Chapter 12

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As Klaus and I walked up the broken path with Elijah leading I stared at the graves, I shivered at how cold it was.  Klaus handed me his leather jacket, as I put on the leather jacket he grabbed my hand.  Is he really going to become a father?  What if things do work out between me and him... Will I be a step mother?  Elijah gestured us to go down stairs into the darkness with only a few candles showing light. Klaus went first with myself trailing behind him and Elijah behind me.  "Sophie." Elijah called out then I saw a woman with dark hair and dark clothes on.  Her eyes were red as if from crying.  "Elijah, Klaus." She looked at me "Who's this?" she glared at me "She is with me," Klaus said.  "No harm comes to her." Elijah said, "Good by me.  Bring the werewolf out." I saw a girl with dark brown hair and full lips walk out with two other women behind her.  "Klaus," She girl breathed when she saw Klaus.  I saw Klaus' face change from calm to anger.  "Hayley." He said with rage but trying to hide it.  "Tell me this isn't real." She nodded with a hand on her stomach, "Who the hell are you?" She asked while looking at me "Maya." I responded, "And why are you here?" I shrugged "I decided to tag along, why not?" She glared at me "You are not involved with this," I looked at Elijah "Nor is Elijah.. so." She continued to glare at me "At least he is trying to save me and this baby!" I shrugged "Well is that my problem?  Nah.  I'm only here for Klaus so."  Klaus squeezed my hand lightly, Hayley noticed.  "He is just going to get you into bed then throw you out the door, just like me." I shrugged "Well.. I ain't a whore so..." "She is a werewolf, Love..." Klaus said under his breath "That can't change unless it is a full moon.  Plus she is pregnant."  Klaus looked at Sophie "You have to be kidding me." "I would not have invited you in here if it wasn't real." Klaus let go of my hand and ran off, he was gone within a second.  "If either of you do not talk him into this the girl dies." Sophie said.  Elijah glared at her "I'll have him agreed to this by midnight." "Good, because..." Sophie grabbed a pin and poked her hand, "Ow" Hayley said, there was blood on both their right hands.  "I can kill her at any moment, any where." Elijah put his hands in his pocket "I will get him to agree to this, No need to take harsh measures." "We will take harsh measures if we have to, Elijah." "Alright," he said then he picked me up bride style then we were running.  When we stopped Klaus was inside of a bar and we were outside the window.  "Well... What are we suppose to do?" I asked Elijah "I'm not sure... Get him on board with the baby first then see what happens from there." I walked inside the bar and over to Klaus, "Are you okay?" He looked at me "Obviously not," I rolled my eyes "Just 'cause you're having a bad day doesn't mean you have to be a bitch to me." he began to glare at me "Klaus either you stop acting like a dick or I can leave now." He turned his head to look ahead of him and sighed.  "I'm sorry, love... I'm just not sure on what to think of this... Baby thing..." I sat down and hugged him, "It will be alright... but Klaus if you don't go along with this baby thing and its protection... they will kill Hayley and the baby included.  You're baby." He hugged me back.  "Then they both can be killed, I do not need a baby interfering with my life."  "I don't think Elijah would like that answer..." Klaus pulled away and looked at me "How are you so calm about these things?" I laughed loudly.  "You... think... I'm calm?" I said between laughs.  He rolled his eyes "More calm than me, love." I laughed again, "I just fucking flipped out on you over you being a bitch for just sassing back at me!" I said laughing still.  He laughed along with me, probably drunk.  "True" His face went serious and he held my hand.  "Maya?" I stopped laughing "Yeah?" I asked "I want to move to New Orleans for the rest of Christmas into the day after new years..." "Oh..." I felt the tears threatening to hit the surface.  "I want you to come with me." He added after a few moments.  "What?" I asked "I want you to come with me to here until the day after New Years." What about my mom?  Katie and Greyson? "I can compel your mom to be okay with it and to take care of all the animals you own..." He said as if reading my mind.  I smiled "Sure," He smiled back and his dimples were showing.  His dimples were my favorite part about him.  I remembered it was December 23.  "Well it is almost Christmas, when do you want to leave?" "Tomorrow?  Anytime will work," He said still smiling.  "And we invite everyone in the town... including my family." "I'm fine with your family coming... As long as Kol doesn't try to kill me again." Klaus chuckled "I won't let him lay a finger on you," "Of course you wont," I laughed, then he put me into a dip-like dance move and kissed me, I felt the heat rushing to my face.  I put my arms around his neck then Elijah cleared his throat.  I gasped as I realized we were still in a bar filled with people.  Klaus set me back steady on my feet and held my hand "Yes brother?" "Just agree on letting the child be safe with the witches... The child and mother will be safe, I give you my word." Klaus looked down at me and I half smiled at him still feeling the heat to my face, "Alright," Klaus responded.  I smiled at Elijah and Klaus, "You better keep your word, brother." Klaus said to Elijah "I will." Then Elijah vanished.  "We better get you home, Love." Klaus said looking at me once again.  "I guess so," I sighed, I didn't want today to end.  

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