Chapter 24

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As I walked inside with the bag in my hand I went straight upstairs to take a nice warm shower, hoping it would loosen the knot in my back.  I set the bag down on the leather chair on my way to the bathroom, I had closed the bedroom door so I began taking off my shirt and such on my way to the bathroom.  I started the shower and hopped in.  

*****After a few minutes*****

"Love?" I heard a voice ask.  "Kol stop pretending to be Klaus and get the hell out." I heard a chuckle "You really think Kol is that good at pretending to be me?" I smiled still in the shower "Hey, Klaus.  What are you doing back early?" "I missed you, so I decided to come back." I smiled as I washed the soap out of my hair "Well I wasn't expecting you to be home already." I heard him chuckle "Exactly, it is a surprise, Beautiful." then I felt a fabric hit the top of my head, I pulled it off my head and realized it was my shirt.  "Really?" He laughed loudly "You left the mess, love." I threw it back out of the shower, now drenched.  I was aiming towards him but I'm guessing I missed.  "You're cleaning that." "No I'm not," I giggled.  Then he hung a fabric over top of the shower curtain - I realized it was the lacy outfit.  "Mind explaining this to me?" He asked.  I blushed inside the shower "Umm... Well Rebekah took me shopping.  More like she dragged me but ya know - she said I should um... give you that as your Christmas gift.  Now get out so I can change." I said then I heard the door close with him chuckling.  I finished doing my business and got out and dried my hair.  I stared at the lacy outfit laying on the ground, "Not today." I shook my head and put on the pajamas I already picked out this morning.  I put on the fluffy camo pants and my black tank top, I stared at my wound on my arm for a long time but it only seemed like seconds to me.  I stared at the bruise on my back next, it looked horrible but better compared to other bruises but still pretty nasty looking.  I pulled back down my tank top and cleaned my mess sense Klaus wasn't going to help... little bastard - gotta love him though.  I threw everything into the hamper but stuffed the lacy outfit into the sink cabinet.  I opened the door with my hair still some-what wet but it had waves in it... I actually thought I looked decent.  Klaus was sprawled across the bed reading a book I couldn't make out from this far.  "Its too bad you aren't wearing that outfit." He said smiling while keeping his eyes on the book, I blushed "Y-yeah I guess." I climbed onto the bed and rested my head on his bare shoulder and traced the bird tattoo "What does it stand for?" I asked after moments of silence  "What, Love?" I pointed towards his tattoo, "Freedom and inspiration." I continued to stare at it, then he showed me his shoulder blade where there was a triangle.  "This means I respect all religious cultures," I nodded "Their beautiful." He chuckled "Hardly as beautiful as you," I blushed as he settled back onto his back and put the book back to its original position.  I rested my head on his shoulder as he began to read out loud: "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." I thought about the wording.  "Are you reading Winnie-the-Pooh?" I asked laughing softly.  "They have good life quotes in here... this was my favorite book ever sense it has came out." I smiled "Well you're over a hundred, Mr Mikaelson..." He moved his arm and put it around me, "I may be but you make me feel younger." I snuggled against his chest and got comfortable.  "That's a good thing." "Very good, Love." Then he kissed the top of my head.  He put the book on his bedside table and sighed, "You're so beautiful." I blushed against his shoulder, and he put the back of his hand against my cheek.  I reached up to kiss him but he had already beaten me to it, we had our lips crashed together for a moment that felt like years then we pulled away.  "Goodnight, Beautiful." I smiled "Goodnight, Nik." Then I got comfortable on his chest again and fell asleep listening to his even breathing.

Message from Author:

Sorry this Chapter is a little shorter, But they are so cUTEEE I can't even if my life depended on it - sadly I'm too lonely and won't ever have this lmao.  Anyways thank you so much for reading!  Lots of Love!

xxoo Em

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