Chapter 40

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I stared at Stefan in shock "What are we going to do?" My voice was barely a whisper, "I need to follow them... you stay here." I shook my head "No, in going with you." He tilted his head "We can either argue about this or you can let me go save them both." I stood up and crossed my arms.  "Fine, get in my car now." I nodded as I ran to the car, Stefan was already there.  We both turned our heads to the left when we heard Klaus yell "DAMON DON'T MAKE HARDER THAN THIS HAS TO BE." I stared at Stefan, scared for Damon.  He picked me up in a second and we were running.  He stopped for half a second to try and hear them again, then we were inbetween Damon and Klaus.  Stefan set me down as he ran over to Damon.  I stared at Klaus "Don't do this." Klaus flared his nostrils at me as he held the same wooden stake from yesterday, or at least something similar to it.  "You did this to yourself by sleeping with him." I rolled my eyes "We'll whose fault is that?  You're the one who pushed me away by trying to kill someone in my second family." He narrowed his eyes towards me "myself and my family are your second family." I put my hands into fists.  "A true family doesn't kill my other family or friends." "Why.  Why did you sleep with him?" Klaus roared "Because you didn't have the balls to." Damon chipped in.  I turned and looked at him "Not the greatest time to be saying that." He shrugged and smirked "Idiot." I looked back at Klaus, "please don't kill him." I pleaded.  He stood there in silence "Alright..." he dropped the wooden stake, "Thank you." I saw a slight tear run down his face, I quickly walked over to him and put my arms around him.  "Don't cry, Niklaus Mikaelson never cries." He wrapped his arms around my torso, "He does when he loses someone he loves." He muttered into my hair, "You haven't lost me fully yet, Mr Mikaelson." Damon sighed behind me, "Please come back to New Orleans with me..." Klaus said quietly.  I sighed, "Fine... but no killing." He nodded "I'll meet you by the car so you can say your goodbyes." He pecked a kiss on my cheek then vanished.  I turned and looked at Stefan and Damon, Damon looked so upset it hurt me.  I ran over and hugged Stefan "I'll be home soon enough." He hugged me back "Good, I couldn't survive the last few weeks of school without your sassy comments to the teachers." He pulled away and vanished, "You're probably going to need to change..." Damon said to me when Stefan left.  I shook my head, "No, let me keep this one thing from you.  It will keep me remembering I get to come home to you." He stated at my chest "Why are you still wearing the necklace?" I shrugged "I don't want to get compelled anytime soon." He nodded slowly, his icy eyes had fear and sadness In them - a tear almost hit the surface but he stopped it.  "Something got in my eye." I nodded and chuckled softly "Sure, sure." He got close so to me his chest was against me "Are you disagreeing with me?" I shook my head laughing softly, "I think you are." I smirked "What are you going to do about it?" He sighed as his blue eyes continued to stare into mine "Miss you." His lips crashed against mine, it was a passionate kiss he bit my bottom lip asking for access, I shook my head and pulled away blushing.  "Not here." He smirked with his eyes filled with happiness and playfulness.  "When I get back." He kept his hands around my torso "I'll be waiting." I smiled and blushed "You better." My legs began to shake from the cold.  "I'll get you some sweatpants from Stefan's." I rolled my eyes, "Fine." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, I laughed.  "Damon!" He laughed along with me "Yes?" I smirked "you just do this so my ass will be in your face." I saw half of his face smiling "Maybe." Then he ran with me still over his shoulder, we were in Stefan's room in a second.  "His room is so majestic I swear." Damon laughed "Because he keeps everything he had sense we turned." He ripped through his drawers and soon found a pair of sweatpants - he threw them at me.  "Rude." I put them over the boxers I had on, they were a little larger than what I needed but I didn't care.  "Dude these sweatpants are so comfortable.  Also very long, never realized how tall Stef was." Damon laughed "Don't tell him I gave you his favorite." I smirked "Deal." Damon stepped towards me with s devilish look I'm his eyes.  "Oh no." I giggled as I ran down the stairs as quickly as possible but Damon already beat me to the bottom of the stairs.  "You can't leave without giving me a kiss first." I rolled my eyes "So needy." I walked down to the last step and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, then he kissed me while supporting my leg around his torso.  I pulled away slowly after the passionate kiss.  "Now that I am going to miss." He chuckled, I pecked a kiss on his lips "Good, I'm giving you something to miss." He chuckled "Are you going to miss me at all?" I shook my head "Nope not at all." He frowned "Well that sucks." I got off of him and began walking towards the door, "Text me" he smiled "Will do." I walked out to Klaus, then my phone buzzed in my pocket "I already miss your lips against mine." I read, it was from Damon.  I smiled to myself "Already miss yours too." I typed back, "You can come back... ;)" I rolled my eyes "Nope, I'll text you when I'm there. Xxoo." "Fine xo." I put my phone away "Ready to go?" Klaus asked, I nodded "Ready as I'll ever be.  To the bus stop." Klaus rolled his eyes "A bus, really, Love?" I nodded, "Common."

From author:
Hey guys so I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I ended up writing on the bus bc I got bored so 😂😂 anyways if you enjoyed this chapter please at it to you library and vote on it!  Tell me how you liked this chapter in the comments and what you would like to happen in the next chapter or what you think will happen.  Thanks for reading chapter 40 of The Difference Between Us!  Lots of Love~

Xxoo Em \( ̄<  ̄)>

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now