Chapter 30

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Klaus' POV

I quickly walked upstairs to find Maya sprawled across our bed resting.  She looked so beautiful, so peaceful.  I don't understand how lucky I am to just have her in my life, but to have her as my love that is another thing - I feel full with her.  She makes me feel happy with anything, and she's the only one who knows how to calm me down when all things happen to go wrong.  She groaned when she noticed me, I came out of my trance of thought.  "Hey Klaus." I smiled "Hello, Love." She rolled her eyes "The way you say love is very attractive." I chuckled "Are you saying I'm not attractive at any other point?" She giggled, it gave her character when she laughed... her laughs are like angels singing from above.  "Of course not." I smiled "So you're calling me always attractive?" She rolled her eyes "Nobody likes a cocky man, Niklaus." I remembered she said that to me weeks ago, when we were not together now I was not sure to take that to offence or to take it as a joke. "You do obviously, Love." She smirked "Sure, sure." Her humor always brought me joy, she always had a sassy remark to me... possibly why I always was next to her - just to hear her sassy sense of humor.  I tackled her on the bed and pinned her there.  "Well then I am free to kill you...?" She smirked and looked away from me, "Fight me." She looked back at me with playfulness in her eyes.  "You know I could take you anytime, Love." She rolled her eyes, "We'd never know until you fight me" I growled at her and she just laughed "Am I honestly not scary to you?" I smiled, "Honestly no, you're just funny looking." I rolled my eyes and half smiled  "I thought we just admitted I was attractive looking." She smiled up at me "Oops," she giggled I slowly leaned down to her face but she blocked her face.  "I see how it is, you don't want me to kiss you." I frowned pretending to be upset.  She giggled "Well I didn't know if it was going to be a kiss or a way of you fighting.". I laughed  "You think I fight by slowly getting close to your face?" She shrugged "Never know with you, Klaus Mikaelson" I sighed "I see that your trust in me is very high." She shrugged "Obviously" I slowly leaned to her face but she caught me halfway and brought my lips to hers.  I smiled then I pulled away "Oh sorry, Love.  I'm fighting you." She giggled, flustered.  "Oh well you suck at fighting then." I growled at her and she laughed more.  I always just want to make her happy - just to hear her laugh I'd do anything.  She put her hand on the side of my face, her hand felt warm against my face.  "You're terrifying." She giggled.  I smiled "That's good." She rolled her eyes "You want me to be terrified?" I groaned "No, never - but you should be.  It isn't normal not to fear me." She laughed, her dark brown eyes lighting up the room.  "Well I'm not normal, obviously." I smirked "True, Love.  You do spend holidays with Original Vampires." She giggled "Vampires make everything more fun." "Even though they can kill you at any point?" She rolled her eyes "Yep, exactly true." I smiled "Knew it." "Of course the oldest vampire knows it." I chuckled "You think I'm the oldest vampire?" She nodded with her eyebrows furrowed.  "Finn, Elijah and are the oldest, Love.  They're my half brothers." "Kol and Rebekah are the youngest?" I nodded "But they still think of me as their ruthless brother, full blood or not." She smirked "well isn't that nice." I heard footsteps coming into the room.  I quickly got off of Maya and sat on the bed with her, she looked confused then we saw who was there.  Damon Salvatore.  She jumped up quickly and hugged him, "Damon!  You got your humanity back!" He rolled his eyes "Really?  I didn't notice." I felt a pit of jealousy, I felt the rage wanting to escape but I knew it would hurt Maya if I hurt him.  She smacked his arm "Smartass" he chuckled as he took a drink from one of my glasses.  He must have noticed me glaring at him because he said "I needed a drink." I nodded "I can see that." How could Maya forgive him already after all that he has done?  Another thing I don't understand... her forgiveness.

From Author:
Hey guys sorry this Chapter is a little shorter than normal.. I'm on the bus right now sense I didn't write yesterday so I spent my hour bus ride writing 😂 I know a great bus ride, right?  Anyways thank you so much for reading this chapter and don't forget to add this book to your library if you like it, if you have any suggestions on what to do for the next chapter you're welcome to tell me in the comments.   Tell me how you liked the book as well!  Can't believe over 230 reads, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!  Lots of love~

Xxoo Em (σˋ▽ˊ)σ

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