Chapter 3

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"You can be a savage some days though, Klaus." I said in response 

"Yes I can be, but..." He looked around "You keep me entertained so I don't have to be such a savage." He smiled slightly at me and I shrugged 

"I guess that is a good thing some days, even though you drive me to the point where I lose my sanity." he chuckled.

 Then Elijah appeared in front of his car.  "I see that you two are having a conversation without ripping each others throats out."

 Klaus leaned against the car "I thought about it." 

I smacked his arm "So didn't I, so I wouldn't be talking you hybrid."

 Klaus narrowed his eyes at me. "And do you have an issue with myself being a hybrid?"

 I shrugged and then looked at Elijah "Lets get out of here before he really does rip out my throat." I chuckled while Elijah was already unlocking his car. 

 "Goodbye Nicklaus" Elijah said as I climbed into his car and so did Elijah.  After I put on my seat belt I looked out the window to look for Klaus but he was already gone, "He leaves when there is nothing to entertain him." I shrugged.

 "Really I didn't notice." I said sarcastically.  My phone buzzed in my pocket and I saw it was from Klaus:

Klaus:  Want to continue that argument over dinner sometime?

I sighed at my phone and answered, while I was typing Elijah commented "Klaus possibly fancy's you, but he doesn't show it in a normal human way..." I shrugged

Maya:  Why not?  As long as I get 2 rip out your throat :)
Klaus:  That sounds like a nice dinner to me, sweetheart (:
Maya: Fight me :D

Klaus: I will tonight, I'll pick you up at 7.
Maya: Fiiinnneeeeeee ;____;

I frowned as I stared out the window, "Well looks like I need Caroline today," Elijah furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why?" I shrugged in response "Looks like I get to rip Klaus' throat out tonight at 7."

 Elijah chuckled, "Have fun." 

I sighed "I'll try."

Okay okay now I know y'all are saying "WHY DID YOU SAY YEEESS YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO HATE HIM" well yes I do hate him but mine as well ruin his night, Right?  Sounds like fun to me.

*****At The Grill*****

I jumped into my truck and began texting Caroline

Maya: Wanna go shopping?

Caroline: For whaat?
Maya: A date ;o;
Caroline: WITH WHO!?

Maya: Someone, a certain vampire.

Caroline: ELIJAH?!
Maya: Nah
Caroline: STEFAN
Maya: Nope

Caroline: DAMON, UH
Maya: Nope and Uh ain't a person.  So yes or no?

Caroline: Fine fine fineeee I'll meet you at your house.

Maya: K

I drove to my house to find my moms subaru outback gone, "Well at least I get some peace." I pulled out my house key and jumped out of my truck then walked to the door.  I heard Greyson barking in his kennel "Grey calm down I am coming!" I unlocked the door and he began bouncing off the Kennel walls, I let him out of his Kennel to play with Katie and I ran to my room to grab my charger.  After what seemed like forever of searching I finally found it then ran out of my room and I saw Caroline making herself comfortable on my couch.  "Just make yourself at home," I said.

 "Don't worry I already have." She responded with a smile, I shook my head and grabbed my keys then remembered Greyson. 

"Shit, hang on," I grabbed Greyson by his collar and I put him in his kennel then locked it.  "Lets go," I grabbed Carolines wrist and dragged her out the door telling her to lock it as we ran out.  "Lets take my car," Caroline said as I stared at her 2011 Ford Fiesta 

"Really?" I asked.

 "You wanted to go shopping so we're taking my car," She with a smile.

"Fine, but don't yell at me when your car doesn't save us from a car accident." I smiled back and walked to her car.  

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