah frowned "I suggest you not saying that in front of my brother... he thinks of Marcel as his son.  He raised him sense he was a young child." I stood there with my bags in hand, I felt my arm beginning to ache.  "Thanks for the heads up." "Do you need help?" Elijah asked nodding towards my bags.  "If you don't mind," "Not at all." He smiled and grabbed my bags.  I walked beside him as we talked about Klaus' and Marcels' past, "I had no idea Marcel actually lived with you guys until he had to choose..." Elijah frowned "Yes it was a very... upsetting day for Rebekah.  He chose to become a vampire over her, she was very hurt."  I looked down at my shoes "I bet she was..." Elijah sighed "I hope she doesn't do anything rash when she sees him..." "Me either," We came to two large doors "Here is your stop," I smiled "Thanks, Elijah.  You seem to be the only sane one." He chuckled "I'm the most well mannered more likely." My smiled began to fade slightly "You're worried about Hayley aren't you?" He nodded "I hope no harm comes to her... I gave her my word to keep her safe, I won't let any harm come to her and the child." I smiled "You're going to be a great uncle..." I paused for a moment "Uncle Elijah." He glared at me "Hey it sounds better than anything, what about... Favorite Uncle Elijah?" he smiled "Uncle Elijah is better." I widened my smile "Knew it." He sighted and began to frown slowly "I better make sure my brother is not doing anything stupid." I groaned "I guess you better." He set down my bags lightly in front of the door, "Goodbye, Maya." I rolled my eyes "Goodbye Uncle Elijah." He rolled his eyes back then vanished.  I rolled my eyes and opened the doors to a huge guest room with a fire already started, a bed already made, a coffee table with fancy leather chairs, and many dressers.  I grabbed my bags and walked inside on the hard wooden floor.  I realized I was bringing snow in with my boots "Friggin shit." Kol was in the frame of the door in seconds "What did you do now?" I rolled my eyes "Nothing to your concern." he looked at the floor "Klaus is going to be pissed." I rolled my eyes once again "Kol get out, I'll clean it myself sense you obviously are not planning on helping." I went into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and cleaned up my mess.  I looked at the towel making sure it was not white, it was brown.  I threw it into the hamper in the bathroom after I cleaned it.  I looked up to see Kol still there "Is there something you need?" I asked "Just enjoying the view." I rolled my eyes, turned around and walked to my bags that are now set on the bed.  I began to place my clothes into the dressers, "No need to be rude towards me..." Kol said and did his 'best' puppy dog face, obviously didn't work.  "Well you tried to kill me." I shrugged as I put my sweatshirt into the dresser.  "I was hoping you would forget about that, like how you forgot how many people Klaus killed."  I rolled my eyes "I did not forget, I just forgave." Kol rolled his eyes "Fine, then." Then he vanished, I looked back at my suitcase and continued unpacking.  "This trip is already fun," I muttered to myself.  "Where the bloody heck is your dress?!" Rebekah said as she was next to me in two seconds.  "Sorry about my brother by the way.  It is his life mission to ruin Nicklaus' life." I rolled my eyes "I couldn't tell.  And I didn't bring one... I didn't have one." She rolled her eyes, vanished, then came back with a beautiful sky blue dress in hand.  "It will complement your dark brown hair and eyes, plus your pale skin." I smiled "Thanks Rebekah." "No problem." she put the dress on the bed and left.  I looked at the dress and smiled, I realized she put heels at the end of the bed.  I smiled more, "Thanks." I heard her chuckle from down the hall, then I began unpacking in peace.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now