Chapter 9

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I woke up to Damon slightly screaming in my ear "Goodmorning, Sunshine!" I groaned "Damon I am tired.  What the hell do you want from me?" "You're life" I kept my eyes closed "Nope, now goodbye." I rolled to my other side but instead of my bed I landed on the floor and my eyes shot open "Ughh Damon why the hell did you wake me up, I am tired and it is Christmas Vacation." he chuckled "Well you're going to my house to hang out with me and Stefan today," he said as taking a drink from his scotch bottle.  "Ugh, but I don't wanna..." I complained then he grabbed my wrist and dragged me across the floor to my dresser "Jeans and a sweatshirt or long sleeve?" He asked, "Sweatshirt obviously." he pulled out a red sweatshirt with some ripped jeans from my dresser "Go get ready, unless you need help." Then he winked at me and I groaned "Nope, I am good." I got up and walked to my door "I'll be back in 15 minutes," He said then left out the window with his scotch bottle.  I walked to my bathroom and got ready in 5 minutes, then I quickly and quietly went back to my room to grab my phone and texted Damon.

Maya: Damon I am already ready so get your ass over here.

Damon: So demanding.
Maya: Learn from the best.

He knocked on my door within seconds of us texting I ran over and opened the door "Fancy meeting you here," He said and I nodded "We totally didn't just see each other like ten minutes ago." I rolled my eyes and he took a drink from his bottle then my mom came around the corner.  In half a second he put the bottle in the bush, I tried to contain myself from laughing.  "Damon!  it is so good to see you again, Hon!" she walked over and gave him a hug.  See she only acts nice to my friends but with me its horrible, the spawn of satan, You get it.  "Good to see you too, Michelle." Damon said back and I glared at him.  He mouthed back "Jealous?" and winked at me I shook my head and cleared my throat "Well I'm spending the day with Damon, ma.  Is that okay?" She nodded "Of course," I stared at her.  Well Klaus really did do a good job at making her kinda non-mean.  I walked out as Damon grabbed his bottle "Haven't I missed you," I stared at him thinking he was talking to me but he was talking to his scotch.  He looked at me "I haven't missed you," I glared at him "Feeling the love, Damon." He shrugged as he took another drink.  We climbed into his car and drove to his house then my phone buzzed.

Klaus: Good Morning, Love.
Maya: Good mornin.
Klaus: What are you doing with Damon today?
Maya: r u stalking me now?
Klaus: Would you like to know the truth?
Maya: Obviously

Klaus: Yes, Because I am a thousand years old with nothing else better to do.
Maya: Great excuse.

Klaus: Thank you (:

Maya: You're welcome :)

Message from Author: 
sorry this chapter is a lil shorter than usual, but I honestly lost track of time talking with my friends so... Next chapter will be longer I promise (: 

-Em xxoo

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