Chapter 38

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Damon picked me up bride style and brought me into the other room, "You're going to be okay." I didn't understand what he meant until I heard my teeth chatter.  He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around him.  "Get back out here and fight me you coward!" Klaus yelled from the other room, "H-he needs to leave.  I-i'll make him." I began to walk past Damon but he grabbed me by my shoulders, "No you won't." "Let me go." He shook his head, his icy blue eyes piercing into me.  I turned away and tried walking away again but instead of going through the door frame I ran into Damons' chest.  "D-Damon don't." He looked down at me "I can't help it." I looked past him "Go, just get him away from here." I shoved him out the door, as soon as he left I called the Mystic Falls Police.  "Officer Forbes?" "Yes this is her." I sighed in happiness "It's Maya, Klaus is here and threatening the Salvatore house." I heard her get up from her chair "I'll be right there." We hung up and extended our Thank you and Welcomes.  After a few moments of Klaus still throwing the wooden stakes and Damon dodging them like a pro I heard a police car in the distance, quickly Officer Forbes pulled up with gun in hand and pointing it at Klaus.  Deep inside I wanted her to stop but I knew I had to get Klaus out of here, he was being reckless and stupid.  "HANDS DOWN AND PUT THE WOODEN STAKE ON THE GROUND." I heard her holler.  "Why should I?" Klaus called back, I peeked out from the corner to see him towards Liz with his hands in front of him - I have to admit he looked pretty hot in that way but I ignored it and focused on him trying to kill my best friends.  "Because you're not from here but yet you are in many murder cases so unless you want me to bring you downtown I suggest you either get out of here or hand me your stake and I still can bring you downtown." "I'm in many of those murders as well!" Damon chirped, I threw a fork at him and he caught it easily.  "Do you want to go to jail as well you dumbass?" I growled lightly at him, "Nah, not today." I rolled my eyes but when I looked back to see where Klaus was I saw him looking back at me, his hazel eyes amazing me.  "Love, don't let the officer take me." I narrowed my eyes "Did you just try and compel me?!" I yelled.  "What the actual hell, Klaus.  I thought you were better than that." I looked at Liz "Take him off the property please, do any matters necessary." Liz nodded and still held the gun at Klaus.  "On the ground." Klaus slowly got onto his knees "throw the stake inside the house - Damon look out he may aim to you." Damon moved into the room with me and Klaus threw the stake in the house and just barely missed me.  "Douche." Klaus put his hands behind his head then looked back at me "That's what you love about me." Then Liz grabbed his wrists and put cuffs on him.  She looked so short compared to Klaus but she had the courage to drag him to her car and locked him in the back seat.  After she walked into the house and hugged me "I didn't see you at Christmas, I missed you.  We're you with your dad?" I shook my head "Nope I was with that douche over in your police car and his family." Liz pulled away from me, "please tell me you have Ravine on you." I shrugged "I don't really know, I wasn't compelled by him just now." Damon grabbed my wrist and looked at the basket I had on, he took it off then made me look at him "Tell me I'm fabulous." I rolled my eyes "I would never." I smiled then he put back on the bracelet and nodded towards my heart necklace Klaus gave me for Christmas.  "Probably, help me?" He nodded and helped me take off the necklace then his piercing icy blue eyes looked at me "Tell me I'm more fabulous than anyone including yourself.  And more attractive." "You're more fabulous that anyone including me and more attractive." I covered my mouth after I said it "The hell, that's clingy." Damon winked at me "You're the one who said it." I rolled my eyes "because you made me." Liz cleared her throat "We'll I better bring him downtown... be safe tonight in case he gets out some how." I nodded "Thanks Liz." She tipped her hat at me "Anytime, Maya." She walked out and closed the door behind her.  I turned around and looked at the living room.  It was trashed.  "Holy shit." Damon smiled "At least it trashed the living room and not my face - since you admitted that my face is very attractive." I rolled my eyes and picked up a broken vase, "I hope this wasn't important." Stefan shrugged "Just worth 200 dollars, but no not at all." He rolled his eyes and went upstairs.  "Someone is on their cycle!" Damon called upstairs "Did you have to tell Maya that you're on your cycle, it's not very gentleman like." Damon growled under his breath then turned to look at me cleaning.  "Are you going to help or not?" I took off my shoes without thinking and I walked across the floor then I felt a sharp pain in my foot.  "Ow, Fucking hell." I hopped  over to the couch and sat down to look at my now bleeding foot.  "What the hell happened?" Damon asked with worry in his voice.  "We'll when Klaus broke your favorite glass shit thing it fell on the floor and I stepped on it." Damon rolled his eyes, "Doesn't surprise me." He picked me up again and we were in his bathroom in seconds.  "Back off buddy I can do it." I pushed him away with my other foot.  "Just let me do this, God Maya." I rolled my eyes "Fine.." he quickly got out the glass and stitched my foot up, "Why the hell do you have a stitching kit in your house?" He shrugged and looked up at me "Have to when you're a vampire." I bit on the inside of my cheek "That's comforting." He looked up at me with his eyes piercing into me, within a second his lips were against mine - and I kissed him back even though there was a voice in the back of my head yelling at me, at this moment I didn't care.  I quickly put my legs around his torso and he pinned me to the wall next to his bed, his kisses left trails along my skin as he took off mine and his clothes then went to the bed. 

From Author:
Hahahahah this chapter is a Lil inappropriate but BOI I WARNED YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN AT SOME POINT, IT JUST WASNT WITH KLAUS.  you're welcome for this, it was very embarrassing to write this on the bus with kids surrounding me but sh idgaf.  Alright anyways if you enjoyed this chapter please add it to your library and vote on it!  If you have any ideas for the next chapter let me know in the comments, also let me know who you ship more- Damon and Maya or Klaus and Maya!  Thank you once again for reading chapter 38 of The Difference Between Us! Lots Of Love~

Xxoo Em \( ̄<  ̄)>

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now