Chapter 35

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Eventually we had to stop riding and we brought Jack to a local horse place near New Orleans where we decided to board him. Damon was in the middle of the road on our way back, In 3 in the after noon? Yeah I don't know why. "Klaus as much as you want to kill Damon, you can't." He stopped the car and sighed "Sadly enough." I got out of the car and walked over to Damon then put my hands on my hips. "Mind me asking what the hell you are doing?" He sighed "Just looking at the world." I looked around "Couldn't do that at your own home... or at least not in the middle of a road?" he shrugged "That would just be weird." He sat up quickly and looked at me "And this totally isn't weird, right?" He nodded "Exactly." I looked at Klaus in the car, "Need a ride?" He smirked "Nope." I groaned and tried to bring him up on his feet but he continued sitting in the road. I grabbed his forearm and tried dragging him towards the car, but failed miserably. "If you just wanted to touch my muscles all you had to do was ask." I rolled my eyes and dropped his arm then put my foot onto his chest keeping him on the ground. "How about no." I took my foot off his chest and started walking towards Klaus, he was smiling. I rolled my eyes as I opened the door "What are you smiling at?" He smirked "Nothing." I climbed in the car, "Good." before I closed my door I said "Damon get out of the way or I will let Klaus run you over." Damon groaned "Always ruining my fun." Then he left into the woods. We continued the long drive, "If you could go anywhere... where would it be?" Klaus asked me in moments of silence. I bit my bottom lip in thought, "With you." He chuckled "I know that, Love. I mean anywhere in the world." "France." Don't judge me it was the first thing that came to my mind. "Hmm..." He looked out at the road "What if I said I could bring you there." I laughed "I have school, remember?" He smiled as he looked at me but didn't swerve in the road at all. "I thought I was going to compel you to graduate early, Love." I smiled back at him "True, but it would take a while to have myself graduate." He smirked and pointed to his eyes "Not if I have anything to do with it." I grabbed his hand and held it, "Maybe." He chuckled "A maybe is better than a no." I squeezed his hand "Yep." 

Damons' POV
"Where is Maya?" I asked as I barged into the room. "Weren't you just with her? She texted me saying you were in the middle of the road again." Ava answered. I noticed Kol sitting at the island as she cooked food. "Yes I was, but she drove off with Klaus and I need to tell her something - important." Ava crooked her head to the side, "Should I ask what?" I shook my head. "Well Klaus told me he was surprising her today - But I saw a horse in the quarter this morning so that may be her surprise... Maybe their just running late?" Kol rolled his eyes "You talk too much." She smiled "I know." I groaned "Love bird one and two, shut it and tell me where they may be." "Where who may be?" Maya asked as she walked inside with Klaus hand in hand. It broke my heart to see her in love with Klaus, I really liked her... But for all she knows I only like Elena - I wanted to tell her that I love her before her and Klaus become more serious. "You." She let go of Klaus' hand and kissed his cheek. "I'll be right back." "I'll be right here, Love." She smirked as she lead me into the other room. "What do you need?" I stopped in my tracks - she looked too beautiful with the sun against her face and her dark brown hair. I groaned "Hell with it." I pushed my lips against hers. 

Mayas' POV
 I tried to push Damon off of me, I pushed against his chest as he kept his face against mine. He kept his hand against my face, I continued trying to push him off me. I grunted in the struggle to get him off me. He must have gotten the wrong reaction because he continued to kiss me, then I turned my entire body off. I dropped my hands to my sides and stood frozen. Then instantly I felt him get off me and I could breathe again. I saw Klaus hold him onto the wall by his neck and I saw both of the veins in their faces come out, but Klaus had yellow eyes. "You really want to kiss the girl when I am with her - when I am a hybrid?" Klaus asked quickly but with his death glare. I continued to stare there in shock, why did Damon just kiss me? Does he like me? No he couldn't he is Damon - he only loved Elena. "I... love her... More than you... Ever will." Damon managed to choke out. "Sure, sure. Continue thinking that, see where that will get you." Then I fell to the floor again. 

From Author: cOMMON MAYA STOP PASSIN OUT DAMMIT DD:< lmao sorry I just had to. Right now I am watching the newest Vampire Dairies (January 13,2017) and just dang. Anyways sorry back to the authors note X'D #AdhdIssues. K anyways thank you so much for reading The Difference Between us! If you liked this book add it to your library and vote on it please and thank you! If you have any suggestions for the next chapter let me know in the comments! Thank you again for reading and thank you for 295+ reads, I really appreciate it! Lots of Love~


xxoo Em >:3

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