Chapter 51

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       Months flew by quickly, Klaus and I were still madly in love with lust and passion. Ever since he had killed Mikael everything seemed to be so much quieter, peaceful even. There was Marcel who still wanted to be the "King of New Orleans" but Klaus didn't go down without a fight, nor did his family. Elijah quickly and easily beat off Marcel's vampire army while Klaus continued to take care of Marcel - King against King, Father against Son. Klaus bit Marcel and Marcel got so close to death but Klaus ended up forgiving him and giving him his blood to save him. Weird how they works... his bite kills vampires but his blood heals him. Aqua and Kol went back to New York to live out their lives but... Aqua told me something before she left - she was beginning to love Kai. Yes Klaus nor I killed him, sadly. Klaus and I agreed to let me live my life in high school and to finish it without compelling the teachers.  Hope is finally born, she is the cutest baby I can think of.  She has so much of her father in her, I can already see the strength she beholds.  Hayley and I still don't prefer each other, but we do get along much better.  Elijah and Hayley were beginning to hit it off - but there is always one complication with love... Hayley needs to marry Jackson in order to save her pack.  Elijah is willing to give her up but I can see the hurt in his eyes everyday and every time he looks at her.  Damon hasn't "Fought for my love" yet... and hopefully won't.  Everything is just starting to get back together and get peace, I don't want that ruined for Hope nor Klaus.

I pulled away from Klaus' lips when my phone buzzed in my pocket.  He groaned as he kept his hand on my torso, trying to keep me there.  "Get back here, Love." I pecked a kiss on his lips then pulled out my phone.  I got off from on top of Klaus and sat on the bed with my legs crossed.  I looked at my phone and got a text message from the least person I want to hear from... and the message I don't want to see.

Scott/Father: Hey, Maya.  I was wondering if you would like to come visit me and Stacy in Maine this week for the summer, or at least half the time.  The girls really miss you.  I already asked your mom and she said it was okay by her, that you need to get out of here for a while... Love you!

I sighed and rolled my eyes "Of course she did..." Klaus crawled over to me and rested his head on my shoulder as he read the text message.  "Stacy?  The girls?" I did a deep, heavy sigh.  "Stacy is my dads girlfriend, the girls are her kids." Klaus kissed my jaw, "Well, love... What is wrong with them?" I shrugged "I just despise them." "Mmm..." Klaus muttered while kissing my Jaw to my shoulder.  Then an idea hit me, "Do you want to come with me to Maine?  It is the only way I'll go." He smiled as I turned my head to look at him "I'd be delighted to." 

Maya: Hey Father, Sounds like fun only if my boyfriend can come.  Sounds like a plan?
Scott/Father: Sure!  You have a boyfriend?  Looks like I get to beat someone up (:

I looked at Klaus and we both began laughing.  "Him?  Beat up a vampire?" Klaus smiled "And werewolf." I smiled "Yeah, yeah." Then the door opened where Hope stood there.  "Hey sweetie." I smiled at her, she giggled then closed the door and ran off.  I looked at Klaus and chuckled "She is so cute."Klaus quickly got up and locked the door then began crawling towards me on the bed.  "Really now?" I smiled "Yeah.." I gushed.  He continued crawling towards me until he was on top of me and my head was against the pillows.  "Cuter than me?" I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and began playing with his hair "Well, she gets her cuteness from you." He wrapped his arms around me and in seconds I was on top of him while he was under me.  I giggled as my legs were on both sides of him.  "You are so adorable, Love." "I know." I kissed him softly, then the kiss became more passionate.  He bit the bottom of my lip lightly, asking for entrance - I allowed him just as the many other times I have.

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