Chapter 7

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I woke up in a different bed, all I remember from the night before is Klaus carrying me to his home, more like running at vampire speed but oh well.  I looked around the room and it looked modern but old fashioned with most of the furniture made out of wood.  I sat up quickly "Klaus?  Stefan?  Rebekah?" I called out loud knowing they could hear then Elijah walked into the room 

"Klaus and Rebekah went to town to find food for themselves... Stefan went home after he made sure you got home safe." I shrugged

 "Alright," I sprung out of bed too quickly and became dizzy.  I grabbed the post on the bed to steady myself.

 "Are you alright?" Elijah was next to me within seconds making sure I was alright. 

"Yeah yeah, I am fine" Then I remembered the argument I had with Damon the night before.  "Where the hell is Damon?"

 Elijah stared at me "What do you mean?"

 "I'm surprised he hasn't apologized yet, but I am also not that surprised."

 Elijah chuckled "I am guessing you and Damon got into a argument?" 

I sighed "Obviously." I walked past Elijah to the stairs "Whose room did I even sleep in?" I asked as I walked down the stairs.  

he chuckled "Klaus' room." I felt my face turn red but I did not let him see it.

 "Oh, well he has a nice room?" I said awkwardly.

He chuckled, "He made this house so he was bound to have the best room." I shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

 "Not surprising, the little hybrid." Elijah put his hands behind him and chuckled.

 "He is not so little, Maya.  He is taller than you."

I sighed "Don't remind me." I grabbed a apple from the fridge and began eating it.  

"How did you sleep?" Elijah asked.

"Good I guess, I didn't wake up at all." 

Elijah chuckled "Nobody is allowed in his room, surprised he let you sleep in it." I thought for a moment.

 "Wait where did he sleep?" Elijah noticed my face turning red again.

"Don't worry, he slept in the guest room." I felt my phone buzz in my pocket "When did I put on sweatpants?"

 Elijah stared at me "Klaus stole a pair for you, some how while you were probably still half asleep you put them on and climbed into bed." I sighed and pulled out my phone; it was from Damon.

Damon: I am sorry for the argument, but you should be sorry too; You said some nasty things as well.
Maya: I am not sorry because if you were not such a controlling dick this would have never happened.

Damon: If you were not such a moody bitch this would have never happened

Maya: If you never brought Elena into our lives this would have never happened, if she was not here we would not be risking our lives every two seconds, Damon!

Damon: You should be happy for saving a innocent persons' life, Maya!
Maya: Any other person I would be, but her I am not.  So you're not forgiven.  
Damon: Good.

I sighed in anger as I put my phone back into my pocket "What happened?" Elijah asked with concern.

 "Just Damon being a dick as always." he chuckled and Klaus walked through the door 

"About time that you're up,"

 I sighed "Well I was tired after almost being killed then arguing with my friend."

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now