Chapter 32

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The redheaded girl gasped loudly and I heard a breaking sound.  I watched her body fall to the floor with Klaus behind her and her heart in his hands - Literally.  "Never liked you anyways." He said to the now dead body.  He looked up to see Elijah in front of me, protecting me and myself still in the couch but now standing up.  "Hello, Love." I stared at him "You no joke just murdered your ex." He nodded looking at the heart.  "She was a insane little bitch anyways" I stood there in shock, he seriously just killed his ex - yeah she was a little insane but still.  "Are you alright?" Klaus asked me, when I didn't answer Elijah looked at me.  "I don't think so, brother." Klaus dropped the heart to the ground and I fell along with it.
Elijah's POV
I watched Maya fall quickly to the floor in fear, I rushed over to grab her before she hit her head on something and made the damage worse.  I was worried about my young friend, she must be in shock from what just happened. I held her up easily, Niklaus left quickly to wash the blood off him while I set Maya gently onto the couch - she was very limp and didn't move but I could still hear her heart racing like a normal human... a normal human.  Is there such thing as a normal human?  After all of the people and monsters I have met in my lifetime none of them are close to normal.  Her breath was soft then I heard Niklaus come back in, "Not the rug!  That rug is over a thousand years old and now you get blood on it." Rebekah groaned when she walked in, she noticed my brother and I's stressed faces.  "What happened?" She walked over to the couch to see Maya laying there "She's sleeping...?" She looked up at the both of us in confusion "So what?" Niklaus sighed "Well sister, Maya went into shock after I murdered my Ex." Rebekah furrowed her eyebrows, she reminds me so much of our mother... she was a terrible person but I still see her everyday in Rebekah's face.  "The crazy one?" Niklaus nodded.  "Of course she comes to kill you now." She looks back down at Maya, "Ever think of giving her your blood?" Niklaus nodded "Ah, yes we have, little sister.  But the issue is when she wakes up she'll remember all of this and possibly go back into shock.  I moved the hair out of my dear friends face, "We need to give her our blood, brother." I said simply, "And what about when she wakes up from her slumber?" "One of you compel her." Rebekah answered, I nodded.  "No, I will never compel her." I stood up and looked at my dear brother, he really cared for this girl.  "We need to, brother." He shook his head "Just wake her up." Rebekah rolled her eyes "Aren't you going to?" Klaus looked feared but was trying to hide it from the both of us, he did not do very well at doing so.  He nodded once, I moved out of the way and he got close to her face and moved her hair away from her face.  "I'm sorry, Love." He whispered then bit into his wrist and gave her his blood.  He pulled away and stood up.  We waited moments in silence then Maya gasped. 
Maya's POV
I woke up on the couch to see Klaus and Elijah in front of me and Rebekah behind the couch.  "What happened?" I asked then it all came back to me in a flash.  Klaus must have seen the shock about to come back but then he got close to my face, "Love..." I stared at him "What?" I felt his breath against my face, it was oddly sweet.  "Do you want me to compel you to forget?" I shook my head "No, please no." He looked at Elijah and Rebekah, they nodded at each other.  "Please don't..." Then Klaus looked into my eyes, I just had to look back at the beautiful blue eyes. 

From Author:
Hey guys sorry this chapter is short once again, I am on the bus and I got bored so I didn't have an entire hour of writing... so it is shorter than normal.  But shit the Ex died from Klaus dafuq why wasn't he quicker ;__; he could have killed Maya at any point (This is me arguing with myself then I gave up and just kept the wording 😂) but anyways I hope you liked this chapter, if you did add it to your library and vote on it!  Any ideas for the next chapter; let me know in the comments!  Thank you once again for reading chapter 32 of The Difference Between Us.  Lots of love,
Xxoo Em (∩_∩)

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now