Chapter 48

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Lmfao I am so sorry ^^

As I continued driving to New York my eyes began getting heavy from sleep catching up to me.  "You look tired, Love" Klaus said as he rested his hand on my knee.  I yawned "Yeah I kind of am..." I looked in the mirror and saw Aqua already asleep, she looked like she was faking it.  "Aqua?" Elijah chuckled softly "She isn't sleeping, her heart isn't in a smooth beat." I grabbed a hair tie from the console in front of Klaus  and gave it to him, "Fling it at her." I smiled he chuckled "I don't think she would like to be hit with this." I rolled my eyes and threw it at her face.  She rolled her eyes at me in the mirror, "You wanna drive?" I asked her, she shook her head.  "Can we stop at a hotel or something?" She asked yawning, her blonde hair was in her face.  I looked at Klaus "Want to stop at a hotel?" He winked at me "Only if we get our own room." I pressed my lips together and smiled, Aqua looked like she was about to explode from smiling in the back.  "Sure." His eyes lighted up as Elijah half smiled and Aquas' face showed she was tired.  

*****After they found a hotel*****

"I'll go look for 3 rooms." Aqua sat up "No, No... Just ask for a room with two separate beds, Elijah." Elijah stared at her "Or the girls could sleep in one bed and the guys could sleep in the other...?" I suggested, Klaus looked disappointed.  "It saves money, now stop it." He rolled his eyes and sighed.  "Alright." Elijah looked confused "One room, coming up." He got out of the truck with elegance and walked to the office with his suit still in tact.  "Why don't you ever wear suits?" I asked Klaus.  "I don't work them as well as my brother may." I smiled "When you do you look very nice." "Sexy even?" Aqua asked from the back seat, I blushed as I kept my hand on the wheel and put the truck into park.  "No comment." Klaus chuckled "Common, Love.  Tell me how I really look." I bit down on my tongue "What Aqua said, Alright now lets just go see how Elijah is doing." I opened the door quickly as I heard Aqua and Klaus laugh.  "Don't laugh at me, assholes!" I closed the truck door still flustered as hell.  Klaus was next to me in a second kissing me.  He pulled away and smirked "So I'm sexy now?" I shrugged "I never said you weren't." Aqua jumped out from the truck "She talked about you a lot about how you're so good looking." She closed the door and began walking into the office with sass.  "Fuck you." I muttered, the office door closed and Klaus smiled at me.  "You talked about me?" I shrugged "Maybe, lets go now..." I said flustered still, every second he was close to me I felt the heat begin to rush to my face.  Elijah walked out "Where is Aqua?" He asked, I turned around to look at him.  "Wasn't she with you in the office?" He shook his head.  "Where is he?  I tracked him here." Kol said behind Klaus.  "Where the hell did you come from?" I asked as I looked around, "I tracked him here, Where the hell is Aqua!?" He yelled with rage.  "I don't know." I answered.  "He got to her." "Who?" Elijah asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.  "Kai." Klaus rose his head and glared at Kol "Brother, are you sure." Kol nodded.  "Oh bloody hell." Klaus said as he pulled me closer to him.  "What?  What does he want with Aqua?!" I asked quickly, freaking out.  "Kais' family is a sworn enemy to us Mikaelsons'.  They're witches and their family plans on taking away everything we hold dearest." Elijah said.  I looked at Klaus with my eyebrows furrowed "Am I going to be taken?" He shook his head as he pulled me closer to him and he rested his chin on my head "I would never let him take you..." I looked at Kol "Whats he going to do to her?" Kol gulped as he ran his hand through his hair "He is going to try and kill her." My eyes widened "W-we cant let that happen!" Kol crossed his arms across his chest "I won't allow it to.  I'm going to go find a witch and help me track this bastard" Kol left quickly "Good to know he is alive." Elijah muttered.  Klaus continued to hold me close to his body, the tiredness got replaced with fear.  "Should I call Bonnie or something?" I asked slightly shaking.  "No, No love.  We will find your friend, I promise you." Klaus said.  I looked at Elijah "I give you my word." I wrapped my arms around Klaus' torso as he wrapped his arms around me.  "Everything will be alright, Love." he kissed the top of my head, then I felt his phone buzz in his pocket.  He looked at the phone quickly "Kai is in Mystic Falls." I locked my jaw "You have to be kidding me." I shook my head "I'm going to go use the bathroom." I muttered as I let go of Klaus and began walking behind the building.  Then I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and another hand around my neck "Keep quiet unless you want to die." Then he began chanting something in what sounded like Latin and I fell asleep.

From Author: 
Hey guys!  Sorry if this chapter is a little all over the place but I am trying to make it so Briana and I's story connect.  Again go check out Brianas book "For Better, or For Worse"! Her name is AnaBanana10000000000!  Please go read her book, she almost has 200 reads!  If you enjoyed this chapter please add this book to your library and vote on it!  Tell me your favorite part of this chapter in the comments!  Mine was Maya admitting Klaus is Sexy X'DD IDK IM SORRY X'D Anyways Thanks for reading Chapter 48 of The Difference Between Us!  Lots of Love, Lovelies!


xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now