Chapter 47

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I'm soz sorry X'DD I JUST HAVE TO ^^

As I put the truck into park I noticed Enzo and a blonde girl, probably 5'3 and beautiful- It was Aqua!  She is my best friend that I met online, we tell each other everything.  What the hell is she doing here?  "I better not have to fight for you." I smiled and said sarcastically at Klaus he chuckled as he set his hand on my knee "You wouldn't have to." I leaned over and kissed his cheek then opened the door and we walked over to Enzo and Aqua, the town was surprisingly quiet.  "Hey Enzo, new girlfriend?" Klaus stared at the girl in surprise "Aqua?" Klaus asked, she stood up straight.  "I'm guessing you're Kols brother - You look kinda like him" Klaus lifted his head and narrowed his eyes, then Aqua noticed it was me as I continued smiling.  "Maya?" I nodded "O.M.G O.M.G I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M FINALLY MEETING YOU!" She yelled laughing, she tried to run to me but Enzo held her forearm.  "Enzo, let her go." I narrowed my eyes at him "I can't do that." I glared at him "And why not?" "Axel told me to watch her." I looked at Klaus as he locked his jaw, "I don't care what Axel has to say, you will let go to the girl unless you want to lose a hand." Enzo stood there still holding onto her arm, Klaus stepped forward.  "I suggest not pushing him, Kol told me he is a real pissy pants." I nodded my head in agreement trying not to laugh, Klaus glared at me.  I kissed his cheek "And I love you for it - makes me look less pissed off all the time." He rolled his eyes and went back to staring at Enzo with a threatening glare.  Enzo let go of Aqua.  I wrapped my arms around her and she wrapped her arms around me.  "Funny how the world works." Klaus muttered.  I pulled away from Aqua, "How?" He smiled "She is dating Kol." I furrowed my eyebrows "What happened to Ava?" Klaus shrugged "She got drunk and tried exposing us - we can just say that, Love." I looked at Aqua "Ohhhh so when you said Kol, you meant Kol Mikaelson." She nodded smiling, "Well where the hell is he?" I looked at Enzo, "Possibly dead right about now." Klaus held him by his neck within seconds and held him in the air "Where is he?" Enzo frowned, his face expressionless.  "Well that's what you get for being a pervert." Aqua shrugged, I narrowed my eyes at Enzo "You hit on Aqua?!" I yelled.  "More like tried raping me." she muttered.  "Klaus let him down." Klaus did what I said but continued holding his neck, "You're welcome to beat him up for what he did to Aqua, brother... but do not kill him - we need to find Kol and he may be the only way we may know where he is." Elijah said.  "So I can't kill him?" Klaus asked in disappointment "No, you can't." I rolled my eyes, he did a dramatic sigh and rolled his eyes pretending to be me.  I crossed my arms across my chest "Really?" He let go of Enzo and backed away with his hands in the air, "Good." Aqua laughed "Seems like you're the only one who can knock sense into him." I shrugged and smiled at Klaus, he smirked and winked at me.  "Anyways, where the hell is Kol?" I asked Enzo, "Back where she was." I sighed "Great." Klaus locked his jaw again as he continued to threat Enzo by glares.  "Klaus - enough." I looked at Enzo "Why would you do this?" he sighed "Reasons that can not be explained, Love." I walked up to him, "Enzo..." I said softly, then I raised my hand to smack him but he grabbed my wrist before my hand got an inch away from his face.  Klaus growled and tackled Enzo, bringing me with them.  Enzo let me go and I got up and ran to Aqua as Klaus grabbed him by the throat once again and held him to the ground.  "You do not touch Maya.  Ever." He lifted his head and looked at him but now glaring once again, "Is that clear?" Enzo nodded.  "Glad we now have this cleared." Aqua got onto her toes (since she is only 5'3 and I am 5'6 and a half) and whispered into my ear "That was cute, he protected you." She whispered in awe.  I rolled my eyes "Yeah, Yeah, I know." Klaus was next to me in a second with his arm wrapped around my waist, "I know, I'm adorable." I elbowed him lightly "She was obviously saying I was adorable, Hon." He smiled "We shall go with that, Love." I smiled back and kissed him on his cheek "Good, glad you're agreeing." Klaus' phone buzzed in his pocket, he looked at it angrily and answered "What is it now, Hayley?" I heard her voice from the phone "I need you." Klaus sighed "For what?" "I'm hungry, so isn't this little mythical baby." Klaus groaned "You can take care of yourself." He hung up and smiled down at me, I curled myself against his body and put my hand against his chest "You're so nice." He smirked "I know I am." Aqua stood there looking at us "Can we go find my boyfriend now?" She asked.  "Oh, shit - yeah - common, Klaus." We all piled into the truck as Enzo stayed on the ground still afraid to get up, "He is shaking like a milkshake" I looked at Klaus and we both laughed along with Maya as Elijah sat in the back looking out the window concerned for his little brother. 

From Author:
HEY GUYS SO YES A NEW CHARACTER I DON'T KNOW WHY IM SCREAMING SORRY.  Okay guys so this new character is from my good friend Briana (@AnaBanana10000000000) and we are combining books.  Her book is "For Better, Or For Worse?" and you should really go read her book, its almost at 200 reads!  Her book is Aquas' side of the story and ofc mine is Mayas.  Aqua and Maya met online, you can read more about that in her book... Anyways thank you so much for reading Chapter 47 of The Difference Between Us!  If you liked this chapter please add it to your library and vote on it, and tell me your favorite part in the comments!  My favorite part was Klaus and Maya fINALLY GETTING TOGETHHHERRR (I have shipped them for a while to ofc I made them together... but maybe Damon could get back into the race... who knows.)  Thank you once again for reading my book and for 394 reads!  I so appreciate it - more than you know!  Lots of Love, Lovelies!


xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now