Chapter 2

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I changed after my shower and got ready to go to the grill quickly, trying to sneak out before my mother could ask any questions."Mom!  I'm going to the grill I'll be back later!" I called right before I closed the door, I held my truck keys in my hand

 "Okay, See you later." I heard her call back from the house.

"Yeah love you too" I said quietly, I swear she doesn't show any emotion.  I jumped into my GMC sierra truck and started it.

Yes yes I know what you're thinking "How the hell did you get that truck it costs so much?!"  Well y'all can thank my dad for that, He is never around but I see him a few times a month, this was my birthday gift for when I turned 16... I am now 17 and the truck is in great condition... Thanks to Elijah many times.

I turned on the heat and began driving to the grill to meet Elijah, then I remembered Bonnie- She likes Elijah, no not like like but as friends.  I pulled out my phone and began texting her

To: Bonnie
From: You

Meet me @ the Grill Elijah will b there 2.  C u soon

As soon as the message sent my phone died.  "For fucks sake," I searched my truck for a charger and there was none to be found.  "Just wonderful." I stared at the road and then I found the Grill- A small little diner/bar for kids and friends to hang out in.  I pulled into a parking space next to Elijahs fancy GMC Suv.  I turned off the truck and walked inside of the grill to see Elijah twirling the fork around in his hands, then he looked up to see me and he smiled.  I walked over and sat down across from him "Hello"

 He said partly smiling "Hey Boo." 

Okay now I know what you're thinking "WHY DOES SHE CALL HIM BOO?!" Now don't judge me, I've always called him boo and he honestly doesn't mind it so I continue to call him it.  Now I am guessing you all know about Kathryn and all that great drama right?  Well I was the first one to know, Yes yes I am very special... But ever sense Elijah has found out about her cruelty he has acted different but I don't bother to question... He must be hurting.

"How was your run, Besides my brother?"

 I rolled my eyes "Just wonderful."

 Matt walked over with coffee in his hands "The normal May?" I nodded and he put coffee into the cup. 

 He looked at Elijah "And you?" 

Elijah shook his head "If there is ravine in it still then I am good.  Thank you for your offer though."  Matt shrugged 

"Sheriff says we have to, Sorry Elijah." Elijah shrugged and Matt walked off.  

"Hey mind if I borrow your charger Elijah?  My phone died on the way here." I chuckled once and so did he

 "You really need a new phone,"

 I rolled my eyes "I've been asking for one but ya know-" I put my hands in the air slightly "Poor as hell," He leaned back into the seat, "If you would accept my gifts then I would gladly get you one." I shook my head,

Okay I swear I probably can read your mind... But yes he always does offer to get me a new phone but I always say no.  I hate spending other peoples' money.

He handed me his phone charger and I searched for an outlet and it was beneath the table, I looked at Matt who was behind the bar "You really need to find a better place to put an outlet." I called at him.

 He shrugged while cleaning the coffee container "I will put that on your list of complaints." 

"Thanks buddy" I chuckled then plugged in the phone charger to the wall then my phone and it lit up.  My phone began to buzz like mad.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now