Chapter 36

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I woke up to a small slap on my face.  "Wake the hell up." my eyes fluttered to life and I noticed Marcels' face.  "Marcel?" He smiled "The one and only." I groaned and sat up but I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.  "Ow." I put my hand on the back of my head, "When you passed out you hit the back of your head.  Good job." I looked around the empty room, there was a dart board, table, and a bar with drinks on it.  "Where is Klaus?" Marcel shrugged "He had to deal with Damon, so he told me to take you here." I groaned then I realized something, "Deal with Damon?" He nodded "Like Kill?!" My eyes widened, "No, totally not their going to have a nice talk then shake hands and call it good.  Of course he is going to kill Damon." I sat up on the couch and he sat next to me, "Whats up?" I felt my eyes begin to water, "Marcel bring me to Klaus, He can't kill Damon." Marcel shrugged "As much as I hate to say it Klaus owns the town, I have to listen to him.  And really he can... Damon kissed you - Klaus' mate.  Klaus was bound to kill Damon at some point." I narrowed my eyes at Marcel "Bring me to Damon now, or I will run and kill myself." He rolled his eyes "You wouldn't be able to make it to the door before I stop you." I got up and ran to one side of the room and Marcel was already there, then I ducked and ran beside him and made my way out the door.  I ran down the narrow stairs then jumped down the last 3, I felt pain rise into my leg but I ignored it.  I opened the door to lead me outside quickly and ran onto the sidewalk, I stopped to catch my breath.  "Maya get back here!" I heard Marcel call from inside the building.  I looked back into the building and saw Marcel, I began to run to Klaus'... thing was I didn't know where I was.  I saw a small witch shop and went inside, "Hello?" A lady said from behind the counter, "Hey, um a guy will come in here looking for me.  Please tell him I'm not here." she tilted her head to the left then nodded.  I ran into the back room and hid.  I didn't really even get to see her face... I looked through the crack of the door and saw her, she had light curled brown hair and brown eyes.  She organized the witchy things behind the counter.  Then I heard the front door open quickly, "D, have you seen a girl run in here?" The girl shook her head "I haven't." I held my breath "Davina I really hope you're not lying to me, she is trying to stop Klaus from killing another vampire - a Salvatore."  Davina?  Like the helper Klaus told me about?  "I see, but I haven't seen her anywhere." He nodded "Fine." Then he walked out the door furious and slammed it.  "You can come out now," I opened the door and started to breathe again.  "You're trying to save a Salvatore?" I nodded "Yeah, he kissed me and so Klaus is pissed and wants to kill him." She moved her hair out of her face "Can't do that without a witch." I smiled "Wanna help?" she nodded "Duh, I haven't been able to help anyone with my magic in ages.  I'll do a location spell," She quickly and easily did a location spell after I gave her the ring that belonged to Damon but he gave to me. "Looks like hes in Klaus' house." I groaned "Of course." I looked around the small room "Where are we?" "Covington" I sighed "Fine, looks like I need to hot wire a car.  Thanks anyways, Davina." She smiled "No problem." I walked out of the building and closed the door behind me.  I saw a small white car a few yards away, I ran to it.  The door was unlocked and I climbed inside and hot wired the car.  I pulled out my phone and began calling Klaus - it went straight to voicemail.  "Niklaus Mikaelson if you dare hurt Damon you will be facing the wrath from me." I continued calling him until he finally picked up.  "What is it?" I clenched my hand around the wheel and drove into the quarter.  "Don't you dare hurt Damon." "He is the one who kissed you." I slammed the car door "I don't give a fuck, don't you dare hurt Damon.  He is my brother." Klaus laughed "You're kidding me right?  He is a vampire, he is not your brother." I groaned as I opened the basement door "He is like a brother, don't you dare touch him." I ran down the stairs and saw Damon beaten up against the wall.  "Damon?  Damon?!" I hung up with Klaus and put my phone into my back pocket.  "This was worth kissing you." He said quickly - weak.  I tried to pick him up but failed at trying "I doubt that, Damon.  You look horrible." He smirked "I bet I still look fabulous still beaten up." He got up on his feet slowly and I held his arm to hold him up.  "Why the hell did you do this?" He did a small shrug "Because," then we heard the door open "Maya." I recognized the voice and I stumbled back - Damon held me up from falling.

From Author:

Hey guys sorry I've been slow on chapters, just this weekend has been pretty crazy for me.  I really hope you guys liked this chapter, and hopefully I'll be uploading a few more today to catch up on chapters - If not I'll work on them tomorrow on the bus.  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and if you did add it to your library and vote on it!  Thank you so much for reading and for 300 reads!  If you have any ideas on what you would like to happen in the next chapter let me know in the comments.  Thank you once again for reading The Difference Between Us!  Lots of Love~


xxoo Em

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