Chapter 16

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As I pulled on my dress after curling my hair and doing my makeup I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked "Its me," it was Stefan. I rolled my eyes, "Get your ass in here and help me zip up this stupid dress." I said aggravated, he laughed through the door and opened it. "If you laugh at me one more time I will scream." He rolled his eyes "Don't have any sissy fits." I sighed "Please just help me." I groaned still trying to zip up the dress on my own. "What's the magic word?" he asked "Help me with this or I'll kill you myself?" I asked smiling, "Totally," he rolled his eyes and helped me zip up the dress. "Very nice." He said simply "Wow thanks, I know I'm so sexy all the time." He rolled his eyes "Take a complement for once." "Too much work." I fixed my hair in the mirror "Of course it is too much work for you." I nodded while replying my nude lipstick. "Well Damon is downstairs with Elena... I guess I better get down there." I spun around "Elena is here?" I asked with anger. "Yeah...? Damon said she was allowed to come." "I never said that!" He stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed, "You said everyone was allowed to come..." I groaned and hit my head, not caring if I ruined my makeup. "I DIDN'T MEAN ELENA." "You'll have to deal with it, Maya. She is already here and Damon nor I want her to leave." I rolled my eyes "She has you two wrapped around her little prissy finger." He sighed, "Maya what is your problem with Elena?" I groaned "You and Damon treat her like shes the queen and all she is doing is stringing you and him along and no matter what one of you is gonna end up hurt and you two will lose each other. I would hate to see that, Damon without Stefan. Stefan without Damon." "How do you know this will happen?" I groaned "It obviously will, Stefan." "But how. Do. You. Know." I stood up and got into his face "Because I'm not blinded by her like you and Damon are." He furrowed his eyebrows more and I saw his face fall into sadness. "We don't think that," I rolled my eyes. "Stefan please just listen to me. What will happen if she chooses you over Damon, What will Damon do? If she chooses Damon over you, what will you do?" He sighed in defeat. "Damon would be very... Upset. So upset he may turn off his humanity." I groaned "See what I am saying, Stefan! She is bad for both of you." He looked around the room, "I'm going to go downstairs now... I'll see you down there?" He asked changing the subject. "Yep, See you down there." He vanished down stairs as I added the last touches to my hair. I stood up and waited in the doorway for Klaus, within a minute and 16 seconds of standing there he was in front of me with his face in shock, possibly from seeing my dress, or himself noticing how uncomfortable I feel in these heels. "Sorry I'm late, love." I smiled, "Its perfectly fine." he held his arm out to me and I wrapped my arm around his. "You look beautiful tonight," I smiled wider "Are you saying I don't look beautiful everyday?" I frowned quickly, trying to act pissed. "No! Of course not," I smiled again "I was just joking, who knew Mr Mikaelson cared what I looked like." He rolled his eyes as we walked down the staircase and I saw so many people in the courtyard. He whispered in my ear as we were still walking "I will always care about you, even if it is something simple like what you're wearing." I felt his breath on my ear, it sent a shiver down my spine. I smiled and I heard him lightly chuckle as we reached the end of the staircase, "Don't laugh at me. Its not my fault you make me like this." He smiled with his dimples showing, then he looked at Rebekah and began glaring at her. I rolled my eyes and whispered in his ear "What did she say?" He chuckled and whispered back "You can read my face so well already. Talking about how we're cute and such... The Salvatore brothers and Mrs Gilbert disagree." I slid my hand down his arm to grab his hand, "Who cares what they say." He smiled at me, "That's my girl." he linked our fingers together as we walked through the crowds together to Rebekah. "Aren't they so cute, Elijah?" Rebekah asked, "Of course, but I never expected them to become the couple." Klaus glared at him, "Doubting my ability's to love, brother?" Elijah shook his head "No, I just thought Maya would be sick