Chapter 44

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(I'm sorry I just really like these ^^ xD)

"Everything okay?" Damon asked from the doorway as the blood continued to rush to my face.  "Yeah, fine..." He grabbed my hand and brought me inside.  "Do you mind going...? I'd like to spend the night with just my mom.  No offence at all." His blue eyes pierced into mine, "Did he do something?" He grabbed me on my shoulders to look at him - he looked at me up and down making sure nothing was wrong.  "No, no he wouldn't hurt me.  I just want to stay with my mom, alright?" I felt the tears threat to hit the surface but I smiled - ignoring them.  "Okay, 'Night." He kissed me softly then vanished, I heard his car start then leave the driveway.  "Whats going on?" My mom said in the hallway closing her door.  "Just asked Damon to leave." She nodded towards the couch.  "Maya, You can't continue leading him on." I looked down at my hands, pushing my cuticles.  "I know..." She sat down with her hands together in front of her, in her lap.  "I don't think you do, Maya.  At some point one of them will be hurt... its better not to lead them on and hurt them before they get deeper into your trap..." I smirked "You make it seem like I'm a bad person." She sighed as she rubbed her forehead, "I knew this would happen at some point... I was just hoping it would be more obvious to you." I continued staring at my hands, "I wish I could." She grabbed my hand "You've always done that since you were younger... when you knew you were in trouble and felt guilty you always did that." I sighed "I just don't know." She looked at me as I continued to stare at my hands "What makes you want to stay with Damon?" I took a deep breath.  "He makes me feel free, like I have no worries in the world.  and he is always there for me... Plus we may have had sex...." She looked away and down at the floor "Please tell me you used protection." I rolled my eyes "Of course, I'm not an idiot." In all honesty we didn't, hes a vampire he cant have kids so... "I know you're not.  Now what makes you want to be with Klaus?" I pressed my lips together "I feel free with him as well, but he is so romantic... when he isn't in a bad mood..." meaning when he doesn't want to kill anyone or is killing someone - or threatening someone.  "He makes me so happy, and his family is so welcoming... and himself being a badass is just... so alluring.  But when it comes to me he is so sweet and caring." I left out how he would kill someone for me... I mean I could have said it exaggerating but still.  "And... he just makes me feel like the only girl in the world, the luckiest one at that." She looked at me, "Who gave you this?" She looked at my necklace.  "Klaus..." She smiled "In my opinion, hon... I think it should be Damon.  You gave me so many reasons for Klaus but you and Damon just seem to fit." I placed my forehead against my palm.  "I don't know." She rubbed my back, "No matter who you choose - I will always love you, Maya." I hugged her "Thanks, mum" "Alright," She wiped her tears away from the deep conversation.  "Time for bed, isn't it?" I smiled "Sure, I'm going to stay up for a bit - maybe." She kissed the top of my head as she stood up "I'll see you in the morning." I nodded as I got comfortable on the couch and started up Netflix - I didn't even watch the show, I just continued thinking.  I heard a knock on my door, I groaned as I stared at the clock below the TV - 1:21 AM.  "Who's there?" I whispered through the door.  "Its me." I furrowed my eyebrows then I remembered the voice.  I opened the door and jumped into his arms "Elijah!" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around him.  He laughed "I heard you may need a friend." I jumped down and narrowed my eyes "From who?" he chuckled, "A little bird." I rolled my eyes "Klaus?" He shrugged "Maybe." I smiled "Well get in here." He walked past me and into the living room where my movie was still playing.  "Really?" He looked at me quietly laughing.  I looked at the TV, noticing I was watching the Titanic.  "Well to be honest... I wasn't even watching it." He smiled as he fixed the blanket on the couch, "You're so neat it can be annoying." He smirked and winked at me.  I rolled my eyes "Weirdo." he sat down on the couch and patted the couch motioning for me to sit with him.  I sat next to him and cuddled into the blanket.  He was at one side of the couch and I was at the other, then he motioned to me to sit next to him.  I moved until I was against him, I leaned my head on his shoulder.  "You seem tired." I rolled my eyes "Really?  I couldn't tell." He smiled as he pat my leg, "I do see why my brother enjoys your company.  You are much like him." I sighed "I just don't know what to do, Elijah.  I love him and Damon." Elijah nodded as he put his head on mine "Just know I will always be with you, and I will always be your best "buddy" and your brother, no matter who you may choose." I smiled "Thanks, Uncle Elijah." He rolled his eyes "This again?" I nodded and smiled.  We continued watching The Titanic until it was about 2:30, then I felt my eyes begin to get heavy - I fell asleep on his shoulder finally feeling calm.

From Author:

Hey guys sorry I've been a little lazy on updating, I'm stressing about a lot of school work because now it is the 3ed quarter for me and the teachers are expecting a lot more from us students.  Anyways, I added "and your brother" from Elijah because I didn't want you guys thinking maybe Elijah and Maya may hook up... but you know you never know with me (; Thank you guys so much for reading Chapter 44 of The Difference Between Us!  If you enjoyed this chapter please add it to your library and vote on it!  Tell me what your favorite part of this book was in the comments!  Mine was the mother daughter moment between Maya and her mom - idk why don't ask questions.  Anyways --- Thank you once again for reading my book and thank you for ALMOST 400 reads!  I greatly appreciate it, more than you can think!  Love you all, Lovelies! 


xxoo Em <3

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now