Chapter 19

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Klaus messaged me at around midnight and we began talking for the rest of the night.  We talked about everything from the sun to the moon to the stars.  Then I made a mistake,

Maya: So you love me?

Klaus: What?

Maya: You said you loved me in the letter you left.

Klaus: Well shit lmao.

Maya: Yeah...

Klaus: Well I do love you, beautiful (:

Maya: heh o.o... thanks.

Klaus: By now you're suppose to say that you love me back...(:

Maya: Love you 2...

I didn't send the message, I sat there looking at the message then I looked away and sent the message. 

Klaus: (: Thank you even if you don't mean it.


Klaus: Lmao I doubt that...

Maya: I do love you, Klaus Mikaelson.

I smiled as I said I had to get some sleep then he said goodnight and we ended the conversation.  Thing was I couldn't sleep without him being here or just talking to him.  So I called him, and he answered quickly.  "Klaus?"  "Beautiful?" I smiled "I can't sleep," I heard him laugh lightly "Nor can I." I looked around my slightly lit room, "I do love you," I could sense him smiling through the phone. "Then why won't you let me come home?" "Because I know you'll kill Damon and we don't need anyone dying today." He chuckled "What about tomorrow or the next day or the day after that..." "No," I laughed "That wouldn't be helpful." then I heard a knock on my door, "Hold on." I put the phone down from my ear "Who is it?" then the door swung open and there stood Damon.  "Mind shutting up?  Everyone wants to sleep"  He said strictly.  "Put me on speaker, Love." Klaus said, then I put him on speaker.  "If you don't treat Maya the same way you would treat an innocent you may leave and don't let the door hit you on the way out.  You're lucky she is telling me to stay here or I would come home right now and rip your heart out." Damon rolled his eyes, "Try me." he said taking a drink from his alcohol, "I could but I choose to listen to Maya instead of hurting her, unlike you."  I groaned "Can you two not fight even though its through a phone?" I asked, "He didn't have to come into your room, Love.  If you want a locked door you're welcome to go into my room." I smiled "I may take you up on that offer." Damon gagged "Damon get out and deal with it." then Klaus added "Or you're welcome to leave."  "I might take you up on that offer" He said in a high pitched voice and giggled.  I groaned, got up slowly and walked to Klaus' room as quickly as I could (just walking pretty much)  "Love, what are you doing?" I groaned "Going to your room." He chuckled "I could hear your footsteps." "How?" He sighed "Vampire hearing works just the same as it would if I was right next to you, Love." I laughed "Well I didn't know this." I opened his door then stepped inside and closed then locked the large door.  "Thanks," "No problem, beautiful.  Now no one will bother you, not even Elijah so you can sleep in." I laughed "Not if Stefan wakes me up like how he almost did this morning." I looked at the clock, "I mean yesterday morning." Klaus chuckled "I understood what you meant at first, Sweetheart." I yawned "You're tired, I'll let you get some rest, Love." "I'd rather talk to you but alright... By the way you're welcome to come back anytime you want." I hung up quickly after I said that then crawled into his bed under the covers and quickly fell asleep feeling safe from everyone.  

I woke up to a hand wrapped around my waist, I rolled over to face the person and I smacked them, thinking it was anyone but Klaus.  But guess what, it was.  "Oh I'm so sorry!" I said laughing, he woke up slightly.  "What?" I laughed louder "I slapped you, I'm sorry!" He chuckled "I felt nothing to be honest, Love." I laughed "Good," I rolled over on top of him and hugged him, "If I knew I was going to be missed this much I would have never left." He smiled, He rubbed his hand up and down my back then he hit where I got thrown into the counter.  "Ow," He stared at me "What?  What did I do?" I groaned and rolled back to the side of the bed where I slept.  "Nothing, you just hit where I got thrown into the counter" He groaned "Sorry... I forgot." I smiled "Its fine, Klaus." then we heard a knock on the door.  "Brother?  I can't find Maya." It was Elijah, "I'm right here, Elijah." I called back, "Oh, well that's good... I'll let you two be." then I'm guessing he walked away because Klaus turned his attention back to me.  "I think we should get you to a doctor, Love..." I shrugged ignoring the pain it brought me to shrug.  "I'm fine, I just need time to heal." He stared at me, "Did any of my brothers or sister give you their blood?" He asked, I stared back at him.  "What?" He rolled his eyes "Vampire blood can heal mortals." I shook my head, "I'd rather heal like a normal human please." He nodded respecting my choice, "Are you hungry?" I nodded "All I had was an apple yesterday for breakfast." He shook his head at me in disappointment, "You should have eaten something yesterday..." I told him the truth "I was scared to go down stairs." He stared at me with worry in his eyes, then he pulled me close to his chest and cradled my face.  "Don't be afraid, Love.  I'm here now," I smiled against his chest "I'm not afraid anymore." He smiled has he kissed the top of my head, "Good,  Shall I kick them out?" It took me a minute to realize who he was talking about -- Damon, Stefan and Elena.  "No no... Damon was drunk..." Klaus sighed, "It has no excuse for hurting you," I shrugged "Just let it go, Klaus... I'm fine."  "Then get up and walk down stairs without any help." I got up slowly and walked to the door and he was already there within seconds.  I opened the door slowly and began walking down the hallway and down the stairs, in the center of the stairs I began falling but someone caught my fall and It didn't hurt as bad as I thought.  It was Kol, "You need to be more careful around here." He said, then he looked at Klaus.  "Shouldn't you be watching her walking down the stairs?" He shrugged "She said she was fine so she had to prove it, and obviously she is not fine." Kol and I rolled our eyes as Kol set me on my feet gently.  "Thanks," I tucked my hair behind my ears and walked over to Klaus who was already standing at the end of the staircase.  "I am fine." He rolled his eyes "Sure." he put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him, I felt his muscles tighten around me.  I looked up at him then we turned around when we heard them come down the stairs.  Damon and Stefan on both sides of Elena as though protecting her.  "It was a friggin accident you idiots." Damon rolled his eyes and then Klaus wasn't next to me, he was in Damons face.  Klaus picked Damon up from the collar of his shirt then threw him up the stairs against the wall.  Elena screamed loudly and Stefan stood there in shock.  "I told you not to lay a hand on her, and of course you did so you had to face the consequences." Damon groaned as he sat on the ground unconscious.  "I said you were welcome to leave yesterday but I see that none of you have chose that..." He stared at Stefan and threw him next to where Damon was, "And you didn't have to be a bitch to Maya for a simple accident." Stefan groaned then got up quickly to knock Klaus off his feet but failed at doing so.  Klaus stepped out of the way, Stefan landed past me.  Stefan growled as Elena stood there in fear, she looked at me and I shrugged.  "Nobody likes a bitch, Honey." I said to her then Klaus wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.  Then he made me breakfast as Damon, Stefan and Elena were no where to be found.

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