Chapter 21

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As we continued the long drive on the search for Damon and Stefan it became quieter and quieter by the second.  Enzo said they were last seen back at home and was worried about what more they could do with their humanity off - but aren't we all?  We offered Enzo a ride back into Mystic Falls, he of course took the offer.  Klaus continued driving everywhere until I spotted Damon and Stefan in the Grill drinking of course.  "Klaus stop the car!" He stopped it quickly, I jumped out of the car and ran towards the Grill hoping I wouldn't slip and fall on my ass due to the snow.  "Love slow down you're going to fall!" Enzo called from the car.  Doubting him I continued running, I felt my foot slip on the ice lightly but I ignored the screaming pain it put onto my back.  I opened the door quickly and walked quickly to Stefan and Damon.  "What the hell is wrong with the both of you?" I asked when I got in between them.  "What do you mean, I feel great.  No issues, no living up to everyone's expectations... its wonderful isn't it, Stefan?" Damon said.  Stefan nodded as he took another Bourbon from the bartender.  "I mean why the hell are you two killing everyone in the damn town?" I asked looking at Damon then Stefan.  "Because we have no care about those people, they mean nothing to us." I rolled my eyes "But they could have meant something to me or your friends." Stefan groaned "Maya, Maya, Maya... Don't you see we don't care?  Now if you would get out of here before we make you." I pulled out a seat from the bar next to Stefan and sat down.  "Oops, well looks like you're going to have to make me." I looked at the bartender "One beer please," within a few seconds I got a beer passed to me.  "So, we can have the long lecture about why you need your humanity, you can just turn it back on yourself, or I can torture it out of you." Damon rolled his eyes "You couldn't torture us even if you tried." I smiled "Really now?" I took a drink and set it down easily, showing I didn't care when I really did.  "You're just a human who has no control over anything - so stop trying to control us." Damon said, "Pht and you don't control me either so," I smiled at them, "Get out." Damon growled, "Nope, I'm good." I leaned back against the chair, getting comfortable.  Then Enzo, Elijah, and Klaus came in and grabbed Stefan and Damon by their necks and put their hands behind them.  "Don't do anything reckless, I suggest it highly." Klaus whispered into Damons' ear.  I looked around the bar and there was only the bartender and he didn't seem to care.  I handed him a 20 dollar bill "Keep the rest if you keep your mouth shut about this." He nodded and I followed Klaus, Damon, Elijah, Enzo and Stefan out the door.  Elijah and Enzo brought the brothers to the Salvatore house to be locked in their cell so they can weaken and gain their humanity back.  Klaus stayed back with me so I didn't have to see Stefan and Damon get hurt and suffer.  "Do you realize how stupid you were to argue with them with their humanity off?" He asked with anger.  "Yep, but it worked didn't it?" I asked as we walked on the windy sidewalks, "Yes it did, but you could have gotten hurt." I nodded "I realize that but it didn't happen."  He sighed "but it could have happened, Love." I shrugged "but it didn't and I'm here now," But deep inside I was worried for Damon and Stefan, even though their humanity may be off they could be suffering a lot...  Klaus grabbed my hand and linked our hands together, "I don't like them being around you... no matter where you are with them you seem to get hurt, Maya."  I shrugged "But their like family to me, we just fight a lot but don't all families argue?" Klaus shrugged "They do, I do dagger mine." I smiled "You do.  Damon has just hurt me but it hasn't been anything major." Klaus smiled down at me "I guess you do have a point, Love... But wherever they go trouble seems to follow them." I squeezed his hand as we continued walking and I ignored the pain in my back with ever step it took.  "Trouble follows you around a lot too, Klaus.  But I'm still around," He did a half smile showing his dimple that was so attractive in so many ways.  "it is a good thing you're still around... if you were not I have no idea what I would be doing right now.  Possibly killing some more people - somewhere along those lines." I looked up at him through his long lashes "It is a very good thing I'm around then," It began snowing lightly but just enough for it to seem like we just came out of a movie, he put me into a dip-dance-like move like how he did when we first kissed and he looked at my face for a long moment - studying it.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared at his features on his face, every outline and every curve of his face.  He slowly bent his face towards mine and I brought my face closer to his, then he let his arm let go from my back and I felt myself fall not even an inch then he grabbed my waist and brought me back to my feet.  "Douche," He smiled "Just like the good days," He chuckled.  Then he kissed me softly still keeping his hands on my waist.  The kiss turned from passion to a stronger more sexier kiss.  "I don't necessarily like this, Brother." Kol said from next to us, I pulled away blushing and then when I stepped backwards I slipped on ice but Klaus caught my fall.  "Are you alright?" I nodded still blushing madly.  "Ehem..." We both turned to look at Kol again, "What do you need?" I asked, "Damon and Stefan are locked up, nothing will harm anyone at the moment." Klaus nodded and shooed him off.  "Lets get back to New Orleans." He said, I nodded and we walked back to the SUV in silence.  I was thinking about how Damon and Stefan could be suffering at the moment and who knows who Klaus could be thinking about.  I climbed into the SUV and we dove back home to New Orleans.

From Author:

Heyyyy guys I hope you guys really liked this chapter, it was kinda boring but ya know some action from Maya and Klaus eh eh ehhhh ;) ;)))) yeah I'm weird, anyways.  So the next chapter will hopefully be filled with more excitement.  If y'all are getting bored of  just Maya and Klaus getting the attention lemme know and I can change a few things around I just love their characters and how they used to hate each other and now they are just sO CUUUTEEE <33 anyways.  Love you all <3 

xxoo Emma

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