Chapter 34

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Klaus smiled as he walked down the stairs in his elegant ways, I turned around when I heard him jump down from the third step before the floor. "Hey." I smiled as I cleaned the kitchen counter. "Hello, Love." "What have you been up to?" He shrugged "Planning deaths, how about you." I rolled my eyes knowing he was joking. "Cleaning." He smirked "We need a maid." I shook my head "I'm happy to clean your house." he chuckled "You're the one doing it." I smiled and lifted one of my eyebrows "So you want your house to be dirty and trashed from Marcel, you and you two's friends?" He sat down across from me on the island. "Of course not, but why not ask for a maid. They would be helpful around the house," I walked into the laundry room and threw the dirty rag into the hamper then walked back out. "Would be, but cleaning is keeping me entertained." He chuckled and was behind me within seconds with his hands on my waist, "I could keep you entertained..." He kissed my cheek, I blushed lightly. "I bet you could, but your house is awfully dirty." he chuckled "Probably because we haven't been in this house for years, Love."I turned around to look at him in the face and pointed my finger at him "No excuses." He pretended to almost bite my finger, I smacked his shoulder lightly. "Bad." He smiled "Am I a dog now?" I shrugged "Well..." He shook his head "Forget that." I smirked "Exactly what I thought," I began to pull away from him but he pulled me closer to him until our bodies were against each other. "Yes?" I asked he chuckled "Am I not allowed to hold you?" I half smiled and narrowed my eyes playfully "Nope, not at all." He frowned "That is upsetting." I got up onto my toes and kissed him then pulled away quickly. He still kept me close to him, he looked at me through his long lashes. "I have a surprise for you, Love." I looked at him, "More surprises?" He nodded, "Come with me." He pulled away from me but grabbed my hand then brought me into the center of his home. Then I saw my long lost friend, Jack. My old horse that I rode back at home, I looked at Klaus "This his son or something...?" Klaus shook his head, "Took a lot of searching, but I found him." I felt the tears about to reach the surface "Wait, he must have cost you a lot... he was over a thousand when I left..." Klaus smiled "Money is money, Love. Nothing more than that," I smiled at Klaus I felt a tear run down my face but he caught it with his thumb. "Thank you so much." He smiled wider "Anytime, Love." I let go of my hand and hugged my long lost friend. "How much longer do I have to hold this thing?" Rebekah complained. "After many centuries you still hate horses." Klaus sighed and she nodded as I took the lead rope and hugged Jack. I traced the white patch on his neck, he still had his winter coat. Kol and Ava walked in within a second "What is the talk about?" Kol asked then he noticed me hugging Jack. "What is this?" He looked at Klaus and Klaus smiled "Just doing a good deed, brother." Kol rolled his eyes, "Well we have something we'd like to tell you." I pulled away from Jack quickly and slightly spooked him, "Its okay, Calm down buddy." I pat his face, "You two are dating aren't you." I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows, Ava nodded. I smiled trying not to explode with excitement for them both but I didn't want to spook Jack. Kol smiled at Ava, "I knew it when I walked in on y'all having a full make out session." Klaus laughed loudly "You two were making out?" I nodded and they rolled their eyes as they held each others hands. "Too cute." Ava blushed, "Hey just doing the same thing you have been doing to me, not that I mind it." Klaus rolled his eyes "You're so needy." I smiled "I know." Jack sniffed my hair and put his head on my shoulder resting it there. "Jack you're lucky you're cute or I wouldn't be dealing with this pain." Klaus narrowed his eyes "He is hurting you?" I smirked "He is a 1,200 pound horse - his head weighs a lot." Klaus rolled his eyes "Sissy." I stuck my tongue out at him "Jerk." I looked back to see where Ava and Kol were but they already left - probably for another make out session - I mean for tea time. Klaus chuckled as though reading my mind "Don't tell me I'm showing it on my face." He smiled "Of course you are, Love." He looked at Jack "Well are you going for a ride or not?" I smiled "Obviously." I brought Jack over by the fountain and jumped on him bareback. "Mind if I tag along?" Klaus asked. "Of course not." He chuckled "Can I steer?" I rolled my eyes "You're needy today." He chuckled "Me? Never." He jumped onto Jack easily when I moved closer to Jacks rear end. When Klaus got settled I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. "Is he sound?" I shrugged "A bit of both but mostly kicking with him for trotting and such." Klaus made a clicking sound and Jack moved forward. He easily steered Jack by his mane, "You two are already getting along." I smiled then kissed Klaus' jaw line sense I couldn't reach his face. "I knew I'd like him from the time he got here." I chuckled "Good thing you're good with horses, or I'd be leaving." He puckered his lips "Well that is a good thing." I smiled as we rode in the quarter in circles - I never thought I could be as happy as this. 

Authors Note: Thank you guys so much for reading, and I cant thank you enough for over 290 reads! I you liked this chapter add it to your library and vote on it please! Any suggestions for the next chapter you are welcome to leave them in the comments! Thanks again for reading The Difference Between Us! Lots of Love~ 

 xxoo Em

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now