BAB 32

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Sydney, Australia.

Perjalanan yang mengambil masa 9 jam 15 minit membuatkan dia mengeliat kecil. Penerbangan dari KLIA tepat jam 11:45 dan tiba di Sydney tepat jam 12:00 tengah hari waktu Australia.

"Malaysian students right?" Haifa disapa.

Terus dipalingkan wajahnya menghadap orang yang menegurnya.

"yes I am" jawabnya.

"oh, hai. My name is Jane. I was your roommate here. I came to the airport to pick you" dia memperkenalkan diri.

Haifa memandang pelik. Tiada sesiapa yang memberitahunya bahawa akan ada yang datang menjemputnya tetapi tiba-tiba bila dia sampai dilapangan terbang ada yang menjemputnya. Betul atau tipu ini.

"Professor Arthur Conigrave ask me to came here and pick you. Almost 10 minute I wait here but there's no malay people and I see you so I ask you. You came here for medical studies right? If you don't believe I will call the professor" dia cuba meyakinkan Haifa.

Haifa mengangguk.

"hello, Miss Haifa right? I was assigned to take care of you throughout the existence of you here. Prof. Zuhair is my best friend and you do not worry. your safety is assured along here" kata si pemanggil yang berada di sebelah sana.

Haifa hanya mendiamkan diri.

"oh, sebelum saya terlupa. nama saya ialah Professor Arthur Conigrave. hanya panggil saya Prof Arthur. saya perlu pastikan awak selamat tiba di university supaya saya boleh menyampaikan laporan kepada Professor Zuhair" kata dia sekali lagi apabila Haifa hanya mendiamkan diri.

"okay, Prof Arthur. I will follow Jane" terus sahaja panggilannya dimatikan.

Setahun hidup diperantauan. Setahun hidup sendirian tanpa keluarga. Setahun kena fasih berbahasa inggeris walaupun diri sendiri hampir fasih kerana rutin harian diorang bukan berbahasa Melayu tetapi berbahasa inggeris.

"For the Master of Surgery, all students complete a research project in their chosen areas under their Research stream. The dissertation is based on a piece of research work that has direct relevance to your specialty in surgery. It should be a formal academic composition which clearly states the context and importance or relevance of the subject matter, specifies the research question(s) or aim(s), outlines existing knowledge which has a bearing on the research, describes methods used and results obtained, critically discusses these in the light of existing knowledge, and ends with the formulation of conclusions and/or recommendations. The expected length varies according to the approach and subject matter, but the main text should not usually be longer than about 20,000 words (60 to 100 pages depending on type style and spacing)" kata-kata pertama yang masuk ke dalam corong telinganya sewaktu dia menyambung pengajian.

"The Master of Surgery consists of 48 credit points (cp), including core units and elective units of study. Core units of study comprise introductory study in biostatistics (6cp) or Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology) and a research dissertation (18cp). You will complete a research dissertation in your chosen areas which involves enrolment in two units of study designated Dissertation A and Dissertation B. Students also complete 24 cp of elective units of study chosen from the list of elective units offered by the school"

"Throughout your studies you will achieve a comprehensive and critical understanding of the pathophysiology, aetiology, outcomes and management of trauma medicine. You will also focus on research methodology which will provide you with the opportunity to engage in traumatology research developing a strong foundation in the science and practice of injury management"

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