Chapter 20

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As I stuffed my face with food Damon came downstairs with a wooden stake.  He looked right at Klaus, "Damon don't you dare." Damon stared at me "Its for your own good..." Then he threw it at Klaus.  I screamed and cried loudly, I sunk to the floor crying and putting my hands through my hair.

I woke up screaming.  "Maya?!" Klaus asked next to me on the bed.  I began crying, then I hugged him.  "You're okay, You're okay." I said.  "Of course I'm okay, Love... Are you alright?  I'm right here." I continued crying into his shirt, "I-I'm fine... Just a bad dream I guess..." He cradled my face, "Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head with my arms still wrapped around him.  I felt pain in my forearm and back but I ignored it, I didn't care at that moment.  I breathed in his scent, his nature-like and cologne mixed scent.  "Are you smelling me?" He asked laughing, I laughed along with him with tears still coming down my face but more slowly.  "What happened, Love?"  I told him my dream and he chuckled "Its not funny!" I glared at him, "Its funny to think Damon would be the one to kill me- a hybrid." I rolled my eyes "I can't control my dreams, smart one." He smiled as he kissed the top of my head and wiped away my tears.  "Wait how did I even get here?" I looked around his room, "You fell asleep on the couch this afternoon so I brought you up here so you wouldn't hurt your back anymore than you already have." I smiled "So thoughtful," He chuckled "Only this once." I sighed and rolled over to my side to face him, then his lips crashed against mine.  He put his hand on the back of my neck and his other hand on my waist.  His lips kissed mine passionately and with force, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer to him.  "Ehem..." Someone said from behind me, I pulled away quickly and tucked my hair behind my ears.  Klaus sat on the bed smiling like an idiot, he knew someone was coming.  I looked at the doorway and it was Hayley.  "Jesus, sorry." She said.  I groaned and smacked Klaus on the shoulder, "What do you need?" Klaus asked, "We were in the middle of something." He added then when I glared at him he winked at me.  "Wait aren't you suppose to be with the witches?" He asked.  She shook her head "They let me come live with you sense this is your child."  I looked a Hayley, "Why did they want to keep you anyways?" She shrugged "They said our baby could be a danger to witches but I guess they came to their senses and let me go." Klaus smiled "I'm beginning to like the child more and more if it continues being a danger to the witches," Hayley glared at him, "Our child is not an it." Klaus shrugged and continued smiling with his dimples, it was pretty cute to be honest.  "Anyways... What do you need?" He asked again.  "I'm staying with you obviously, so what room do I stay in?" "Ah, little wolf... Downstairs in the room next to Elijah's." She rolled her eyes "Thanks." She walked away with no bags in hand or anything.  Klaus pulled be back down to the bed and close to him "Where were we?" His face began coming close to me but I put my hand between us, "No no no." I said then got back up and began walking back and forth in the room.  "Your son or daughter is going to kill witches... then who is going to help protect your town when vampires cant?" Klaus sat up and sighed "Do we need to worry about this now?  We have months and months to worry about this, Love."  "Why not worry about it now when we have time to worry about it, Niklaus?" He sighed and was next to me within seconds with his hands on my waist and bringing me closer to his chest and keeping me from walking.  "Because we have time," He kissed my cheek lightly and spun me around as a dance move.  I was against his chest within seconds, he was looking down at me through his long lashes.  "Don't look at me like that," I looked away but he grabbed my chin to make me look at his beautiful eyes.  "How am I looking at you?" I rolled my eyes, got on my tippy-toes and kissed him softly and passionately.  I felt an aching feeling in my feet, they began to shake.  He quickly grabbed my thighs bringing lifting me up from the ground.  I wrapped my legs around his waist not breaking the kiss, he began to kiss more roughly.  He held my leg with one hand and his other hand was going through my hair, the pain in my back was driving me insane but I didn't care.  "Brother?" Elijah asked from the doorway.  I gasped and dropped to the ground on my feet, "Heeeeey Elijah..." I said blushing madly, "Going to pretend I didn't see that..." Then he looked at Klaus "Brother we have an issue..." Klaus looked at him with confusion "Yes?"  "It's the Salvatore brothers and Elena." Klaus rolled his eyes.  "What did they do now?" he asked "Damon killed 3 people, drained them of their blood and Stefan was involved..." I widened my eyes at him, "But Stefan doesn't drink human blood or else he turns into the ripper..." Elijah nodded "Exactly my point." I gasped, "N-no... He couldn't.  Why would he do this?  What did Elena do?" I asked many questions, rambling quickly.  "That's why I came in here to ask why he could possibly do this, and Elena is afraid they both turned off their humanity." I rolled my eyes "She isn't my problem actually... So how do you think we're going to get Damon and Stefan back?" Elijah sighed and put his hands into his pockets.  "Not sure exactly..." I took a deep breath.  "Well lets find them first and try to convince them to turn their humanity back on?" Klaus chuckled softly "The find them part seems reasonable, convincing not so much..." I groaned "Well then lets just find them and lock them in the Salvatore basement and figure out what to do from there... We'll have to take shifts making sure their alright and stuff..." Klaus rolled his eyes and groaned "Do I have to babysit?" I nodded, "Great, just wonderful." I smiled at him, "Be a good boyfriend." they slipped through my teeth before I could stop them, "Boyfriend?" Klaus asked smiling with his dimples, I shrugged then turned my attention back to Elijah who was standing there awkwardly.  "Well lets get going, common common!" As we (slowly due to me) made our way down the stairs and to the cars I began worrying about Stefan and Damon, I was worried what they both could do with both of their humanities off.  I would pray that they won't do anything reckless but we know with their humanities off they won't care.  With Klaus driving, myself in the passenger seat and Elijah in the back Klaus and I held hands and searched for the Salvatore brothers as much as we could until someone stepped in front of the car in our lane right in the dead center.  "Klaus,  Klaus there is someone right there!" I warned him and I squeezed his hand telling him to listen to me.  He stepped on the breaks quickly and there stood Enzo in front of the car less than 9 inches away.  Klaus rolled down his window and Enzo came to the side.  "Klaus, Maya, Elijah." He said "Have you seen Damon or Stefan?" He asked, "No... we were just out looking for them." I answered quickly, "Well they just hurt your friend Matt that was in the hospital.  Almost drained him completely of his blood - I was there to stop them but then they ran off." I groaned and hit my head against the car seat.  "Great just... flippin great." 

From Author:  
Ayyyeee guuyyysss so yes Maya and Klaus are finally starting to hit it off -wink wink- I'm actually really happy about that becAUSE THEIR SO CUTE TOGETHERR I mean piCTURE IT -- a dark brown haired, dark brown eyed girl who is shorter than Klaus next to him.  #PerfectBroski.  Anywayyysss... Thanks so much for reading and hopefully this chapter wasn't too confusing :)-----

Will they find out who made Stefan and Damon turn off their humanity?
Why was Enzo the one to find them?
Why Matty-blue-blue?

Will Klaus' "Dangerous child" Still be born?

Will Maya tell Klaus how she feels about him being a father?

Find out in the next chapter :)


xxoo Emma

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now