Chapter 5

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As Klaus and I walked into the building, arm in arm, I gasped "Okay this is a little crazy, and a little too fancy."

 Klaus smiled lightly "Everything is too fancy for you, Love." I shrugged as a man took my jacket and Klaus' then we walked in.  Klaus examined the room "We're over there," He pointed to the table across the room to the far right.  

"Alrighty," We walked over to our table and sat down and I looked at the other cards.  Elijah, Rebekah, Finn, Kol.  I stared at Klaus "Who the hell is Finn and Kol?" he chuckled as he pulled out my chair.

"My other two brothers,"

 I sighed "You have too many siblings."

 He chuckled "I know." I sat down as elegantly as possible and he sat down as well.  We were quiet for a long while and then I decided to look around the room.  I spotted Elijah in the entrance with Rebekah then they spotted Klaus and I and began walking over elegantly.  "What is up with your family being so damn elegant." I crossed my arms.

 Klaus chuckled "We're over a thousand years old, love.  We got the hang of it." I sighed as Elijah pulled the chair out for Rebekah "Hello Maya," 

"Hey boo" I answered Elijah and Rebekah smiled 

"Hey, you're here with my brother?" She stared at me and Klaus and I shrugged in response 

"Just here for wine and a possibility of ripping his throat out to keep him from talking." I looked at Klaus and smiled as he shook his head and took a sip of his wine.  Elijah stared at the entrance with his eyes wide.

 "They are here, Brother." Klaus put his glass down and leaned back against the chair.  I never realized how handsome he was before.

  "Right on time," Then I saw two males quickly strut down the isles to our table. 

 "Kol, Finn... Welcome." Elijah said to them as he stood up quickly.

  "Who is the human?" the brown haired one said, he was a little shorter than the other one. 

 "Kol please, respect my date." He walked over to my chair.

 I stood up "I'm Maya," I said as I held out my hand.  He grabbed my hand and shook it, he had a strong grasp on it.  

"Kol." He said simply and went to go sit next to Klaus and Finn was already sitting next to Elijah.  Elijah gave Klaus a worried look and Klaus looked calm as calm could be.

  "So are you into humans now, Nicklaus?" Finn asked, he had a deep voice that kinda scared me. 

 Klaus chuckled  "Not sure yet." As he put his arm around me pulling me closer, Was he actually scared they would do something to me?

 Kol clapped his hands once, "Now where is my wine, I would like to get drunk.  I haven't been drunk in so many years sense I was locked in a coffin daggered," he said while glaring at Klaus. 

 "It was for your protection, Brother." 

Then Elijah jumped in "Lets not start something we will regret later, brothers." They both glared at Elijah.

 "Please, we are in public." Rebekah said quietly. 

 "Been chasing any boys lately, Rebekah?" Kol asked and Rebekah glared at him as though she was about to rip his heart out. I sighed and leaned back into the chair, "Are we boring you?" Kol asked me, and his eyes were burring into my soul. 

 "Nah, Just already getting sick of sibling fighting." Kol glared at me and I stared right back at him, challenging him in a way. 

"If I had my wine this would not have had happened..." Kol said.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now