Chapter 23

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We finished our sandwiches easily.  "Don't worry about me I'll just feed myself and the tiny human I am carrying." Hayley said as she walked in the room furious.  "Okay you have fun with that," I said chuckling.  She glared at me and I smiled back, "Hey hey hey  girls enough." Rebekah said coming in, "She started it by being a bitch." I laughed lightly, "You started it by coming into my life." Rebekah sighed "Could you two stop it?" I smiled "I said nothing until she came into the room and was acting like a bitch." Ava nodded "Its true..." Hayley glared at her "Shut up you mortal." "Don't call Ava that, she is just the same as the rest of us." I argued, "She isn't a werewolf nor a vampire is she?  And nor are you so." I shrugged "I don't have a problem, and if any of the Mikaelsons have a issue with it then she would have been gone by now - including myself." Hayley rolled her eyes "Only if you were gone." Then she walked back to her room, "Well that was tense." Ava said "Indeed." Rebekah said.  I shrugged "I can deal with her bullshit.  Its honestly nothing compared to school," Ava nodded - she seemed shy.  "Ava this is Rebekah.  Its Kol, Klaus, Finn, and Elijahs sister." Ava stood there "Nice to meet you... You're the only girl?" Rebekah nodded and laughed "The perks of being a Mikaelson - I don't have to share anything." She smiled, "Yeah I guess." Ava said then walked off probably to her room.  I looked at Rebekah "So what ya wanna do?" I asked "Go into town and have a girly day?" I stared at her "Ava just got here and I don't trust her with Hayley." She thought for a moment.  "We can bring Hayley!" She said then I glared at her "...Or Ava." I nodded "I'll go ask Ava if she wants to come," I walked to Avas room as quickly as possible.  "Wanna come have a girly day with me and Rebekah?" I asked She nodded as she shut a book she must have been reading.  I jogged to Klaus' and my room to grab my jacket - surprisingly my back didn't hurt as much.  I grabbed my jacket and a small box fell out from it.  There was a neat white bow on top of the light blue box, I read the tag:

Merry Christmas, Beautiful.
xoxo- Klaus 

I smiled and untied the bow carefully and opened the box, there was a necklace box.  I rolled my eyes "I swear if he got me something expensive..." I opened the box and there was a diamond heart necklace.  I smiled down at the necklace then pulled out my phone and started to text Klaus.

Maya: A necklace? :)
Klaus: Of course, had to get you something for Christmas.

Maya: I didn't get you anything...

Klaus: You don't have to, Love... How is everything at home?
Maya: Horrible with Hayley - what a bitch.
Klaus: lol :D
Maya: not funny... She flipped out on me and Ava.
Klaus: Interesting... Want Elijah or Kol to come home?
Maya: No no, you guys will be back later tonight.  Hows Stef and Damon doing?
Klaus: Stubborn but getting there.  Enzo is watching them

Maya: Ok, Thank you for the necklace btw.  Love you xxoo
Klaus: Love you more xox

I put my phone away and put on the beautiful necklace then fixed it.  I walked downstairs into the kitchen where Ava and Rebekah were waiting.  "Ooo and what is this around your neck?" Rebekah asked smiling.  "A Christmas gift from Klaus..." I smiled "Too cute," Ava said and I blushed "Good thing someone agrees with me." Rebekah said nudging Ava.  "Okay okay lets just go." "What did you get Klaus for Christmas?" Ava asked.  I shrugged "I didn't know we had to get gifts for each other." Rebekah wiggled her eyebrows "I have a good idea, we'll do it after our girly time." I looked at the clock, "Well we have 5 hours give or take until sundown." Rebekah smiled "Plenty of time."

*****After getting their nails done, hair etc etc (sorry I ain't a girly girl idk this shit X'D)

"So what should I get Klaus?" I asked as we walked along the sidewalks, "Hmm.." Then she pushed me into a store with many... Lacy things.  Ava laughed loudly "W-what?" I asked as my eyes widened "Common go try something on!" I stood there awkwardly while holding my wrist "uuhhh.." I blushed deeply as the 20ish year old girl stood behind the counter.  She wore a deep V-neck bright pink shirt and very tight skinny jeans.  "Need any help?" She asked while chewing gum annoyingly.  "No-" I said then was interrupted by Rebekah.  "Yes she sure does!" The lady behind the desk walked out in large high-heels and had a nametag: Jess.  Ava was behind Rebekah and I laughing her ass off.  "Is she okay?" Jess asked "Obviously not." Rebekah said then stepped on Avas foot.  "Ow, Jesus Rebekah." Rebekah shrugged and smiled then turned her attention back to Jess.  "Well what size are you?" She asked Rebekah, then Rebekah nodded towards me in my camo shirt and jeans.  Jess looked at me "Umm... I don't know..?" I answered her question, "Well just pick out a few things that look your size and try them on.  The trying on rooms are on your right." Jess walked away then I began walking out the door, but Rebekah grabbed my wrist.  "Nope, I'm choosing your outfit by the way... Ava hold her back from leaving."  I looked at Ava, She wouldn't be able to hold me back.  Rebekah went around quickly looking for lacy things for me to wear.  I stepped close to the door, "Don't make me." Ava said I shrugged "Oh well." I stepped closer to the door then I was tackled by Ava.  "Told you not to make me." The pain in my back screamed "G-get off me!" I growled "No, You're not leaving." "GET THE HELL OFF ME." I growled louder, Rebekah came over quickly and got her off me.  "Love she has a bad back..." Ava looked at me about to cry "Oh my god I am so sorry, Maya!" She said "its fine, its fine you didn't know." I shrugged with the aggravating pain still in my back.  "Well here," Rebekah gave me 5 different outfits and all different sizes.  "Umm... okay?" I said then walked into the changing room.  I tried on all the outfits and only one fit me, probably the most lacy one I have seen in the store.  I groaned as I put on my normal clothes and I thought about lying to them but Rebekah would be able to tell if I was lying or not.  I opened the door and sighed "This one fits." Rebekah smiled "That was my favorite one." "Any others?" Ava asked "Nope." We went to the check out and I ended up paying 50 bucks for it, but oh well Klaus payed more for my necklace.  As we walked out I said "My question is why a store open on Christmas, and a nail salon?" Rebekah shrugged "Anything can happen in New Orleans, love." I shrugged as we climbed into Rebekahs car.  Thing was this isn't really what I was expecting to get Klaus for Christmas... I grasped the necklace and sighed "Everything okay, Maya?" Ava asked from the backseat, "Yeah... I'm good." I lied simply.  I mean its not like I wouldn't like to but still... its only been a few weeks of us dating.  But we've known each other for 2 years, I sighed as the lacy outfit stayed in the bag between my legs and I stared out the window into the cold.

Note from Author:
Hey Guys, now the chapters are starting to get a little more adultish so x'D just gonna say that and warn y'all - not saying that Klaus and Maya will do it but they might later on in the chapters.  Never know lmao oR MAYBE SOMETHING WILL COME IN BETWEEN DEM DUN DUN DUNNN.... anyways thank you so much for reading :)


xxoo Em

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