Chapter 53

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Klaus and I went to bed in silence.  He continued to try and speak to me but I kept answers short and sweet.  It hurt to think that would even happen, after how much Stacy has taken from me and now it could be him.

I woke up and noticed Klaus still asleep.  I slowly got off the bed and opened the door then peeked out.  I saw my dad on the couch watching TV quietly.  "Hey dad." I said quietly as I sat down next to him.  He looked away from the TV and looked at me then placed his hand on my knee, "What's wrong?  You look upset." I pressed my lips together and shook my head, "Its nothing." I looked at him and he shook his head.  "Maya, I know I haven't been there for you for years but always know you can come talk to me about anything." He comforted.  "Thanks, Dad." I heard my door open once again after moments of my dad and I watching the news.  Klaus walked out with a white shirt on and his pajama bottoms still on.  "Morning, Love." He walked over and kissed the top of my head.  "Morning." I muttered then payed attention to the TV again.  He walked into the kitchen and made coffee, then brought me a cup.  "Thanks," I said softly then he sat down next to me and draped his arm around me.  "Morning, Scott." He smiled at my dad.  "Mornin'." My dad said with his Mainer accent coming through.  "Mornin" I mocked my dad and I smirked.  He rolled his eyes at me and smiled.  Footsteps came up the stairs to see Stacy, she was in a short pink rope.  I narrowed my eyes at her and got up quickly.  I walked past her and pushed into her "Put some clothes on, would you?" I growled under my breath as I walked outside.  I walked down the steps and down to the dock.  I looked out at the lake as I saw ducks swimming back and forth, looking for food.  I sat down and stuck my feet into the water, I heard someone come up behind me.  I looked behind me to see Damon, "Damon?" I asked.  He smirked "No, I'm totally not Damon Salvatore, why would you think that?" I rolled my eyes and got up quickly.  I wrapped my arms around him "I knew you were lying to me last night." I burrowed my face into his shoulder "You know me too well." "Its a good thing, though." We stood there in silence for moments then I pulled away to look at him, his icy eyes looking back at me as I stared into his.  "Whats up?" I sighed as I sat back down on the dock and he sat down with me.  "Its nice here." He muttered, I nodded.  "I woke up last night and saw Klaus and Stacy kissing." I gulped then I whipped away the tears quickly.  "Oh my god, Maya.  I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around me and brought me close to his chest.  "I'm so sorry." he stroked my hair as I cried into his chest.  "She has taken so much from me, she has ruined my life, and now she is ruining it more." I looked up when Damon didn't say anything.  "I say tell her off." I brought my eyebrows closer together.  "Seriously?  It would disappoint my dad..." he rubbed circles into my back, "Maya.  He has brought this onto you by bringing her into your life... You shouldn't care what he thinks." I half smiled at him, "Thanks." He smiled and kissed the top of my head "Anytime, Beautiful." I rolled my eyes.  "Common, lets give them a show." I smirked as I got up quickly and walked up the stairs and onto the porch.  I opened the siding door to see Stacy next to Klaus and Klaus next to my dad.  I looked behind me and saw Damon was gone, "Pussy." I said under my breath behind me.  Stacy was still in her robe, I growled under my breath.  I walked up to her "Get your slutty little hands off my boyfriend." I pushed her away from him.  "Maya!" My dad lectured.  "Stay out of it, Dad.  I've had it with trying to be the good girl to you." I glared at him as Klaus sat there in amazement.  "Don't you fucking dare touch my boyfriend ever again unless you want to loose a finger.  He is mine and if you have a issue with that I am happy to leave.  I never wanted to come anyways." I got close to her face, she slept in her make-up that fake little bitch.  "If you dare go even an inch close to him, if you even dare touch him, If you even look at him - you will not like my company." I growled lowly then I smacked her without even thinking.  "MAYA!" My dad roared, He got up quickly and pushed me to get to Stacy.  "Wow, great to know who you would protect more, Father." I said through my teeth.  "Get out." Stacy said.  "Glad to." I smiled at her then went into the room and grabbed my bags and began walking out the door.  I went to Klaus' car and placed my things inside.  "Great show you put on there." I heard from behind me, I turned around to Damon.  "Did you really have to smack her?" He smirked.  "You would have done the same if you knew all the horrible things she has done to me." he looked towards the house and shook his head.  "Klaus is coming, I'll meet you back in Mystic Falls?" I smiled softly, "Yep." He vanished then Klaus was next to me after moments of Damon leaving.  "Was that necessary?" I shrugged "Is it necessary to hit on my boyfriend?  I think not." I said under my breath then climbed into his car, he grabbed the door before I could shut it.  "You're just as evil as me when it comes to jealousy... love." I rolled my eyes "Eh, whatever." He closed the door and was in the drivers side within seconds.

The Difference Between Us // Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now