Chapter 49

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I woke up to a deep pain in my neck, I groaned.  "What...?" then the last few minutes, hours, maybe even days just hit me.  "Glad to see you're finally awake." I looked at the man, he had dark hair, dark eyes, and a narrow face.  I rubbed my neck as I pressed my lips together, "I'm guessing your Kai." He smiled, his teeth were straight and white "I see the Mikaelsons' filled you in on me... So I'm guessing you know I am a witch." I shrugged "I may have heard it from someone." Kai shrugged "Yeah, someone - your little hybrid boyfriend.  Why aren't you a vampire?" I smirked "Who said I wasn't?" Kai twirled this thumbs "Because a real vampire would try and come after me." "Maybe I am just making a plan to kill you." He looked up at me, his dark eyes showing excitement into this torture.  "I wouldn't try to unless you want your friend dead..." he nodded towards the right of me, there sat Aqua.  "If I die, so doesn't she." "Aqua!  Aqua!" I shook her shoulder, she slowly woke up with her eyes fluttering.  "What?  Maya?" She looked at me, her light green eyes staring at me in fear.  "Its okay, Its okay." The door swung open and there stood a 5'11 man with light brown almost blonde hair and deep blue eyes, he looked mid maybe early 40's.  "Mikael." Kai said as he stood up quickly.  "Kai." The man known as Mikael said, then it hit me.  "Wait, like Mikael... The father of the Mikaelson children?" He lifted his head, he gave a glare towards me quickly.  "Yes, but not that hybrid werewolf you know of." I gulped "Please tell me you're here to help me." He laughed loudly "No, girl." He looked at Kai "Who is the other one?" He pointed towards Aqua.  "I thought she was Maya, Sorry." Mikael clenched his fists "HOW COULD YOU CONFUSE A BLONDE WOMAN AND A BRUNETTE WOMAN?!" he yelled.  "Sorry, Sir." Mikael took a deep breath, "It is alright, son.  You are better than that hybrid that must be part of my family." I furrowed my eyebrows at him "Are you talking about Klaus?" I locked my jaw in place.  "Is that what he calls himself?  He is Niklaus and he is nothing but a boy that fears." I stood up "Don't you dare call Klaus that.  He has shown more strength than you have.  You made other people do your dirty deeds!" I walked over to him and shoved him in the chest, he didn't move more than a half of an inch.  He grabbed my arms tightly, I screamed in pain.  "Don't you dare touch me." He growled as the veins under his eyes came out.  "You are lucky I only drink from vampires, girl." he threw me to the ground and walked over to Aqua.  He crouched down in front of her face.  "You will forget everything that has happened here.  You will wake up in an hour remembering you went into the woods because you heard something and got lost." Aqua looked at me with questioning eyes, I just nodded and mouthed "He is trying to compel you, go with it or you will never leave." She nodded "I went into the woods and got lost." Mikael pat her head and said "Good girl." Then he got up and began walking over to me, Kai picked Aqua up easily and walked out of the small concrete room.  I crawled backwards until I hit the wall - I was cornered.  "What are you going to do to me." I pushed against the wall, wishing I could just sink into it and run away.  "I'm not sure yet, girl." I quickly got up and ran to the small table on the other side of the room where there was a wooden stake.  It wouldn't kill him but it would hold him off.  He ran over and I stabbed it into his stomach, he gasped in pain as I ran past him to the door.  I opened the door to run into someone, we both fell.  I quickly gathered myself up and ran but they grabbed my arm.  "Maya, love, its me." I looked behind me and it was Klaus.  I gasped "Klaus, get out of here!  Its Mikael!" Klaus' eyes widened in fear.  "What?" I wrapped my hand around his arm and began dragging him behind me.  "He was going to kill me for being in love with you."  Klaus stopped in his tracks, taking me with him.  He reached behind him and grabbed a dagger.  "Klaus...?" He had tears in his eyes "He must pay for what he did.  Go find Kol, he is out searching for Aqua with Elijah." I continued holding onto him.  "GO!" He yelled at me with a tear running down the side of his face.  I ran into him and kissed him roughly, I pulled away and kept my forehead against his "Be careful..." He pecked a kiss on my lips "I always am, now go before he gets to you."  