Chapter 50

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I sighed as I pulled on the deep blue dress, "I.. Hate.. Dressing up..." I groaned.  "What seems to be the issue, Love?" Klaus asked in the doorway as I struggled to tie the back of the dress.  "This stupid... dress." I bit on my lip as I tried to tie it but my arms began to get tired so I put them down.  "Whats the magic word?" Klaus asked smirking as he slowly made his way towards me.  I looked at him, he wore a white button up shirt with his normal black jeans.  "Sorry that I don't look as sexy as I do when I wear a tux, Love." I smirked "You look sexy either way." I became flustered as Klaus went next to me, he moved my hair off my shoulder and onto my back.  He slowly moved his face towards my neck.  "I asked for you to tie this, not to kiss me you douche." I frowned.  He smirked "Alright then, Love." he tied the back of my dress within seconds then I fixed the top of the dress.  He moved his face back to my neck and he kissed his softly, then I heard my mom clear her throat in the doorway.  "Ehem." She frowned, she still hates the fact that I am dating Klaus and not Damon... but it is my choice, not hers.  Klaus pulled away quickly smirking in accomplishment, I smacked his arm playfully.  My mom glared at me, "You two better get going if you want to be at Klaus' house on time." Klaus smiled "We will be there in no time." He grabbed my hand and we walked past my mom.  "Bye mum!" She crossed her arms "Will you be home for dinner?" I shrugged "Nah, I'll stay at Klaus' tonight." Klaus smiled at me as he dragged me through the door.  I laughed as we climbed into his GMC, "Why are we celebrating your fathers death, again?" He smirked as he backed out of my driveway with ease "Because, Love... We don't have to hide in fear anymore." I smiled widely as I fixed the dress to make it straight.  "That is a good thing." He grabbed my hand and kissed it "Very good, sweetheart." 

*****At the Mikaelson House*****

We walked in to see most of everyone already drunk, Aqua and Kol were running upstairs laughing.  I looked at Klaus and busted out laughing, he chuckled.  I walked over to the bourbon table and poured myself a glass.  "Bourbon, eh?  Trying to get yourself drunk?" Klaus asked chuckling already drinking a glass.  I shrugged "Possibly..." I laughed.  He chugged down a glass and smiled at me, "Looks like you're trying to get yourself drunk more than me." He half smiled at me raising one eyebrow, "Is that so?" I nodded.  He picked me up easily and threw me over his shoulder, I quickly drank the rest of my second cup then put it down.  "Why did you make me wear a dress?" I slurred.  "Because you look sexy in a dress, love." I rolled my eyes.  "Sure, sure." I laughed.  He set me on the couch, left quickly and came with four drinks.  "You really are trying to get me drunk." I smirked raising my eyebrow.  He chuckled as he handed me a drink and set the rest on the table in front of us.  He took one and chugged it "Well damn, dude." I laughed as I tried to chug mine but failed.  He laughed at me.  "Don't laugh at me Niklaus" I frowned trying to keep a straight face.  I finished that drink and grabbed the second one, I easily chugged that one.  "Someone is trying to get you drunk." Rebekah said from behind us smirking.  I smiled "Mayyyybe." I slurred.  She looked at Klaus "Good job." She walked away.  "Lets go upstairs" I grabbed Klaus' wrist and dragged him to stand, he quickly finished his drink and set the drink down.  I dragged him up the stairs and into his room, he quickly closed the door.  He slammed me against the door and kissed my neck.  I wrapped my legs around his torso as he kept me against the door.  He quickly untied my dress, his hand rose up my leg pulling the dress with it.  I felt the door release from my back and felt the bed against me.  He tore the dress in half and threw it on the floor as I quickly unbuttoned his shirt.  He undid his belt and the rest of the night was in a blur.  

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