Chapter 43

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Fyi that is literly my favorite song rn so.... sh x'D

Mayas' POV

As Damon and I pulled up into the familiar driveway that I call home my mom ran out onto the doorstep with Greyson.  "Maya!" She hollered.  I opened the door as Damon put his hand on my shoulder.  "Damon Salvatore?" Mom asked as we both got out from Damons car.  I ignored her judgmental voice and ran up to her and hugged her.  "Weren't you suppose to be with Klaus?" she asked hugging me back.  "Yeah, but I wanted to come home but Klaus wanted to stay with his family... so Damon gave me a ride." I lied smoothly.  "He couldn't bring you home?" I shrugged "Guess not." We pulled away from each other.  "Where are your things?" She asked "I left them there... I told him I'd be back soon." She rolled her eyes "You and this man." I smiled "Yeah, sure." Damon cleared his throat "Nice to meet you, Mrs Robertson." He stuck his hand out and they shook hands.  "Nice to meet you, Damon." She looked at me "Everyone has missed you, how was your Christmas?" I laughed "Kept me busy, I have to admit that." She grabbed me into another hug, "Come on, lets get you into bed." I yawned as she took me around the waist and Damon stood there.  "Mom, can Damon stay too?  His brother isn't home and I don't think he'd feel completely safe without him." I looked at Damon when my mom looked away, thinking.  I winked at him and he rolled his eyes. "I guess, no closed doors." She lectured quickly and went inside with Greyson.  "Missed ya too, Greyson." He wagged his tail and ran back inside.  Damon wrapped his arm around my waist as we both walked inside, "Wow, your weird." I tried to pull away from him but he kept me locked in his grasp.  "I know," His eyes were filled with playfulness as he towered over me.  I rolled my eyes and smiled "Common, move it." He didn't move, I smirked up at him "You're a bitch." he smiled "Thank you." He moved closer to my face, I put my hand between us.  "Excuse me, we are at my mothers - not your house." He smirked as he was less than an inch away from my face "We could go to my house..." He grabbed my waist and brought my body against his.  "Ehem..." My mom said from the kitchen, I pulled away from him quickly.  "Well, I will go find a room..." I laughed "This isn't your house, buddy.  My room - second one to the left." He nodded as he walked past my mom and into my room.

Damons' POV

I sat on her bed, waiting for her to come in but I had to eavesdrop on her and her moms conversation.

"What happened to Klaus, Maya?" "I mean, like... Hes still here.  Just... not here." Someone sighed, it sounded like her mom.  "Whats going on with you?  You didn't care about boyfriends a few months ago." Someone shifted their position "Nobody noticed me then..." But I noticed you... You just didn't notice it - I said to myself.  "Hon, please don't play boys... Please, that is all I ask of you.  Its either one or the other." "I got it, mum.  Goodnight." Someone rubbed the others back "Goodnight, nothing better happen tonight... If something does just, be quiet." "Will do." I heard Maya get up and begin walking to her room.

Mayas' POV

I walked into my room to see Damon laying on my bed with his legs crossed and his hands behind his head.  "Hey," I said as I closed the door slowly and quietly - my back against it.  "Nice conversation you and your mom have got going there." he smirked.  I smiled "I know right?" He pinned me against the door within seconds "She said only if we be quiet." he winked at me, I rolled my eyes "Is that all you think about?" He shrugged with his arms against the door, keeping me there.  "95% of the time." His eyes were filled with playfulness and lust.  My phone buzzed in my pocket ruining the moment, he rolled his eyes and groaned.  "Who is it?" I pulled my phone out, "Klaus."

Klaus: Did you get to Damons' house alright?

Maya: Yeah.

Klaus: Is everything okay?

Maya: You just disturbed something, but its fine.
Klaus: Oh... I'm sorry, love.  Where are you?"
Maya: My moms.
Klaus: Do you want me to come?

Maya: No, no, I'm fine.
Klaus: Too late, I'm already here, Love.

"Dammit." I groaned and hit my head against the door.  "What?" "Klaus is here." Damon cracked his neck.  "Maya, Klaus is here!" My mom called from the mud room.  "Stay here." I whispered "You know he can still hear us, right?" I rolled my eyes "Shut up." I opened the door to see Klaus in the middle of the living room.  "Hey," He smiled "Hello, Love." I walked over to him "Whats up?" He looked at my mom "Could you go in the other room?" She nodded "Sure." She walked out of the room into hers.  "Kathryn is taken care of.  She will not be a bother to you anytime soon." I nodded "Thanks, Klaus." He smiled "Anything for you, Love." Damon walked out of my room "Good job, now lets all give him a round of applause for him just killing another person." He clapped his hands.  I rolled my eyes as Klaus looked at me with questioning eyes.  "He was staying the night." He looked at Damon with evil in his eyes "Damon would you mind leaving the room for a moment?" Damon smiled "Not at all, Sir Mikaelson." I looked at Damon and smiled.  He winked at me and walked back to my room.  "Could we go outside?" Klaus asked, I nodded.  He guided me out to the front deck with his hand on the small of my back.  "Love," He said as he closed the wooden door.  "Hmm?" I asked.  He pinned me against the wood pile in seconds then his lips crushed against mine.  He pulled away slowly with his forehead still against mine, "Just something to remind you of me... when you choose." He put his hand on my waist and slowly brought it up my arm, "Just remember who has saved you a countless amount of times." He grabbed my wrist and began kissing me again from my lips to my neck.  "Goodnight, Love." He let go of my wrist slowly then vanished.  The heat ran up to my face.  Who the hell am I going to choose...?


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