Chapter 13

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I woke up to my phone buzzing like mad, I groaned as I heard it buzz then fall.  "Shit," I got up quickly and looked at it


Stefan: Maya what are you doing?  You're going down the wrong path :/

Bonnie: Klaus?! Really?! Why not us?!


Damon: Maya.  What the hell are you doing?

Damon: Maya?

Damon: MAYA.

I groaned and answered everyone.

To Damon: I'm going on vacation... You are welcome to come tonight for the party.

To Stefan: I don't care what you think, I'm doing what makes me happy.

To Bonnie: Because he got to me first e.e?

To Caroline: I don't know.

I began to walk to my door but I ran into a suitcase with a note on it; 

I compelled your mother to let you go... See you soon 
xoxo, Klaus

I sighed and texted Klaus

To Klaus: What time are you coming to pick me up?

Klaus: it is about a 4 hour drive... so whenever you are ready to go (:

To Klaus: Give me a hour and I'll meet you here.

I quickly stuffed my bag with clothes and then searched for a dress for the party and there was none to be found that was suitable for the event.  I sighed "Rebekah will help me... hopefully." I threw a few things into my bag and my hairbrush, deodorant and tooth brush.  "Kay I think I'm packed..." I looked around then noticed in the mirror I was still in my pjs.  "Well I'm fucked." I ran to my closet, grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater then ran to my bathroom to get changed.  I saw my phone buzz on the counter as I put my hair into a pony tail

Klaus: You ready Love?

To Klaus: Almost, you're welcome to come inside.

I heard a knock at the door and my mom say "Klaus," She sounded angry, "Mrs Robertson." Klaus sounded calm, "I'm here for Maya..." "Maya get down here!" I smiled "Coming, just lemme get my bags." I ran past them to my room "I'll help," Klaus was in my room in a second with my bag in his hand, "Thanks." I smiled "No problem, Love." He kissed my cheek and walked out.  I grabbed my jacket that was laid over the chair and ran to catch up with Klaus.  Without warning he stopped in his place and made me run into his back.  He didn't even flinch.  "Oh I'm so sorry!" I said laughing, he laughed along with me.  He began walking again and I followed.  My mom hugged me when I got out into the mud room "Be safe, and I love you." "Love you too," She looked at Klaus "You take care of my daughter." he chuckled "I will." Mom opened the door and hugged me again "You behave," "I always do." I added a smile "Not always..." I went out the door with Klaus now trailing me to his 2007 Lincoln Navigator.  "Is Elijah meeting us there?" "He is already there with Hayley." I laughed "I ship it," Klaus glared at me "Hey I'm speaking the truth!" He rolled his eyes "Please keep in mind she is carrying my child." I sighed "Elijah is too shy to do any of that bull shit so no need to worry about it." "I have to agree," he said as loading my bag into his hatch of his Navigator and I saw his bag as well.  "Ready to go?" I nodded then Damons hand was against the car between Klaus and I.  "Damon," "Maya what do I hear about this trip you two are going on?" I shrugged "I'm taking her to New Orleans for a week and a few days." Klaus said, not showing fear.  "Did anyone say she was allowed to go?  Her mom, dad?" I nodded "Mom said it was okay, and dad doesn't care." Damon glared at me with his icy blue eyes "He does, he just has a hard time of showing it." I rolled my eyes "What do you need, Damon?"  He shrugged "Just wanted to know if we were really invited." Klaus looked at me with a questioning look "I invited everyone to make them happy and myself." Klaus began to look at Damon "You all are welcome to come, dress your best... And nobody shall be eaten in my town." Damon nodded "Thank you sir," I tried to hold back a smile from Damons' sass.  Klaus nodded and went to the drivers side of his car.  "I'll see you there?" Damon asked me looking into my eyes, his blue eyes were always perfect and as bright as bright could be but they had anger, fear, sadness hiding beneath the beauty.  "Yep, its tonight around 6:30."  "I'm guessing Klaus will be your date..." I shrugged "Yeah... I guess so.  Who will you be going with?" He chuckled "My bourbon.  Stefan is taking Elena, Caroline is going with Bonnie as 'Friend dates' so..." I smiled "Oh well, at least you don't have to buy anyone drinks besides for yourself." he smiled back "I might buy one for you." I shrugged "You have fun with that." He continued smiling at me with his icy blue eyes focused on me "I will," then he left.  I chuckled "Weirdo," I said then climbed into the car with Klaus.  "Ready to really meet the town I built?" I smiled "Of course," He held my hand as he began driving down the road.  This will be my first time at Christmas and New Years not with my family, It hit me... I wasn't spending Christmas with my mom or dad, it was with Klaus.  The one who has killed so many people and hurt more people than I can count.  I continued to hold his hand on the ride but I pretended to fall asleep to let go of his hand, I could feel his stare at me every so often, it made me careful about every move he made along the ride.

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