Chapter 52

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That's my horse bc I had no other photo.  You're welcome. ^

I looked at the lake behind us as we walked to the front door of my dads.  "I must admit, Love... It is quite beautiful here." I smiled "Yeah." I stood on the red deck as we waited for someone to answer the door.  Klaus stood up then I heard the door open to Taylor.  "MAYA!" She yelled as she ran over and hugged me.  Klaus chuckled as he held our bags in hand, I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around Taylor.  "Hey." I looked at Klaus as he tried hard not to smile as I had a horrid look on my face.  Stacy stood in the doorway smiling.  "Hey, Maya." She fake smiled at me then she looked at Klaus and smiled - a real one.  "And who is this?" I looked at her - death glaring her, warning her he is mine.  "This is Niklaus, My boyfriend." Klaus looked at me then at her "I prefer to be called Klaus." I rolled my eyes and pat his shoulder "Your full name is nicer." I looked at Stacy "Where is dad?" Taylor looked up at me "Dad had to run to the store." The rage rose inside me, She has no right to call him dad.  He is not her dad, he is my dad.  Him and Stacy aren't even married!  "That's nice.  Taking my father too?  Isn't this a great vacation already." I pushed Stacy out of the way and went into the bathroom.  The bathroom still had the wooden cottage feel to it.  I locked the door and sat on the floor.  I heard Klaus behind the door talking to Stacy.  "Wow, she is really sensitive when it comes to her father.  Thing is she wants nothing to do with him." "I do believe she does want a relationship with her father - but you seem to be in the way of that relationship." I heard Stacy huff and then her heels click away downstairs into her room.  Klaus knocked on the door, "Love?" I sighed "Yes?" "Open the door." I groaned as I opened the door and walked past him.  Taylor sat innocently on the couch watching Sponge Bob.  "He is my dad, you don't have the right to call him that again.  I swear to God if you do I will make you not." I grabbed my bag and walked into the similar room I once called mine when I was younger.  It still had the boring, dull color with a wooden floor and a heater in front of the window.  The TV was North from the doorway and the bed was to my left - The room was smaller than Klaus' bathroom.  I set the bag on the floor and sat on the queen size bed.  "Well isn't this something." Klaus said as ur placed his bag next to mine and sat down next to me.  I rolled my eyes "Totally." Klaus closed the door, it made a moaning sound.  I laughed softly as Klaus looked at me "What are you laughing at?" I smiled as I curled up next to him and put my head on his chest.  "Nothing.  I don't know what I'd be doing if you weren't here." He kissed the top of my head "Well it is a good thing I came along, Love." I looked up at him and he was half smiling "Well Duh." I answered smiling back at him. I pecked a kiss on his lips then I heard the front door slam open then close.  "Who has the fancy Nancy GMC outside?" It was my dad.  I groaned as I rolled across Klaus and onto my feet to the door.  I opened the door to see my dad in the kitchen putting food away.  "Nice to see you too, house wife." He looked at me - I swear it was like looking into a mirror just with him with the shorter hair.  "Stop it." He laughed.  His beard began having white hairs growing and in his dark hair.  "You need a haircut" I complained as I always do about his hair.  "I'm trying to grow it out... it looks nice." I rolled my eyes and hugged him.  I felt him pat my back then I pulled away.  Stacy came in from the living room and kissed my dad.  "Hey Scotty." I rolled my eyes then I heard someone get off the bed in my room - Klaus.  "Is that your boyfriend?" My dad looked at me with questioning eyes.  "Yeah." Klaus came out from the bedroom and into the kitchen, the sun hitting against his face made it so he looked so beautiful.  He moved out from the sun and next to me.  "Hello, I'm the one with the fancy GMC." Klaus held out his hand and my dad grabbed it to shake it.  "Can I get a name?" My dad asked, probably worried I brought a pervert into the house.  "Niklaus-" Klaus cut me off "Klaus Mikaelson." He let go of his hand and muttered "Damn." I rolled my eyes at Klaus.  "I didn't say for you to kill my dads hand." My dad smiled "I'm alright, just a firm grip you got there." Klaus smiled partly "Thank you." I looked around for Taylor and Stacy - they both were no where to be seen.  "Well Klaus and I are tired from the long travel.  We'll come bug you later." My dad nodded as he continued to put away food and paper plates.  I grabbed Klaus' hand and dragged him into my old room - I jumped onto the bed and put my head on the pillows.  "Your chest is a better pillow." I complained as he walked over to the TV, looking for a movie.  "You're so needy." He chuckled and I smiled.  "I know." He placed in a movie carefully and quickly was under my head.  I smiled as I got comfortable on his chest, "Better, Love?" I nodded then I looked at the battery operated clock on the TV stand - 6:47 PM.  "I feel like that ride was forever." I yawned.  "You only drove for a third of the drive," he chucked once.  I looked up at him "Because I'm human and I get tired more often." Klaus rolled his eyes "Excuses, Excuses." He kissed the top of my head and kept his head there - I fell asleep listening to his even, soft breathing.

*****Few hours later*****
I woke up to my head on the pillow I groaned "Klaus?" He was no where to be seen.  I looked at the clock - 12:37.  I got up and looked out the window to the lake, there stood Klaus standing there silently.  I went through to the other door to make it quieter when I went out to see him.  I heard the front door click quietly.  I peered around the corner and across the stairs to see Klaus and Stacy.  I watched them carefully talk then I saw Stacy's lips against his.  I narrowed my eyes, trying to think this couldn't be happening.  I quickly ran into the bedroom and grabbed my phone then into the bathroom.  I closed and locked the door.  I pulled up a name I haven't seen in a while.  I called the number. 
"Damon...?" I asked quietly
"What do you need, Maya?  I am kinda busy." He sounded tired.
"N-nothing.  Forget it." I tried holding back the tears.  I looked at the light above the mirror.
"Tell me why you called, Maya." He began sounding annoyed with every word he said. 
"It's nothing, D-Damon.  No need to worry. Sorry to bother you."
"Maya, what is it." He growled through the phone.  I could picture his face annoyed and hurt, his icy blue eyes piercing into my eyes.
"Nothing Damon.. I just wanted to see how you were doing." I lied easily.
"You know... you're even a terrible liar through the phone." I heard his familiar snicker. 
I rolled my eyes "Thanks, buddy."
He sighed "I miss you."
I grabbed my shirt and clenched it.  "I-I miss you too."
"Are you at your moms?" He asked softly
"Dads for half the summer." I rolled my eyes
"Explains why we haven't seen Klaus around."
"You're mean." I muttered
"Thanks." I sighed as I whipped away the tears.  "Talk soon, okay?"
He sighed "You're so demanding."
I smirked "I know.  Night, Damon."
"Goodnight, Maya."
After we hung up I realized we were back to reality... where my dads girlfriend kissed my boyfriend.  I heard a knock on the door and I froze.  "Maya." It was Klaus.  "Wh-What?" I asked trying to keep a straight face.  "It was her, not me." I bit down on my tongue.  "Alright... just give me a minute.  I'll meet you in the bedroom...." I heard him sigh but he kept still where he was.  I held my breath.  "I love you, Maya." I nodded to myself "Love you too, Klaus."

From Author:
Hey guys, thanks so much for reading Chapter 52 of The Difference Between Us!  If you liked this chapter add it to your library and vote on it, it would mean a lot to me!  Now I have a question for you all to think about... What was Maya really going to say to Damon... or did she really just want to say hello?  Lots of Love, Lovelies!
Xxoo Em 💙

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now