Chapter 18

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I stared at the note, I felt my eyebrows began to come together.  Elijah quickly came up, "Are you coming?" he asked, "Of course, G-give me a second." I stood there in shock, He couldn't love me right?  Hes Klaus, he doesn't love anyone... right? I began questioning everything then Elijah came over to me and turned me around to face him.  "Maya what's wrong?" He asked, I showed him the letter and he looked over it again and again.  "I don't see the issue...?" he asked, "He said I love you," I said he looked over the letter again and he smiled.  "He means it, Maya.  I promise you he does." I nodded and I began to smile, "he said I love you." I giggled, "Did you just giggle?" he asked with one eyebrow raised.  "NO!" I smiled, "Yes you did" he smiled along with me "Kay maybe." He winked lightly at me "Alright, lets go eat." "Too far" I groaned, then he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and ran down the stairs.  We were in the kitchen within seconds.  He set me on my feet and I walked over to the bowl filled with apples, then I felt something hard get thrown at my head.  I looked down at the ground and saw an apple, I looked up to see who it was and it was obviously Kol because he was laughing his ass off.  "Kol" I glared at him, "Yes?" He asked trying to hold back the laughter.  "Rude," I simply said, picked up the apple, and began eating it.  Elijah looked at me in disgust, "Hey 5 second rule." He rolled his eyes "That was over 5 seconds." I put my pointer finger to my lips "Secrets, buddy." He sighed as I bit into my apple.  Stefan came through the door with a bit of blood on the side of his mouth, "Stef..." I pointed to the corner of my mouth, showing that he has some on his.  He turned around quickly and took care of it, "Thanks." I nodded and took another bite, "I'm so nice to you even after you jumped on the roof this morning." I said smiling, "Someone is in a good mood this morning," Damon said sticking his head inside then Elena came down the stairs with her hair all over the place.  I rolled my eyes "You couldn't clean yourself up?" I asked her.  "Well I just got up and I heard Stefan." She walked over to Stefan and put an arm around his waist, Damon looked pissed.  I rolled my eyes again at Elijah and he tried to hold back laughter, "Ehem, well then... Elena are you hungry?" She nodded.  I tossed her an apple but it hit her in the head instead of her catching it.  "Oww.." She said as she stumbled backwards, "Maya!" Stefan said then cached Elena.  "Not my fault she cant catch a damn apple." Kol laughed loudly and Finn sat at the table quiet as always.  Stefan glared at Kol and Kol couldn't care less, he continued laughing.  Damon looked pissed, more at Kol than me.  Stefan glared at me as he brought Elena outside for who knows why.  Damon looked at me "Why did you do that while I almost could have killed you yesterday.  Do not test me, Maya." I glared at him "Dude I literally said she cant catch." He growled at me "Then why did it hit her head?!" His icy blue eyes were piercing as I continued to stare at them.  "Who the hell knows!" I yelled back, "Obviously you sense you're the one who threw it!" The veins under his eyes began to show, Kol stepped in front of me and Elijah stood in front of Damon.  "And my family could have killed you in a second last night if it was not due to Maya caring about you." Elijah said.  Damon moved away from Elijah into the house to look at me, I stepped out from behind Kol.  "Damon what the hell, it was a fucking accident.  She is the one who didn't catch it!" Damon was in my face within seconds.  "And you're the one who threw it."  Kol stepped in between us both, "This was funny at first but I think that's enough..." Kol said, "I mean I hate her more than you but I'd rather not end up daggered again." He added after.  Elijah put his hand on Damons' shoulder "I have to agree with Kol.  This is enough."  "For once you agree with me." Kol said smiling, "Just this once." Elijah added.  Damon continued to glare at me and so didn't I.  He pushed me against the counter and a sharp pain went through my back.  When I looked up Damon was gone, I stumbled almost falling but I caught myself before doing so.  Elijah put his hand on my waist steadying me, "I'm fine, let me go." Elijah didn't let go.  "Elijah, let go." I could feel a sharp pain still in my back, he finally let go easily and then I felt myself stumble towards him.  "Okay maybe not fine..." I groaned putting pressure on my back, "I'll call Klaus... he won't be happy." Kol said, "Don't you dare." Rebekah said coming in from the other room.  "He is on vacation, let him have fun." Rebekah added quickly.  I nodded agreeing with her "No need to call him, He'd just fight with Damon and Stef."  I sighed "I'm going to go lay down..." I began to walk up the stairs but as soon as I lifted my leg I felt pain all through my back, then I grabbed the railing to steady myself.  Kol and Elijah were by my side in seconds, "I'm fine, I'm fine.  Back the hell off." I walked up the stairs easily and heard my phone buzzing like mad on the bedside table.  I (as quickly as possible) ran over to it to grab it, the messages were from Klaus.

Klaus: Love what happened?  Kol messaged me saying you hurt yourself.

Klaus: Maya what happened?

Klaus: Did Damon do this?  Stefan? 

1 Missed call(s) from Klaus.

"Well shit."  I called him quickly.  "Klaus?" "Love, what happened?" I rolled my eyes and told him everything.  "I'm coming." "What? No don't, Klaus.  I'm fine." He sighed "You barely climbing stairs does not sound fine." "I'll be okay, I'm sure Elijah is kicking them out right now." He agreed to stay where he was and continue hunting but for most of the day we talked on the phone about how we hate Damon and bonded over that and a few other minor things.  Eventually he had to go hunt so we ended the call there.  The rest of the day I stayed in my room watching TV/ Netflix. 

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now