Chapter 60

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(I'm sorry for all of y'all that hate country)

*****September 20th,2017*****

The day finally came, I was marrying Niklaus Mikaelson.  I swiftly put on the wedding dress of my dreams as Aqua, my mom and Rebekah put on their dresses in the other room.  My mom learned to deal with myself loving Klaus for who he is.  Also Klaus met his oldest sister, she is the oldest out of all the Mikaelsons' and is a witch, Freya and she is as well my bridesmaid.  We have became good friends since the moment we met and she is just another member of Klaus' family that I love.  I heard a knock on the door "May I come in?" It was Klaus, I spazzed out and ran into the bathroom.  "Coming!" Rebekah said from the other room, she laughed when she noticed me.  I narrowed my eyes at her as she walked across the room to the door.  "What is it, Nik?" "I'd just like to see the soon-to-be Maya Mikaelson." I rolled my eyes "Go, Klaus!  It's bad luck to see the girl in the wedding dress on the wedding day!" I yelled through the door.  "Bad luck?  Nothing like that has ever happened to me." I groaned "Go away!" He chuckled as he stepped away from the door and Rebekah closed it.  "Thank you." I smiled at Rebekah as she smiled back "Anytime." then ran off into the other room to continue getting ready.  There was another knock on the door, "No, Klaus!" I yelled as I sat down in front of the mirror to do my makeup.  The door opened and I looked at the door in the mirror, it was my dad.  "Dad?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.  "Maya..." He had tears in his eyes "You look so beautiful..." He added.  "Thanks..." I sat there awkwardly, still only looking at him through the mirror.  "I'll see you out there?" I asked, giving him the hint I had to get ready.  He nodded "You will." He walked out closing the door.  Aqua walked in with the dress she walked over to me and stood behind the chair "Still not happy with him?" I shrugged "Not really.  He chose her over me - obviously.  I'm surprised he came to my wedding... I didn't even invite him." Aqua sighed as she looked at me in the mirror as I finished my makeup.  It was a quick and easy look.  "Harsh much?" I glared at her "Don't tell me what and what not to do on my wedding." I raged.  "Okay, okay, sorry, sorry." I glared at her deeper then I focused on myself.

*****Hours Later*****

I walked down the white isle with rose petals spread everywhere.  Elijah, Kol, and Finn stood next to Klaus and Aqua, Rebekah, Freya and my mom stood on the side I was suppose to stand.  I looked at all the guests then I finally looked at Klaus.  He wore a formal suit, black and white.  He looked handsome and ridiculously alluring, he smiled at me as I smiled back at him.  His eyes looked like they were about to cry but he quickly whipped the tears away.  I walked up and took his hand.  We held hands and stared into each others eyes - honestly I got lost in his eyes and didn't listen to what the priest said until he said for Klaus to give his vows.  

"Maya Jane Robertson... I never imagined loving you this much, falling for you this much.  I never knew a love like this existed in the world, you give me passion that consumes me, a lust that consumes me.  You have become my best friend, my soul mate, and my entire world.  I couldn't imagine standing here with anyone else saying I do to.  You have been by my side through thick and thin - and I hope I have done the same for you.  You are always there for me when I need a good laugh, always there when I need someone to talk to." he took a deep breath "Maya you have dealt with me on my worst of days and you just so happen to make everything brighter and happier.  You love consumes people, and your beauty is overbearing.  I love you, now, forever and always."

I began to cry and he lifted his hand as he whipped away the tear coming down my face.  He smiled down at me as his eyes watered and I laughed softly.  "Now Maya, you're turn." The priest said.

"Niklaus Mikaelson... A name I never imagined loving this much, a name I never imagined caring this much for.  You have always been by my side, you have given me the love that I want and the type of love I have looked for my life.  When I first met you I honestly wanted nothing to do with you," I laughed softly as I looked into his eyes deeply, tears threatening to hit the surface.  "You have changed that in so many ways.  I want to be with you every second, you make me feel protected and loved uncontrollably.  You have made my life brighter, and made my life so much more adventurousness.  I don't regret any day I have spent with you, I don't regret all the times you used to trip me on the sidewalk, or all the times that you have annoyed the absolute shit out of me because it has brought me to this moment.  To a moment I will never forget - to a moment I will love forever and always.  I can't thank you enough for being in my life... I will love you forever and always for all eternity." I whipped away the tears quickly as I looked at him, he smiled widely.  

"Niklaus Mikaelson - Do you take Maya Robertson as your lawful wife, through better or for worse, through sickness and health, for richer or poorer?" The priest asked looking at Klaus.  

"I do." 

"Maya Robertson- Do you take Niklaus Mikaelson as your lawful husband, through better or for worse, through sickness and health, for richer or poorer?" The priest asked now looking at me.  I cried more... duh.

"I do." I smiled at Klaus.  

"I now pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss the bride." Klaus looked at me as he let go of my hands and placed his hand on the side of my face and brought my face closer to his.  The kiss was passionate, filled with lust, I couldn't help but kiss him back just as passionate.  He pulled away slowly as he left his forehead against mine, he smiled towards me.  I smiled back and pecked another kiss on his lips.  Finally we pulled away and he grabbed my hand.  "I gladly say I pronounce Mr and Mrs' Mikaelson!" I looked at Klaus then we ran down the isle hand in hand as rose petals flew around us.  I finally found the person I love, and the person I will love for the rest of my life. 

From Author:
O.M.G This is the last chapter of this book?!?!? I'm no joke screaming inside and crying a little bit at the wedding part... okay I did start crying.  I'M A BABY WHEN IT COMES TO WEDDINGS - I'M SORRY. Okay so I didn't make any action in this last chapter but in the new book there will be fur sure drama to start.  Thank you guys so much for reading these chapters of this book.  I have started from the bottom and I have worked my way to almost 500 reads and I am incredibly grateful for every vote, read, and every time someone  even thinks about reading this book.  Thank you guys SOOOOOO much for sticking with me for 3 months and 6 days.  The new book is called Always and Forever and it will be on my profile... I love you guys so much for reading these chapters and I just can't believe how this book just started out as a few chapters of boredom to 60 chapters of excitement, drama and lust.  I'm about to cry so I better go now THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN AND I LOVE YOU ALL TO BITS AND PIECES <3333

Lots Of Love, Lovelies...

xxoo Em.

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