Chapter 26

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Dress Maya wore ^^^

I opened the bathroom door after redoing my very light makeup and fix my hair.  I walked down the stairs and there stood Klaus, formal as always.  He wore a black and white tux with a black tie, he smiled when he saw me.  I saw Kol and he was wearing a blue die to match Ava.  Ava came down next as I wrapped my arm around Klaus',  she wore a short puffy blue dress and was strapless with a sparkly out top.  The dress made her look tanner and it brought out her skinny legs.  "Wow," Kol breathed then Klaus elbowed him "Same thing happened to myself and Maya, Have fun." Klaus and I walked out as they got themselfs ready, there was a limo in front of the front door.  "Again?" Klaus smiled widely "Anything for you, Love." I blushed "Thank you," He opened the door and I got in as smoothly as possible.  We sat in the seat closest to the driver then Ava and Kol climbed in, "This is so cool!" Ava said, Kol rolled his eyes "What have you never been in a limo before?" She glared at him "I'll take that as a no." I stared at Klaus and smiled and whispered into his ear "Their so cute." Kol glared at me and Klaus chuckled "They really are," I kissed his cheek.  "Good thing you agreed with me," He looked at me and smirked "Or you'd what?" "Not sure," I shrugged in response.  I couldn't hurt him, he meant too much to me.  "Too adorbs." Ava said gushing.  "Don't you start," Kol said and rolled his eyes as he took a drink from his champagne.  "Don't you start." Ava mocked and Kol glared at her, she smirked back at him.  My phone buzzed in my purse, I reached for it.

Enzo: Stefan and Damon got out.

Enzo: I don't even know, I came back to check on them after I fed and the door was wide opened.  They will be feeding they haven't gotten much to eat in the last few hours and they are off their humanity.
Maya: Fucking hell, Enzo.

Enzo: I'm sorry, love.  I'll try and help find them,

Maya: I'll get Klaus and Kol to help.

Enzo: Meet you here.

I looked at Klaus and whispered low enough just for him and Kol to listen "Stefan and Damon got out, they will be feeding.  We need to head back." Klaus looked at me in disbelief, "Enzo messaged me." Klaus turned around and asked the driver to turn around.  "Wait, what?" Kol rolled his eyes "Don't ask questions, Ava." We turned around quickly to drop Ava off, "Love you need to go too." Klaus said, "Um, no.  Damon doesn't like either of you, if Damon doesn't trust you Stef won't and they probably have the littlest bit of trust in me." Klaus looked at Kol "She does have a point." Klaus sighed "Get Rebekah and Elijah - we need as many people as we can." Kol left quickly and within seconds he was back with Rebekah and Elijah.  "You guys can group up or whichever you choose to do.  I'm going by myself." He opened the door but then I said "Klaus," He stopped in his tracks.  "Yes?" I brought his face down to mine and kissed him "Be careful, please." He smirked "Always am, love." Then he left, "Maya and I can search by car, you two go search the woods and anywhere you think they may be." Elijah said, Rebekah and Kol nodded then sped off.  I took off my heels and then Elijah left then was back within seconds with my sneakers in hand.  "You always knew me the best." He chuckled and shrugged "Uncle Elijah." He groaned "Not this again.  Okay okay lets just go." We jumped into the car with myself still in the dress.  In the middle of the road I saw someone laying down, then I saw two people.  "Elijah stop!" Elijah slammed on the breaks and I jumped out of the car.  "Damon?  Stefan?" I asked.  It was them I could see the outlines of their face from the headlights of the car.  "You?" Damon groaned "I was hoping for actual food." He looked at Stefan, "I guess you'll have to do." He stepped towards me carefully but I kept my place.  "Damon don't.  You don't want to." He chuckled his evil laugh.  "You don't know if I don't." The veins under his eyes came and I almost jumped back but I didn't.  "What about when you get your humanity back, huh?  What about then, when you hate yourself for killing me." Stefan rolled his eyes "Can you just get it over with please?" He asked Damon.  I looked at Stefan "You don't want to either, you don't want to be this ripper." Stefan leaned back on his heels "Its fun, having no care in the world." I groaned "What about Elena?" Damon and Stefan both laughed "Isn't this what you wanted?  For us not to love her?" I sighed "I wanted you two not to love her but to keep your humanity." Damons veins under his eyes began to vanish, "Stefan remember I told you this was going to happen when Elena chose one of you, and this was over a silly thing.  Imagine it when she actually chooses, how horrible it will be.  Stefan, Damon, you both love her more than words can explain.  Don't leave her yet," Damon and Stefan inched towards me.

Message from Author:

OOOooOOOOooOOo cLIFF HAANNGGERRR... I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry it is a little shorter than normal, but I still hope you enjoyed it.  Its too bad Maya and Klaus' double date got canceled, but here are a few questions to ask.

Why did Ava and Kol Agree to the double date?
How did Damon and Stefan get out so easily within minutes/seconds?

Where the hell was Klaus during this, wasn't he hunting them too?
Will Damon and Stefan kill Maya, or turn back on their humanities?

Who the hell knows.


xxoo Em

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