Chapter 6

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As I ran out of the hospital I took out my phone violently while texting Klaus 

Maya: Klaus, I am leaving the hospital now.  I'm going to look for the limo.. If I don't find it I'll be walking, I'll be home in a few minutes. 

Klaus: Is everything alright, Love?

Maya: Nope, Elena is being a bitch like normal.

Klaus: Glad that does not shock you.

Maya: I guess

Klaus: I'll meet you at my house.  The limo is still there.

Maya: Your house?

Klaus: Yep, I don't trust that Kathryn will not go after you.
Maya: K

I searched around and within a few minutes I found a huge limo parked by the wood lining.  I began walking over and I opened the back door then sat inside.  "To Klaus' home, Please." and the limo did not move.  "Uhm... Hello?"

 "Hello" I heard Elena's voice.

 "Elena?" I heard a wicked laugh.

"Wrong, guess again." 

I shuttered "Kathryn." She rolled down the window ahead blocking the back from the front

 "The one and only, here in the flesh." I pulled out my phone and began calling Klaus without looking down 

"What do you want?" I asked then I saw that Klaus answered the phone. 

 "Well I hurt Matty Blue-Blue, might as well hurt you."

 I shrugged "Not the brightest idea... We are in a hospital parking lot.  I could easily get healed from one of the doctors... Or Stefan... Or even Damon!" I tried adding where I was as easily as possible for Klaus to know where I was. 

 "Oh really?  Good idea we should go to a park or something, make your death in a nature like place.  Would you like that?" She asked sarcastically.

  I shrugged "You know it would be nice, but whatever works for you..." Then the car door flew off into a far distance and Klaus was standing outside of the broken door.  

"Ah Kathryn... Nice to finally see you once again." I looked at Kathryn and she had total fear in her eyes then Klaus left and I saw him at Kathryn's door already grabbing her by the neck "You leave Maya alone, you do not hurt anyone else in this town.  Now go to another town and find something to do with your life." She nodded quickly and he let go, then she sped off into the woods.  I jumped out of the limo quickly and he was already there, before I realized it I had my arms wrapped around him and he had his around mine.  "Did you really just sass a vampire?" He asked and I chuckled 

"I guess so." 

He sighed "Do you have a death wish?" 

I shrugged "Possibly," We stopped hugging when we realized how awkward it became "Why was she so afraid of you?" I asked.

 he shrugged "Kathryn and I have a past." I shrugged and did not ask any further questions.

 "What happened to the driver?" I asked, 

Yes yes I know I said I would not ask any further questions but I had to ask.

"Guessing she ripped his head off from his neck..." I stared at him wide eyed and he shrugged "Sorry, love... But you did ask." then Stefan and Damon were by my side.

 "I told you I heard something going on," Damon said and Stefan rolled his eyes.

 "Are you okay?" Stefan asked.

 "I'm fine, at least Klaus came." I glared at them both and Damon glared at me

 "I don't like you being around with him..." Damon said glaring at Klaus now.

 "Well too bad because he just saved my life." 

"So?  If Stefan moved his ass a little faster we would have saved you before him.  Then would have you changed your mind?"

 I shook my head "Nope, because at least Klaus hasn't been a dick." 

Stefan stared at me and Damon arguing "He is the one that has killed many people, including vampires, just so that we can call fear him!" Damon yelled and I could see the vein in his forehead popping out.

 "And does it look like I am fucking afraid of that?  At least he has actually brought me out to a place with actual people and has saved me all in one night.  Including bringing me to Matt!" 

Damon looked like he was about to flip out on me "Stop being so stupid, Maya!  He is a death trap, he will lead you in and then fucking break you."

 I glared at him "So what if he does?  I have gone through enough and do you think that will 'kill me' Damon?" Stefan was still staring at us both and Klaus looked like he was about to rip Damons head off. 

 "He will kill you, Maya!" I felt the tears threatening to hit the surface once again due to my anger.

"If he wanted to fucking kill me he would have already done it." 

Then Klaus added "True, I find no need to kill her."

 Damon growled at him "Yeah because that is so true!" and Klaus growled at him, I saw Klaus' eyes become yellow like a werewolf and the veins under his eyes come out.

 "Damon just stop, you can't control my damn life.  This is what you always do if you don't get your way you throw a fucking fit like Elena, now I can see why you two are so perfect for each other." Then I added looking at Stefan "Why do you even bother to hang around those two dramatic bitches when they are nothing like you.  Damon may be your family and you may 'love' Elena but face it Stefan all they do is start drama." 

Damon growled at me and Klaus stepped in front of me, protecting me.  "I suggest you do not growl at the lady before I rip your head off." I stared at Damon over Klaus' shoulder.

 "Damon you are like my brother, so deal with my choice or you can get out of my life.  I hope you choose the right one." I began to walk off and then Klaus and Stefan were both by my side 

"She is going to break down..." Stefan said quietly.

"I hope not.." Klaus said back.

 "I can hear you dumb and dumber." I felt rage rise inside of me again, and then Klaus got in front of me holding me by my shoulders.

"Love, Calm down.  You will just make matters worse for Damon and yourself."

I sighed "Why does he have to be such a dick?"

Stefan chuckled  "Because he is Damon."

 I frowned "Sadly," I looked down and realized I still had on my dress "Well this is like senor prom I think, everyone always says its mostly drama and looking pretty." 

 Klaus chuckled "I have to agree with the beautiful part... Drama is just Damon." Stefan said and I blushed lightly and Klaus glared at him, probably noticing Stefan saying I was beautiful.

  "Lets get you home, Sweetheart." Klaus said as he put his hand on the small of my back 

"Stefan... Watch over Matty please.  Make sure he will be safe tonight." Stefan nodded and began walking towards the hospital.

 "So, to your house?" I asked Klaus

"Sure, why not." Then we called a taxi "We should have just hot-wired a car..." he muttered and I smacked his arm.

"Not on my watch, Klaus.  No stealing other peoples' belongings."

 He chuckled "Fine."

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now