Chapter 22

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As I closed the car door I started to walk towards the large house and into the courtyard.  I felt something hard and cold hit my back, I turned around to see Klaus holding a snowball in his hand.  He quickly put his hand behind his back, "You little asshole," I complained.  I didn't feel the snowball against my back due to my puffy jacket.  He chuckled "What did I do?" I rolled my eyes and picked up some snow and rolled it into a ball.  "Well..." then I chucked the snowball at him and he dodged it due to his vampire speed.  He was behind the water fountain in seconds, "Missed me, Love." I groaned and picked up more snow then turned it to a snowball, then chucked it at his chest - I didn't miss this time.  I laughed loudly and ran as he picked up more snow and was playfully glaring at me.  I quickly ducked behind the large snowbank but he was already next to me within seconds, "You'd never win at running away from a vampire, beautiful." I groaned as he stuffed the snowball in my face.  Then I realized something, "Wait yesterday was the 24th... so its Christmas?" I asked excited, he chuckled "It is about time you figured that out." I smiled and tackled him, "Merry Christmas." then I kissed him, without barely moving I grabbed snow next to him and threw it into his hair.  He smiled then I felt something cold against my back, I pulled back and smacked his chest playfully.  "Jerk," He smiled "Rude," I smiled back with happiness in his eyes.  He tried to kiss me but I put my hand against his lips, "Nope, Jerks don't get kisses." I giggled.  "Aww common, Love." I shook my head as I still was on top of him in a tackling position.  "Well Brother for once you're not on the top." Kol said in front of us, I rolled off of Klaus then I noticed a sort of short long haired brunette girl next to Kol.  "Whose this?" Klaus asked, "Ava, meet my brother Klaus and his woman crush, Maya." I nodded towards her, "Hey." "Hi." She smiled widely.  Klaus looked at Kol with a questioning look, "She knows about us being Original Vampires and that crap.  I met her yesterday when I was out for a bite with the witches..." Kol winked at me and I rolled my eyes.  "You're so nice to those witches." I said, Ava laughed.  I stared at her, I swear she seemed insane - fitting girlfriend for Kol actually.  I sat up and shook Ava's hand.  "How long have you known the Mikaelsons?" She asked, "Two years but I hated them until just a few months ago actually." Klaus shrugged and smiled.  Kol groaned "I was daggered, thank you again Niklaus." Klaus chuckled "You're welcome." I looked at Kol "Is she going to be staying here?" He nodded "She will be, but we are not dating lets get that clear." Ava shrugged "I actually kind of hate him." I smiled at Klaus "Its us all over again." Kol laughed loudly, "Highly doubtful, Love." Kol said to me and Ava stood there in disbelief.  "Hey it happened to me and Klaus, it could happen to you hon." I pat Avas' shoulder and walked past her backwards.  Klaus followed me and said "It really did happen, anything can happen in this world.  Just remember that, sweetheart." I growled at Klaus "Hey I thought I was sweetheart." He chuckled "Jealous much?" "Nope." I stopped in my tracks, "Ava do you know what room you're staying in?" I asked "Nope, Kol won't show me." She said as she glared at him, he rolled his eyes then vanished.  "Common," I said then looked at Klaus.  "What guest bedroom?" He shrugged "Your old one will be fine." I stared at him.  "My old one?" He chuckled "You're sleeping in my room for now on." I sighed "Fiiiine." He frowned "Unless you don't want to...?" I chuckled "Of course I want to... We'll meet you in the kitchen." Klaus nodded and then vanished probably making me and Ava lunch.  "lets go," She nodded and we walked up the staircase, I ignored the pain in my back.  As we walked past Klaus' room I threw my jacket in his room.  "What happened to your arm?" She asked noticing my bandage, "Oh... um some complications with my sort of friend." She stared at me wide eyed "With Kol?" She asked "No, Damon Salvatore." She shrugged "I don't know who that is, but okay." I smiled "You'll meet him soon when he gets his humanity back." She stared at me questioning like.  "He lost his humanity because he was pissed that I was pissed at him about over reacting about myself liking Klaus and his family." She shrugged "He doesn't have a say on what you want to do with your life and your love life." I smiled "Exactly, I'm starting to like you already." I put my arm around her shoulder sense she is shorter than me.  "Wait how tall are you anyways?" I asked "5'3ish..." I laughed "5'6 and a half." She groaned "I'm always the short one." I laughed lightly, "Who is there?" Hayley said coming from her bedroom.  "This is Ava," Hayley looked pissed, "I mean why the hell is she here?" I shrugged "Kols' company." Hayley groaned "Just great." She stalked back to her room, "Don't mind her, shes a bitch anyways." Ava chuckled "I couldn't tell," I smiled "Me either.  She was a bitch before she even knew my name, now shes a huge bitch." Ava laughed trying to hold back a loud laughter exploding.  I stopped in front of two large doors "Here you go,  I'll move all of my clothes out of the drawers later tonight." She nodded "Thanks," I smiled "No problem.  Common lets go eat." She set her small bag inside of the room and ran to keep up with me sense I was already walking away.  "You couldn't have waited for me?" I shook my head "I'm hungry okay?" She laughed "Alright," We walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Klaus failing at making a sandwich.  "Klaus, Klaus, Klaus." I groaned and laughed.  "Come here." I hit him with my leg to make him move over while I finished making the sandwiches.  "You're horrible at making sandwiches." He chuckled "Sorry, love.  My food is normally prepared for me." I smiled "Yeah I know,"  I put the sandwiches on two separate plates and handed one to Ava while I stood up and ate mine.  Klaus put his hand on the small of my back and kissed my cheek "Kol, Finn, Elijah and I are going hunting for a bit.  We'll be back before sundown... Behave for Marcel please." I nodded "Always do," I said as I took another bite into my sandwich.  "Sure you do." He kissed me again once more after I swallowed the sandwich then he left.  "You two are so cute together," I blushed deeply.  "You and Kol would be so cute together too." She shook her head "Don't even think about it." She said with food in her mouth, "Already am, Hon."

Message from Author:

I hope you guys liked this chapter and I am really enjoying writing this book.  If you guys like this book please continue reading and add this book to your library :)  Thanks for reading!

xxoo Em :) 

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