Chapter 42

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Klaus' POV

"Stop the bus!" I roared when the driver didn't hear me the first time.  The bus slammed on the breaks as I jumped up quickly.  The doors swung open right before I was about to ram into them, I left my bags on the bus not caring.  I felt something was wrong with Maya, I had to get to her.  I ran back, back to where she got off the bus.  I saw a body laying in the road, I quickly got to her on my knees.  "Maya, Maya!  Wake up!" I put my hands on both sides of her face.  "Maya, wake the hell up!" Her head was tilted to the side, as though someone cracked her neck.  There was blood on her mouth.  "No, No, No!" I bit into the palm of my hand then put it against her mouth.  I pulled out my phone as I fed her my blood, I called a number I never want to.  "Yes?" I sighed "Damon." Damon's voice sounded strained "Its Maya." "What happened?" He asked quickly "Someone got to her, She is in the process of turning." Damon growled into the phone "I'll be there soon." I heard a door slam then wind against the phone.  I lifted Mayas' head letting the blood set.  She woke up gasping "Kathryn!" She screamed as she clutched her chest, Damon was there within a second on his knees beside her.  "Kathryn did this?" I growled loudly.  She nodded as she continued to clutch her chest and her breath was quick.  "How do you feel?" Damon asked, She continued gasping for air "I - I don't know.  I don't feel different... she fed me her blood." She said quietly.  "Love, come here." I grabbed both sides of her face and rubbed my thumb against her lips where blood still was from Kathryn, and possibly myself.  I smelled the blood, it was human.  "She didn't change." I looked at Damon, "So she was just trying to scare us?" He narrowed his eyes towards me then looked at Maya, her dark eyes were watering.  "Love, you're okay.  You're okay." I brought her towards my chest, cradling her face.  Her tears began to go onto my shirt, leaving marks onto it.  "Maya, you're okay." I moved her closer to Damon, "I'm going to go take care of Katerina.  Take care of her if you want to keep your life.  Thank you." I ran off.  I have to admit it took a lot of strength to walk away from her, but I need to deal with Kathryn if I ever want Maya to become safe. 

Damons' POV

I held Mayas face as she cried, "I for sure thought I was dead." I pet her head, "Well you're not.  Klaus is taking care of Kathryn right now." I felt her smile against my chest "Am I a dog now?" I smiled and kissed the top of her head "Unless your mine." She smirked as she pulled away slowly, she cracked her neck.  "Well, that hurt." I smiled "Yeah, vampires have it a little easier." She tried to stand up and I grabbed her arm to steady her "I ain't no old lady, you can let go." I let go of her arm easily, she stumbled then I grabbed her quickly.  "How are you older than me but not looking as drunk as me?" I laughed "Science." She groaned "Explains why I've always hated science." I put her hand around my neck as I put my arm around her waist for support, "I hate this, More like I hate Kathryn." I smiled "Did you know her name is actually Katerina?" She shook her head as we began walking on the road to my car.  "She changed her name so people can't find her as easily." Maya nodded as she bit down on her lip, concentrating on her steps.  "Are you doing okay?" She nodded again still biting down on her lip, I smelled the blood about to come through the thin skin.  "Maya.  Come on." I picked her up bride style and ran to my car.  She sighed as I set her on her feet to open the door.  "Why do I always end up hurt, its either some vampire or Kathryn."  I shrugged as I helped her around the door to get in, "Life is complicated." she smirked "No kidding." I smiled as I ran to my side of the car and she closed her door.  "Lets get you home to see your mom, I heard she misses you." She rolled her eyes "I bet she totally does."  

From Author:
Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than normal, I just ran out of time.  I got today off school and I was busy doing chores... and eating... and talking with Briana... I get distracted easily.  Again sorry for not writing more, but I still hope you enjoyed this chapter and If you did please add it to your library and vote on it, also if you feel like it tell me how you liked it and what was your favorite part in the chapter in the comments!  Thank you once again for reading The Difference Between Us!  Lots of Love~


xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now