of you by now," I rolled my eyes, "Elijah stop being a douche. Klaus calm the hell down," I squeezed his hand lightly, he nodded in agreement. Next thing I know Damon was behind him with his drink in hand, then Damon punched Klaus. "DAMON WHAT THE HELL!?" I screamed, Klaus stumbled back but caught himself easily. I walked up to Damon and got into his face "The hell is wrong with you, in front of everyone. At a fucking Christmas party!" Damon threw me across the room onto a table with food, "Why don't you stop being a damn brat and realize Klaus is getting into your head!" "I will never, and why don't you realize Elena is doing the same to you and Stefan!?" Then I saw Klaus plow into him like no problem and into a wall, "YOU DO NOT TOUCH THE GIRL!" Klaus screamed at Damon, "YOU CAN PUNCH ME. YOU CAN THROW ME. BUT YOU WILL NEVER, EVER TOUCH MAYA AGAIN." He grabbed Damon by the throat and began rising him up the wall, I got up quickly and ran to them both. "Klaus stop! He is drunk, please stop!" Klaus looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, he nodded and let Damon fall to the ground, then sorrow turned into furry. "Don't you ever touch her again, if you do I will be the last thing you will see." Then Klaus vanished and the rest of the mortals stood there in shock, Rebekah sighed. "Elijah you get the North, I get the south, Stefan you get the East, Kol you get the West." They all went around making people forget about what had happened, I looked down and saw my arm was cut, probably about 5 inches long and it began gushing with blood. Elijah was the one to grab me and run me into the kitchen before something would happen, "I am so sorry, I was hoping this would be a perfect Christmas party for you." I shrugged "Not the worst one." He smiled slightly and grabbed a first aid box, stitched me up and gave me a advil. "I'm going to go lay down, I'll see you tomorrow." I said, taking the back way to my room. I sprawled across my bed after I changed into my pajamas and sighed, "What a great Christmas." I fell asleep after a short while of crying due to the pain. At 2:43 AM I felt a arm wrap around me and pull me closer, It was Klaus. I grabbed his hand as it was close to my chest, "I'm sorry." he said, "It is fine, Klaus... You were just protecting me. Damon started it," Klaus buried his face into my hair "And I didn't have to react in that way..." He murmured, "No you didn't but I understand why you had to." "Mind telling me why, because even I can't get it correct." I smiled lightly into the darkness, "You hated seeing him hurt me, so you just took matters into your own hands... even though it was the violent way." I could feel his breath on my neck, A shiver went down my spine. "Wait, are you shirtless?" I asked about to laugh, realizing how long it took me to see that it is nighttime and he must be ready for going to sleep. "Why are you asking?" he chuckled softly, "Because it is nighttime, and you must be ready to go to sleep." I felt him smile against my hair, "Maybe," I smiled along with him, "You're smile is beautiful," "I know," He shook his head softly "Take a complement, sheesh." I rolled onto my other side to look at him, "Thank you." And I kissed him softly, he kissed back for a few moments then we pulled away. At this time I felt as though we were in a romance movie maybe-- we continued to stare at each other, looking at every facial features we have. His hand traced from my shoulder to my forearm then stopped when he got to the bandage. "What happened?" He asked staring at my arm with worry and fear in his face. "Just happened when Damon threw me, I'm fine though." He touched the bandage lightly "Stitches?" I nodded "Elijah is a good doctor." Klaus sighed, "I should rip his head off for this." I put my hand on the side of his face, "I'm fine Klaus, I was just sleeping on that arm after all..." He continued to stare at me with worry in his eyes, "Are you in pain?" "No," I lied. He could tell I was lying through my teeth, "Maya, answer me truthfully." I sighed in defeat, "A little, the advil helped a lot." He rolled over onto his back "Thing is, love... you still got hurt." "But I'm fine." I groaned. "Maya that does not look like you're fine." he argued. "I'm too tired to argue, Klaus." He sighed "Fine, we shall continue this in the morning."

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now