Chapter 37

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Elijah stood at the end of the stairs with his hands in his pockets.  "Maya are you going against Klaus' wishes?" I shrugged "He didn't tell me anything, he just told Marcel to keep me away and he did a horrible job at doing so."  Elijah nodded and looked at Damon, "I don't think you should be saving him." I tilted my head "Does it look like I care what you think?" I felt a shiver rise up my spine from the cold.  "You should unless you have a death wish from my brother." I bit the inside of my cheek "He wouldn't kill me." Elijah sighed "That's what we thought about Finn, but now he is daggered once again." I widened my eyes "He daggered Finn again?" Elijah nodded, "Elijah please let us go.  Please." I begged, He stood there in silence for moments "Please." he nodded "I'll hold off Klaus for as long as I can.  I give you my word." I wrapped Damons arm across me as we as quickly as possible got up the stairs and to the small car.  I let Damon go as he walked to the passenger side of the car and I went into the drivers side.  I backed the car up quickly and got out of there as quickly as possible.  Damon leaned his head back against the seat "Your new ride?" I shook my head "Hot wire." I focused on the road ahead of us, soon we reached the interstate.  "Didn't know you could hot wire something besides me." I rolled my eyes "Your pick up lines are horrible." I saw him wink at me out of the corner of my eye.  "I'm not horrible in bed." I groaned "If you not having blood is making you like this you're welcome to have mine." I held out my wrist towards Damon he stared at it like it was a monster.  "Well?" He shook his head as the veins under his eyes showed.  "Damon you're going to starve you dumbass." He smirked "Okay."
After the long car ride with horny dying Damon
I called Stefan quickly, he answered in seconds.  "Klaus is trying to kill Damon so I saved Damon and now Klaus could possibly kill me along with Damon, so you better be home." I could sense the confusion with Stefan.  "You said that all really quickly but yes I am home." "Good, be there in five." I drove past my house and I saw my moms car there.  "Are you okay?" Damon asked "Yeah, yes I'm fine." I continued driving to the Salvatore home.  "Why are we going to my house?" I glared at Damon "If you stopped being so damn horny and listened to me you'd know why." He shrugged "I can't help it with you." I tightened my grip around the wheel.  "Sure." I pulled into the driveway, "okay we need to quickly get to your doorway, okay?  We can't risk Klaus possibly being right in the woods." We both climbed out of the car quickly than I felt Damon pick me up bride style and quickly get me to the door, he was out of breath by the time we reached the door.  "You shouldn't have done that, you're too weak" he smirked "I'm never weak, Thank you." I opened the door and we quickly got inside.  Stefan was there in front of us in seconds, "Damon?  What the hell happened?" He stared at Damon in shock.  "He kissed me, Klaus got pissed and tried killing him but I saved him and we're here now." Stefan stared at us "So Klaus could be here any second?" The door slammed open behind Damon and I.  "Ah yes he could, but he is already here." I turned and saw Klaus there with wooden stakes in hand.  Stefan quickly put Damon's arm around him and picked me up then brought us downstairs.  He threw a blood bag at Damon quickly "No squirrels in there?" Stefan rolled his eyes "Just drink." Damon drank the blood bag quickly then his face went back to normal.  "Now you look better." He smirked "More sexy is more like the word.". Stef and Damon flew up the stairs to face Klaus as I stayed downstairs.  I ran up the stairs and I heard vases crashing and things breaking.  "Common that was my favorite glass!" Damon complained as they dodged the wooden stakes.  "Missed me." Damon said as the wooden stake flew past him.  He grabbed a table and used it as a shield, the stake went through the table and barely touched Damon.  "Damn, I'm starting to think you don't like me very much." Klaus threw another wooden stake and just missed Stefan "Are you just realizing this?" Damon shrugged as he threw the table to the side "I mean I have thought about it before but I just thought I was going crazy." Klaus still had more stakes in hand, He thew one and it landed in the wall.  I walked in between them both, "You, I thought I could trust." Klaus said pointing the stake towards me.  "You can trust me as long as you don't hurt my friends, Klaus!  You said you have stopped hurting people I love and hold close to me but does this look like you have stopped?!" I yelled "This is your fault." I growled.  "My fault?!  I'm allowed to kiss you, Damon is not!" He yelled back still pointing the stake towards me.  "Stop threatening me with that stupid stick.  If you're going to hurt me just do it already!" I screamed, "I could never hurt you, don't you realize that?!" The rage in his face scared me, but I didn't show it.  "You're hurting me by hurting my friends!" He narrowed his eyes at me and Damon jumped in front of me.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now