Chapter 8

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As I began to walk to Klaus' home my phone began to buzz and guess who was calling? My mom; I answered;

"Hey mum," I said scared, "Maya Jane where the hell are you?!" she screamed into the phone. "I've been at Carolines' for the last few days..." I lied simply, "Oh, and who said you were allowed to go there?" She asked with rage.  "Uh... nobody...?" I answered.  "Get your ass home now." She demanded.  I thought for a long moment on how to respond, I wanted to make sure Klaus' would be okay.  "Can I come home later tonight?" I asked, "NO! Now get your ass home now before I make you!" She demanded with a threat.  "Sorry ma, I just can't do that." I said and then hung up.  What the fuck did I just get myself into?  I sighed as I walked to Klaus' home.  

After a long 45 minute walk I finally made it to his doorstep and knocked on the door, and Klaus answered.   "What?" He asked with rage, "I-I was just checking to see if you were okay..." I said quietly.  "Well I am fine, I am a hybrid that doesn't care about anything.  This is why I don't show emotions because it gets everyone worried over nonsense!" He yelled, "At least people worry about you... would you rather nobody worried?" I asked.  "No, I would rather not.  Because at least they would not be showing up at my bloody doorstep asking ridiculous questions." I shook my head.  "Nicklaus I just friggin pissed off my mom just to make sure that you're alright.  Do you even care?!" I yelled in his face, "No.  No I do not." I began to glare at him then I got into his face.  "It is better to show emotion than no emotions at all." I said with rage; and the rage was rising my voice upwards, "How is it better, Maya?" He asked not backing away.  "Because it is better for yourself than locking them away in a box and throwing the box away." "It shows weakness," he narrowed his eyes at me.  "It shows happiness." I narrowed my eyes at him.  "You don't understand, You're not even a vampire!" he yelled with rage, "Who gives any fucks if I am a vampire?!  I have been here for over 2 years, I have been around vampires for 2 years.  I think I know vampires pretty fucking well.  Why are you flipping out like this just because I slipped?!" I asked yelling back in his face.  "Because one little bloody slip could have ended your life!" His eyes showed anger and hurt, then worst of all; fear.  "Who gives a shit about my life?!" I yelled "The only fucking family I have are damn vampires and not complaining but they can end my life within seconds!" "And I can end your life in seconds, now go!" He yelled, "I am not leaving, Nicklaus!"  "And why not?" He asked more calmly.  "Because I don't leave friends when they need me the most." I said calmly and he punched the wall next to the door "I am not a friend, I am a vampire that everyone should fear!" He yelled.  I stepped closer "Well I am not afraid of you, just pissed at the things you have done in the past.  So you can try all you want to get me away from you but I am not leaving."  His eyes turned gold and the veins under his eyes came, I flinched back lightly but stayed where I was.  "I am not afraid, Nicklaus." he growled at me and I didn't move.  "You should be afraid," He said through his teeth.  "Well I'm not so," Then he grabbed both sides of my head with his hands and looked at me in the eye "Well you should." He said more calmly, "Klaus you're not going to chase me away unless you kill someone I love, and don't even think about it because I will kill you myself." I glared at him and his eyes went back to his normal blue color.  "You wouldn't be able to kill me." he said "I can have Bonnie kill you," I said with a slight rage to my voice.  He stepped slightly closer until our noses were almost touching "It's not a good idea to challenge a vampire." I shrugged "I still do though," "Not the brightest idea though." he said softly knowing I could hear, "Why do you care so much that I almost died?  You all would just find a new person that would find out about you guys and would be more sassy than me." he looked into my eyes "But she wouldn't be you, Maya." he continued looking at me and I felt my body go frozen, I couldn't move.  "W-well I am sure there is someone like me out in the world," He came slightly closer, for some odd reason I wanted for him to kiss me.  I shook my head and snapped out of it "There obviously is," I crossed my arms.  "But that is the thing, there isn't, Love." before I knew it I was bringing myself closer to him and my lips crashed with his.  I wrapped my arms around his neck as he cradled my face in his hands, and I was the one to pull away.  I felt my face become deep red, "Uhm... Well then... Uh... I am just gonna..." I looked around outside "Gonna go home to face the wrath of my mother..." I began walking away but then he grabbed my wrist "Do you need me to compel her?" I sighed "Only if, but she wears ravine think..." He chuckled "Only one way to find out, Love." I sighed "Fine, I do need a ride anyways." We hopped into Elijahs GMC Suv and drove to my house.

I was actually surprised that he let the kissing thing go, Glad though.  As we pulled up to my house I walked inside with Klaus trailing along, "Come on in." I said to Klaus "Well you actually invited me inside, that is a shock." I shrugged "Ma some creep followed me home!" I yelled out.  In seconds she ran out with Katie.  Katie jumped on Klaus and she grabbed a bat.  "I am a friend, calm down." Klaus said to my mom compelling her "You are Mayas' friend.  I am calm." He looked at me and smiled "Well I guess she can be compelled." I stated and he looked at my mom "You will not give Maya a long lecture about how she misbehaves. You will forget I was here.  You will let her do as she pleases..." then he added "For a while at least."  "I will not lecture Maya on how she misbehaves and will let her do as she wants.  I will forget you were ever here." Then Klaus kissed my cheek and left.  "Hey mum," I said "Hey honey, How was Caroline?" I shrugged "Her normal girly self." then I walked to my room and got into my Pajamas, then I saw a small painting on my bed as I came back from the bathroom.  It was a picture of my second favorite horse breed; belgian.  At the bottom right it was signed neatly in cursive 'Klaus' "How the hell did he even know I liked this breed?" I asked myself softly, After a minute or so of going through our conversations in the past and from today I let it go and went to bed.  "Now tomorrow will be interesting." I said to myself and fell asleep.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now