Chapter 58

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Klaus and Elijah went into the study room to speak about myself being part werewolf and part human.  Aqua was suppose to be here soon to help me prepare the wedding since I had obviously no idea how to plan one.  There was a knock on the door as I quickly put on my normal black hoodie.  "Coming!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs quickly to the front door.  I opened it to see Kol standing there with bags in hand and Aqua next to him.  "Aqua!" I smiled as I hugged her.  I looked at Kol as he set down the bags he rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arms around me "I guess I have to be nice to you since you are soon to be my half sister by marriage."  I hugged him back "I guess so," I pulled away from him as I grabbed one bag, it was heavy.  "Holy shit - what did you pack?" I said as I looked at Aqua.  "That's his hair supplies." I rolled my eyes "That's wonderful." I placed the bag down in front of Kol and grabbed the lighter looking bag.  "We need to plan." Aqua said as I lead them into the guest room and opened the door.  "Are you saying you're kicking me out?" Kol asked as he went in front of her and behind me.  I groaned "Can you two this later?  We need to plan my wedding." Kol winked at her then vanished.  She rolled her eyes as he left the heavy bag in front of Aqua "He is so nice." I laughed to her.  "He actually is, he can just be a little bitch sometimes." I smiled "Explains why you two get along so well." She narrowed her eyes at me "Be nice." I smiled wider with a devilish grin "Always am, B" I picked up the heavy back and brought it into the room.  "Close the doors." I pointed towards the french doors as she closed them.  I jumped on the bed after I placed the bags down to the laptop, I opened it.  "OOOooo" Aqua said in amazement.  I rolled my eyes "Its Klaus'... Remind me we gotta delete the history so he doesn't see what we looked up for dresses." Aqua smirked "Keeping secrets?" I pushed her shoulder "No," I rolled my eyes.  I typed Fall Wedding Dresses and found the perfect one within just seconds of looking them up.  "I love this one." I said softly as I stared at it up and down.  "It is awesome." Aqua said smiling.  We stared at the dress in amazement for moments then I broke the silence "Aqua." She looked at me "What?" I sighed "I might be part werewolf." She furrowed her eyebrows "Like Klaus?" I shook my head.  "Then what's the other part?" "Human." Kol opened the door and stood there "I knew there was something different about your heart!" He smiled in accomplishment.  I rolled my eyes "Wait, then how are you not pregnant?" Aqua asked.  "Maybe she is full human until she chooses to turn, Darling." Kol said to Aqua.  I stared at him "Kol you're a genius." I got up quickly and ran past Kol "Are you just figuring this out?!" He hollered.  "Well duh!" I ran downstairs into the study and opened the doors quickly.  "Klaus did you hear Kol?" He nodded "Could it be possible?" Elijah looked at me "I do believe it could be possible, brother."  Klaus looked at me in worry "So when she turns... She will be a werewolf?" Elijah shrugged "Never know until we try turning her."  

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