Tears ran down my face as I ran away without looking back, I knew it would be too hard for me to continue running if I saw him.  I ran into another body without thinking, I was too worried about Klaus.  I looked down and saw it was Kai with Aqua next to him.  "Common." he whispered he got up quickly and grabbed both me and Aqua.  I looked at Aqua with questioning eyes then she mouthed "He is helping." then I felt Kais hand leave my wrist and he was on the ground with Kol pinning him to the ground.  "Kol!" Aqua screamed, I couldn't tell if it was for him to stop or out of excitement to see him.  She ran over to him and held his forearm, he looked at her with crazy eyes.  "Aqua, back away."  Kol muttered, she didn't move.  "Kol, Kai was trying to help us get away.  He went back for Maya." Kol looked at me with the veins under his eyes showing once again.  "Where is Niklaus?" Elijah asked behind me, I still felt the tears coming down my face.  "H-he was going after Mikael..." Elijahs eyes widened as he straightened his posture.  "Kol, lets go.  Now." Elijah ordered Kol, Kol got up quickly and they sped off.  I pulled out my phone, it was almost dead.  I called Rebekah.  "Rebekah... please tell me you're in Mystic Falls." "I actually am, what seems to be the issue?" I sighed "Mikael is here, and Klaus is going after him after Mikael tried killing me." "Where are you?" I heard her ask quickly.  "I'll send you my location." I ended the call quickly and sent her my location.  She was here within 3 minutes, "What way did they go?" She asked quickly, I pointed towards the way Kol and Elijah ran.  She had some type of ash in her hand.  "What is that?" Her eyes showed she was scared for her brothers.  "The thing to kill our father." She ran off quickly with Kai sill on the ground recovering.  "Get up." I ordered, he got up quickly still coughing.  "Maya, be nice." Aqua lectured.  I narrowed my eyes at her with the rage rising inside of me.  "I don't have to be fucking nice.  If he didn't take us - no if he didn't start working with Mikael both our boyfriends wouldn't be out there risking their lives." I roared.  She sunk back in fear, I locked my jaw and clenched my fists together.  "This is all his fault." I pointed towards Kai.  He stood there, I could not tell what his emotion was.  "You're starting to sound like me, Love." Klaus said from behind Aqua.  He had blood on his face and his shirt, I didn't care.  I ran into his arms and tackled him to the ground.  I kissed him softly as he placed his hands on my torso he chuckled.  "Should I be fighting for my love more often?" I smiled as I pulled away.  "I will kiss you like this everyday if you please." I placed my forehead against his, he placed his hands on both sides of my face and kissed me again.  "That would be great, Love." I smiled wider, then I realized everyone around us was looking at us besides Kol and Aqua.  I looked more closely and they were kissing.  He had his hands on her torso as she wrapped her arms around his neck - pulling him down to keep the kiss continuing.  I looked for Kai and he was no where to be seen.  Klaus got up quickly then offered me his hand, I grabbed it then he brought me up quickly and slammed my body against his and then kissed me passionately.  Rebekah whistled loudly so that Aqua and I pulled away from Klaus and Kol.  "Mikael is dead." Rebekah said.  "This means a party." Klaus smiled as he wrapped his arm around me, I kept my body close to his and put my hand against his chest.  I looked at Aqua and Kol, they were back to kissing.  I chuckled softly as I looked at Klaus "Were we like that?" Klaus laughed "I hope we were not that... messy." I laughed "Messy?" He smirked "Yes." Then I kissed his cheek, "Who cares if we were." He smiled down at me with his blue eyes looking into mine, I never wanted to look away.

From Author:  

Hey guys!  You're welcome for the extra long chapter, I wanted to make up for all the short ones I have been making plus I wanted to fit everything into this chapter that I have been thinking.  Go check out my friend Brianas book, her book is called For Better, or For Worse!  This book shows Aquas side of the story and it is a great book!  Thank you for reading Chapter 49 of The Difference Between Us!  If you liked this chapter add it to your library and vote on it!  Lots Of Love, Lovelies!

xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now