Chapter 28

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"Maya, Maya wake up, Darling." My eyes fluttered to life.  "Hmm?" I looked out the window beside my bed, it was snowing.  "Wait... we were just in spring." Klaus sat on the bed, "What?  Are you okay, Love?  Damon took a real hitting after what he did to you." I shook my head "Wasn't it just spring, I'm so fucking confused."  His eyebrows furrowed "Love, its December - winter." I rolled my eyes "How many people did you pay to bring in fake snow?" I asked, "None?" He looked really confused.  I grabbed my phone and looked at the date: December 26, 2016.  "It was just a dream?  But Kol and Ava were together, we-" I cut myself off.  "Kol and Ava will be together at some point obviously, Love.  But what were we?" He asked, "Nothing." He looked away from me, "No, No not like we weren't dating.  It was something else-" "What was it then?" I rolled my eyes "It was just a dream, Klaus.  Don't worry about it," I sat up quickly and saw a scar on my arm, "What happened?" I asked him.  "I didn't get to Damon soon enough, he cut you with a knife.  I gave you some of my blood but it isn't healing you quick enough." My eyes widened "Stefan?" Klaus sighed and looked at the headboard, above me.  "He brought his humanity back, we are just trying to get Damon back." I relaxed a little, "Where is he?" "Where is who?" Stefan said in the doorway.  "Stef!~" I said excitedly and ran over to him then hugged him.  He smiled "I'm sorry for what Damon did to you, May." He hugged me back "Its fine, dude.  All healed," I showed him my arm and he traced the scar.  "Humans aren't suppose to keep scars." He looked at Klaus with worry, "She feels okay according to her, and she seems alright... I won't worry about it until something happens." Stefan nodded in agreement, "Good for me." I looked at Stef "Is he at your house?" He nodded "Yes, Enzo is trying to crack him." I laughed "That word." He rolled his eyes "You're so childish." I smiled "I know, that's why you love me." Klaus groaned when I said that, I looked at him "And I love you so calm down." I giggled, Stefan smiled.  "Yeah yeah I know so adorable." I rolled my eyes at him and shoved him out then closed the door.  I ran and jumped on the bed - tackling Klaus.  "You want to know what happened in my dream?" He chuckled "Of course," "In return..." I paused "I don't know, Kiss me I guess." He chuckled "That's a bargain for me." He pecked a kiss on my lips, then pulled away.  "Wow, worse kiss ever but okay." He rolled his eyes "Common, tell me, Love." I rolled off him and sat up from my elbow "We were living together, and we were having a party with everyone invited.  You even invited Tyler back." He chuckled "What about yourself being in high school?" I smiled "You compelled the teacher to let me graduate early..." He laughed louder "Sounds about right," I was so happy, and Damon didn't kill me... But Elena and Damon were together but her and Stefan were still close.  But you and Damon were really close, and Damon was jealous of Stefan and Elena still being close." I rambled and he listened, He shook his head "Your dreams are very interesting, Love." I shrugged "I know." He kissed me softly, "Now that's a kiss." I chuckled, "Of course." he paused "Do you think Kol and Ava will be together soon?" I smiled widely, I could talk to him about everything.  "Of course, they're too cute together - so obviously." We studied each others faces for a moment, "So we aren't in spring, Damon actually did try and hurt me, Damon and Elena aren't together, we aren't living together, and Kol and Ava aren't dating?" I asked, ruining the moment of course.  "No, sorry love." He chuckled, I groaned "My dreams ruin me, they seem great but they aren't real life." he rolled his eyes "I'm great, and my brothers." I chuckled "Yeah, Just dreams seem like so much more fun.  No problems - nothing besides fun." He sighed "I can have you graduate college early..." My eyes widened in shock "Wait, seriously?" he nodded "I'd do anything for you, Love." I blushed lightly, "Its up to you... If you want me to move in with you and such." He smiled "I will always want you to be with me, to live with me." I blushed more "You look beautiful flustered." He said simply, without blushing or anything.  How does he do it?  I don't know.  I smiled "Thank you," He kissed me roughly "Anytime, love." he muttered then pushed his lips against mine again.

From Author:
OOOOOO SHH*T CURVE BALL RIGHT THERE LADIES AND GENTS B3333 (Sorry Briana :DD) Anyways I really hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and sorry if I disappointed you by curve ballin it - bUT SUCKS2BU haha sorry, I just wanted to see how people would react to it.  Anyways Thanks for reading the chapter, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Will Mayas' dream be true?

Does Maya see the future or some sh*t?

Will Klaus compel the school to let her graduate early?

Will Maya move in with Klaus?
Does Kol and Ava make there way together?

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now