Chapter 39

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My eyes fluttered to life as the sun hit my face, I felt the structure beneath me breathe and then I noticed it was Damon.  I caught my breath as I realized what happened from the night before.  I slowly moved off from his chest but I felt his arm hold me down "Where do you think you're going?" he pulled me back to his chest, then I burst out laughing.  "We didn't." He nodded as he stroked my hair "We did." He chuckled, I rolled my eyes "I'm going to go shower now," I began to grab the sheets but he held them from me.  "I like you better without the sheet." he winked with his icy blue eyes filled with playfulness.  I tugged at the sheets and managed to grab them and wrap them around me.  I made my way to the bathroom and closed the doors "You shouldn't close the doors, I've already seen you." I rolled my eyes and got into the shower, the hot water running down my back untwisted the knots from myself waking up in a different position.  The doors opened and I saw the shadow of Damon from outside the shower.  "I have to admit last night was amazing." I shrugged as I washed the shampoo out of my hair, "Your phone has been going crazy." I smirked "More crazy than Stef in ripper mode?" Damon chuckled "Sure." I saw him walk towards the shower "Mind if I join you?" He began to open the curtain but I stopped him quickly "No, no no.  Now get out so I can get ready."  He sighed as he walked out of the room and I turned off the shower then got out.  I groaned when I realized I had no clothes besides the ones on Damons floor in his room, and those were dirty.  I sighed as I opened the door and saw Damon there pulling on his black shirt, "Mind if I borrow something?" He nodded "Totally do." He chuckled then walked over to one of his drawers and pulled out a shirt and boxers.  "These are great.  Thank you so much." He smirked "Be grateful."  I rolled my eyes as I draped the clothes over my hand "Always do," I announced then walked back into the bathroom.  "You know I could help you..." I groaned in defeat after I pulled on the shirt and boxers.  "Get in here and help me untangle my hair." He chuckled as he walked into the room, "So bossy." I rolled my eyes "I wonder where I got it from." he grabbed a comb from the drawer and I laughed "As if that will go through my hair without it breaking or it ripping my hair out." He smiled and looked at me in the mirror, "Trust me?" He asked, I rolled my eyes "Kind of have to." He pulled the comb through my dark hair easily "The hell?" I asked in amazement, "Years of practice." I smacked his arm "Thanks for giving me a hint of how many girls you've slept with over your hundred of years." He chuckled loudly "I never said that." He put the comb away quickly and turned back to me, looking at me in the mirror.  He turned me around quickly and put his hands on my waist, "You're so beautiful." I blushed lightly "Yeah, yeah." I pushed around him and began walking to the door to go in the hallway but he stopped me in front of the door.  "Where are you going?" I rolled my eyes "Going down to tell - No going downstairs to grab food." He smirked "Fine." he swung me over his shoulder "Let me down." I complained, "Stef!  Damon is trying to kidnap me!" Stefan was there in a second behind Damon but in front of me.  "Whats the issue?" he asked as we walked down the stairs.  I poked Damons back and he smacked my ass.  "Excuse me!" Damon laughed and Stefan rolled his eyes "Well you did sleep with him." I groaned "Well if I knew he was going to do this I wouldn't have." Damon sighed "So mean to me, Do you see what I have to go through, Stefan?" "Do you see what I have to deal with?" I asked.  Stefan rolled his eyes again "And you two slept with each other?" I smiled "I know, so surprising.  Mind grabbing my phone?" Stefan shook his head "I'm good, plus I plugged it in downstairs in the kitchen." we reached the bottom of the stairs and Damon still didn't put me down.  "Please put me down." I groaned.  He shook his head then put me in the chair in the kitchen, "Now I can." He walked behind the island where a stove and such was there.  "Whats for breakfast?" I asked and he shrugged "Whatever you're in the mood for." "Eggs." I chuckled to myself remembering the burnt eggs conversation with Marcel and Klaus.  "Of course." Stefan walked in "I still can't believe you two slept with each other." I groaned "Let it go already, Stef." then I heard things crashing in the room, "I just came to apologize for my behavior yesterday, but it looks like I had a good reason to kill you." Klaus was there in front of the fire place, "Klaus?" I asked shocked "Yes, Love.  Now if you don't mind this time... I'm here to kill Damon." I gasped "Damon, Run!" I yelled then he dropped the pan of food and was gone - and so wasn't Klaus.

From Author:
Sorry this chapter is a lil short, but I honestly kept getting distracted bc ye --- I got ADHD alright?  So I might add another chapter tomorrow morning on the bus if I can come up with anything to write with tonight.  I hope you guys liked this chapter, if you did please add this book to your Library and vote on it!  Thank you guys so much for reading chapter 39 of The Difference Between Us!  Lots of Love~

xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now